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This is really sad...but the sad fact is that this virus is going to take lives...a lot of them...and there's no stopping it by the time this is over.

What he is really saying is that he doesn't want to lose lives that can survive with some medical treatment. Overloaded hospitals will cost lives. That's what NYC is facing if their quarantine is lifted.

If you're referring to the video that I just posted (which I assume you are and I was going to tell you about it anyways if you didn't find it yourself) I can't imagine how quarantine can be worse than getting that sick. I look at it like I'm safe at home not stuck at home. Sure I miss going out and hanging out with my friends, but it's just as well that everything's closed because it just isn't worth it in my book.
Vanderbilt's chief medical officer is quoted as saying that Nashville's peak is expected in mid May...
This so sucks. I was hoping to be outta here by then.
What that says to me is that they keep moving the peak further out and are simply guessing.

It's supposed to peak for us as well around that time frame. I really hope that this summer won't be a total waste. :sad (Especially since at the end next month is when I'm supposed to be having my virtual luau on here celebrating the beginning of it.)
You know, after seeing this video I have to admit that I sort of see where the protesters are coming from. I guess I just take for granted of the fact that I don't need a job to have money since I'm currently on SSI. I'm starting to wonder how all of the other people manage.


I figured that they were guessing a month ago ,and that isn't good.literally I,would make more by not working
I don’t think “guessing” is quite it. The level that the population sticks with the efforts to keep away from each other affects the incline to peak and downward trend. That is something that can’t be predicted. The models are accurate if mitigation doesn’t change. If people do a better or worse job with mitigation after a forecast is made that changes the peak. From what I gather people are doing surprisingly well with this stuff.

I gave blood today and it took a lot longer than usual. More questions, more cleaning of stuff. With the masks on we all had a hard time with understanding what others were saying. But the change in the procedures is an example of how seriously it’s being taken.
They don't know ,models are based upon what I might do.not,what it is doing .

Are not the tests not all that accurate?
How can you be sick and not sick at the same time though?
Studies seem to indicate this virus has a commonality in the way it attacks the body like HIV. It's starting to look like COVID-19 attacks T-cells thereby suppressing the body's immune response while it takes over the body's defenses. By the time the body reacts with a fever, COVID-19 taken over.
They have been using the existing supplies on s massive scale already.
Why you don't think they have is beyond me. Thousands of people in NYC have been given this stuff...

This stuff isn't that effective on this virus.

We need different medications.
That's all there is to it.
But currently it's the only drug we have that is somewhat effective for some people...for others it's poisoning them on top of their illness.

They are working on a new medication. It should be ready for stage 2 trials this summer/fall. It's currently in stage 1 human trials. Early reports are encouraging.
Stage 2 begins after ALL the data is in and it shows remarkable improvement. Of course this is a double blind one knows who is given what.
News reports and firsthand accounts dispute your claim of plentiful stocks of Hydroxychloroquine and since there are limited stocks, it is not yet the primary protocol like it is in other countries. Hydroxychloroquine is being administered in a haphazard fashion depending on which medical facility one is at for treatment. Many times it is only administered upon request or even as a "compassion" drug which means it is being administered too late to have the efficacy it would have if it were administered at the first signs of the disease. Once the first massive shipment arrives, then things will change across the board for the better. And why you can't see this is way beyond me.
You know, come to think of it all of those protesters that are currently unemployed, aren't they reviving money from the government right now?
Are the unemployed protesting in America... I didn't know this

At least in the state of Ohio they are. Didn't you see the videos that I posted earlier? They've been rallying around the governor's office trying to get him to open the state back up again.

Its probably 3 guys drinking beer with Cardboard signs saying "will work for food"

Although I found your comment a bit funny and even I would work to get fed, it's their own fault if they're hungry and they didn't stock up before all of this craziness happened.
Oh my...
This article from a week ago says that over 16 million jobs have been lost in the USA
Wow this is not good, it's even worse than I feared.
As banks move to repossess properties the homeless numbers will rise as well...:crying

Why exactly are so many lives being destroyed again...
The sacrifice of at least 16 million people hardly justifies any of this

Oh my...
This article from a week ago says that over 16 million jobs have been lost in the USA
Wow this is not good, it's even worse than I feared.
As banks move to repossess properties the homeless numbers will rise as well...:crying

Why exactly are so many lives being destroyed again...
The sacrifice of at least 16 million people hardly justifies any of this

Its a darned if you,do or don't .

The local er is empty ,no one unless they are facing death is going .meaning those who have heart attacks are just gonna refuse help or ignore the symptoms and die .

Imagine if people are doimg that to a Doctors clinic ,what else would they eschew ?restaurant has employee who tests positive for it,that restaurant is suddenly closed because no one will,draw trust anyone to clean it.

Water usage has tripled in homes.
Gubberment cheese is coming out this week.

$1,200 + for each man, woman, and $500 per child for every citizen.
Illegal aliens are whining about not getting theirs...but the boarder patrol is handling those complaints.


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