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Alright, I realize it's late, (but I'm a night owl anyways so I really don't care lol I'm just not usually on here this late) but I forgot to say earlier a very special thank you to all the healthcare and grocery store workers, police, firemen, teachers, and any other essential worker that I've forgotten. You guys are true heroes!! :clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap
A cure is vastly different than a vaccine.

A real cure is coming...they are working on several. The hydrochloroquine is not a cure... apparently it only relieves some symptoms.

They will have one publicly available by this fall/winter...

And that is what the experts are saying...but no one is listening and reporting that. It's not me saying anything. Conjure puts together some of one can predict the future. But reasonable predictions are that one of these "cures" will work and from these "cures" will come the needed information to create a good, effective, vaccine.
Hydroxychloroquine saves lives and that's a pure and simple truth. Ask South Korea. Ask India why they have such a low infection/ death rate for the most population per square mile on earth. They're infection/death rate should be sky high. They domestically produce Hydroxychloroquine and not only use it for COVID-19 treatment, but for prevention as well. The government of India sent the US a shortchanged shipment of HCQ because the have a "India first" policy. The US response is abysmal and the only thing the American government has to offer is a "sour grapes" attitude toward HCQ because it has nothing else to offer except pie in the sky.
Ye but JohnDB , mate, I think uv made a mistake
I believe u gave your opinion on what should happen next which i accept

Surely u agree that there is no truth here, only opinions, right?
Remember it's ALL opinions. There are no experts here. Go out and get input from many many sources. It could save your life. Only cults demand you consider them to be your only source. Don't fall for that.
Hydroxychloroquine saves lives and that's a pure and simple truth.
Recent studies have shown it isn't a cure but it does reduce the symptoms...there's a link to an article that refers to two different studies done that prove just that.

Where reduced symptoms is a isn't a cure.
And we need a cure.
Yes after being PM she went to the cess pitt known as the UN.

Aldern is Clark's little puppet. She learnt everything from Clark.

Dark apprentice of the Woke side. En Zed is very Woke...

Speaking of puppets, the politicians in Oz and NZ are a hierarchy of finger puppets, sock puppets, hand puppets and shadow puppets.

These puppets are being controlled by state leaders,
The Marionettes (string puppets)

The strings of the Marionettes are being pulled by our prime ministers,
The Ventriloquist puppets

The Ventriloquist puppets are being controlled by.....
The rules are always changing. If we go back to level 3 it's not the same level 3 as before. They just make up what they want as they go because they got an excuse. They just making up rules as they please.
People can only be a psychopaths if they want to impose there will on an entire population. This world is full of nutcases.

Even God gives people a free choice.
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ScoMo called for another four weeks of this.
Our curve started to flatten 3 weeks ago. It never got to the numbers that were predicted, not even close. Our hospitals are all empty waiting for this explosion that didn't happen. It's time to open something

Infection rates are soo low, death rates are sooo low and they are deaths of "people with C19". Not people that died "from C19". Their 2 different medical terms used on death certificates.

Thers 4 or 5 lines. First line is cause of death. Following lines are other things that contributed. Eg someone with a respiratory disease catches the flue and dies. Her underlying disease in 1st, as cause of death and the flu is below.

Now word from some sources, C19 gets auto spawned into 1st spot on the list sometimes without even testing when these people already had the underlying diseases in the first place. Actually i was surprised to see our mainstream also saying this now too
ScoMo called for another four weeks of this.
Our curve started to flatten 3 weeks ago. It never got to the numbers that were predicted, not even close. Our hospitals are all empty waiting for this explosion that didn't happen.

That's the point, the numbers never happened and the excuse will be because of the great steps the government took to prevent the spread . If we didn't "stay home and save lives" or "social distance" the numbers would have been much higher.
If they lift to level 3 in 3 days time as the 4 week lockdown is over I can go fishing off the dock and beach. Only docks and beach allowed and I usually only fish the dock anyhow. I should have been allowed to fish anyhow.
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Our hospitals are all empty

I think we have like 18 people in hospital in the whole country with 19. People were writing thank you letters to the doctors and nurses at the local hospital in the region I live, but I don't even think anyone with 19 is even there, could be maybe one person I don't know.

It's nice to thank doctors and nurses in general because they do a great job and under pressure and stress, it must just be a coincidence its the same time as 19 they are suddenly all being thanked.

In my region they has been 27 total cases, 10 have recovered so that makes 17 active, not sure if any are in hospital from that 17 they could just be at home in isolation with no or mild symptoms.

The doctors and nurses are probably overwhelmed with the amount of people wanting to be tested for 19 when they should be using there time and skills on other people who are acturally in a critical condition rather than people turning up to the practice or hospital with a runny nose.
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Why is it "safe"?, because everyone is locked down and cannot do anything. It's always been the way in the name of safety and security. The less you can do the more "safe" you are and the government is there to help and protect you.

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If they lift to level 3 in 3 days time as the 4 week lockdown is over I can go fishing off the dock and beach. Only docks and beach allowed and I usually only fish the dock anyhow. I should have been allowed to fish anyhow.

In Victoria we are on level 3 cos of our puppet premier Daniel Andrews. He's going to be the main star of my next puppet meme it think

Can't do stuff like fishing or go for a drive or sit out in the middle of the park by yourself (by park im talking endless bush land), can't visit family, all the same measures they have in the states which is why our leaders are puppets. Can go fishing in other states but our premier is too woke

Does anyone know people who have had C19?
Here I don't know anyone who has had C19 nor do i know anyone who has heard of anyone getting it. And im taking friend of friend of friend down heaps of lines. Not even my parents have a C19 connection.

So im curious how many people other know that have had some friend of a frienfd who might of had it. Overseas id expect it but down here iv got nothing on my personal radar
I think we have like 18 people in hospital in the whole country with 19. People were writing thank you letters to the doctors and nurses at the local hospital in the region I live, but I don't even think anyone with 19 is even there, could be maybe one person I don't know.

It's nice to thank doctors and nurses in general because they do a great job and under pressure and stress, it must just be a coincidence its the same time as 19 they are suddenly all being thanked.

In my region they has been 27 total cases, 10 have recovered so that makes 17 active, not sure if any are in hospital from that 17 they could just be at home in isolation with no or mild symptoms.

The doctors and nurses are probably overwhelmed with the amount of people wanting to be tested for 19 when they should be using there time and skills on other people who are acturally in a critical condition rather than people turning up to the practice or hospital with a runny nose.

Over here, to obtain all these empty bed they had to send people home that weren't critical. They still need nursing and medical care but have to tough it somewhere else.

Heaps of people who were waiting for surgeries that are non critical or elective got put off to clear up all these beds. So now people have to put up with whatever their problem was. Worse case it could be someone who misses a test like a colonoscopy or something and it ends up being cancer that becomes too late to treat and they die.

Im expecting a lot of employment for investigators after all this. Everything must be questioned and documented but even then, investigators are humans. my default position atm is that humans are corrupt and no one is to be believed, especially if they saying believe us
They got new tests for this thing...

One to see if you have had it and one to see if you currently are sick with it.

Both work in 15 minutes and are less expensive than what has gone on before. They don't have to be sent off to a lab.

These tests have been distributed everywhere...

Soon I expect that they will test us and allow us access to more stuff.
Why is it "safe"?

Could it be that New Zealand is so isolated...
It's so isolated it was the last place the ancient humans found and inhabited on earth
It's so isolated that no mammals had even seen NZ before the Maori
It's so isolated it produced an eco system which is unlike anything on earth
It's so isolated that it was the last major land mass to be discovered and mapped by western civilization
It's so isolated the population is spread wide
It's so isolated that not much air traffic goes through there

I think New Zealand is safe cos it's so isolated...

"New Zealand is so safe cos of the terrific response by their prime minister Jacinda Ardern to the pandamic. Her and her actions alone save millions of Kiwis"

Thats the narrative here as well. Straia is almost as isolated as NZ
Over here, to obtain all these empty bed they had to send people home that weren't critical. They still need nursing and medical care but have to tough it somewhere else.

Heaps of people who were waiting for surgeries that are non critical or elective got put off to clear up all these beds. So now people have to put up with whatever their problem was. Worse case it could be someone who misses a test like a colonoscopy or something and it ends up being cancer that becomes too late to treat and they die.

Im expecting a lot of employment for investigators after all this. Everything must be questioned and documented but even then, investigators are humans. my default position atm is that humans are corrupt and no one is to be believed, especially if they saying believe us

Now in certain areas there's been an overwhelming of the hospitals...Italy, NY, and Spain.
Here, I live across the street from one and it's empty... well not exactly but really low volume.
The one my wife works at is not doing much either...

And you are exactly right... people are putting off doing all the elective things. People aren't swapping colds either at the moment so even the allergies aren't causing the severe problems.
Also since stress from work usually accounts for a lot of illness...there's not a need for stress related visits to the doctors.
Also since no one feels the need to say to their buddy, "Hold my beer and watch this!" There's even fewer accidents.

Fewer incidences of fish hooks getting removed from people.

No one is getting sunburned so bad they need to get one is getting stung by jellyfish...

We are actually getting healthy.
There are people being played around with real estates and banks here
Fact is new repossessed property has started to go up for sale.

But what is happening to the people that got kicked from those homes???
I can't find any reporting on these souls