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No I have common sense and I am real, I do believe people should social distance and avoid physical contact at the moment. Is that not what this is all about.

I don't believe in people having to compulsory wear something on there body against there choice if they want to go out or must stay home otherwise they get ticketed. That's equal to the sharia police and the hijab/burka.
Or 1984.
To which you didn't reply.
Maybe you never read it...sure sounds like you did.

The problem is that this virus could live from 30 minutes to 3 days.
I'm not sure it's been confirmed that it lives in the air.
It certainly lives on surfaces, so if you have no gloves on, you could be infected.
I put glove on when entering the food store,,,as soon as I come out....
when I get home to put the stuff away i put them on again (a new pair).
It's really a pain...but it must be done.
For now, at least.
Too many reports state otherwise. Making a blanket statement like that without stating this is only your opinion potentially places you and this forum in possible legal peril. You are not an expert. Neither are the rest of us. IMHO you should post a disclaimer that you are just posting your opinions like anyone else here. OR...the forum leaders should post a disclaimer that anything posted on this thread is merely opinion and not intended as medical advise nor necessarily reflects the opinions of this forum..OR....this thread should be deleted and all further conversation on this medical subject banned. Failure to implement one or more of these controls places this forum's future in possible legal peril. Leave matters of medical expertise to medical experts.

Although I agree with you to some extent, a lot of facts were posted on this thread as well,.. but opinions should definitely be established that that's all that they are.
Too many reports state otherwise. Making a blanket statement like that without stating this is only your opinion potentially places you and this forum in possible legal peril. You are not an expert. Neither are the rest of us. IMHO you should post a disclaimer that you are just posting your opinions like anyone else here. OR...the forum leaders should post a disclaimer that anything posted on this thread is merely opinion and not intended as medical advise nor necessarily reflects the opinions of this forum..OR....this thread should be deleted and all further conversation on this medical subject banned. Failure to implement one or more of these controls places this forum's future in possible legal peril. Leave matters of medical expertise to medical experts.
John IS a forum leader!
Also, if he says it, it must be true.
Plus, it's not medical advice.
Plus, he knows first hand from his wife.
I understand that you probably haven't read every post....
Come on Kiwidan....
If you went out without a mask here right now,,,you'd be ticketed.
This might go on even after May 3rd because of persons that think like you do.
YOU also have to wear a mask...or STAY HOME.
Get real and leave your ideals aside for this one.
Those are feel good measures,unless you decon your mask,toss it afterwards and also same with gloves everywhere you,go you,are wasting your time .the eyes also can collect infections .

Nurses bathe before and after work here and wear eye pro . and change ppe between patients
Those are feel good measures,unless you decon your mask,toss it afterwards and also same with gloves everywhere you,go you,are wasting your time .the eyes also can collect infections .

Nurses bathe before and after work here and wear eye pro . and change ppe between patients
I think you missed my post no. 2361

You have to take a test or your not allowed to go back to work. Wait till the vaccine comes out I said they will probably say people cannot go.out in public unless they are vacinnated, they been pushing it for years.
There are conflicting reports about whether or not a vaccine is even possible due to the virus mutating. Some say the virus is relatively stable making it a prime candidate for a vaccine while others state mutation makes a vaccine unlikely because they'll likely be chasing an ever changing bug. There are so many conflicting reports, it is difficult to weed through the news and find the elusive truth.
One way to prevent the spread as far as I am aware is avoiding physical contact and to social distance they say 2 meters and that I'm guessing prevents it from spreading from your breath when you speak.

So im guessing that's all people need to do.
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John IS a forum leader!
Also, if he says it, it must be true.
Plus, it's not medical advice.
Plus, he knows first hand from his wife.
I understand that you probably haven't read every post....

Well I love both you and JohnDB and I agree with most everything he says but even he knows that he isn't God and he doesn't know everything.
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I would never get tested for anything unless I am acturally really sick and need to go to the doctor, and then the doctor can test me and can diagnose me with something.

I would never take a test for 19 unless I acturaly had a fever and symptoms.

Not good enough mate...
Big pharma wants everyone on earth to be tested daily.
7.8 billion world population multiplied by a conservative $100 a test per day
Equals untold wealth for big pharma
The whole thing to prevent the spread is to avoid physical contact and to social distance they say 2 meters and that obviously prevents it from spreading from your breath when you speak.

So im guessing that's all people need to do.

Agreed. I don't think it's rocket science to just use common sense.
Not good enough mate...
Big pharma wants everyone on earth to be tested daily.

I'm home most of the time anyways and I certainly don't want to waste my time on getting tested if I'm not sick. I'm sorry brother, but that seems a tad bit ridiculous to me. No offense or anything to you though. Besides, if that were the case then why do people who have the virus are being refused being tested for it if it isn't serious?
Hawai'i is isolated as well, hence low infection rate. The danger to this state is other states prematurely "opening" and a new influx of infected overwhelming Hawai'i's small medical capacity.

Ahh well Aloha to you my friend...
All of Polynesia is well isolated.
I might move to the one of the small islands in there somewhere like the Cook islands
I'm home most of the time anyways and I certainly don't want to waste my time on getting tested if I'm not sick. I'm sorry brother, but that seems a tad bit ridiculous to me. No offense or anything to you though. Besides, if that were the case then why do people who have the virus are being refused being tested for it if it isn't serious?

Yea it was a sarcastic remark...
Maybe they do want daily testing done, i don't know but it would sure make them rich
John IS a forum leader!
Also, if he says it, it must be true.
Plus, it's not medical advice.
Plus, he knows first hand from his wife.
I understand that you probably haven't read every post....
He is periodically stating his opinion as if it were fact. Using this forum as your only source is a mistake and could be a fatal one. He is NOT a medical expert and his relationship to his wife no more impunes medical expertise upon him as my wife's long employment in medical billing makes me a expert in medical insurance. I would never give insurance advice based on my relationship to my wife. It wouldn't be fair to anyone here nor to her. How much more so is that true concerning this deadly disease. Think about it. His stating HCQ "doesn't work" in a public forum. How many guests read this. Even if just one little old lady takes that to heart and refuses what could be a life saving drug based on that blanket statement places this forum at risk of a massive civil suit. Her offspring/grandkids could well be not forgiving of undue influence upon their loved one.
Is that what JohnDB said?
I can't go back and read it.

I will tell you this, his wife works in the scientific community and I believe he knows what's going on more than we do. We are not directly involved.

I think I stated what I believe, but I'll repeat it here.

This virus turned out to be more verulant than was first thought.
The only thing that stopped this virus was social distancing.
If it had been treated like a normal flu, about 10% AT LEAST of the world population that came into contact with it would have died. The mortality rate is very high.

We SHOULD continue like this until a vaccine or a cure is found...
but we cannot. For all the reasons that you stated. I have a friend that lives in
an apartment and her two young children are going crazy. They're not allowed in the playground! We all feel like prisoners.

Also, small businesses are going into bankruptcy and most will never open again.
If this "marshall law" is lifted, MAYBE we could start going out again,,but NOT LIKE BEFORE.
I don't believe I said we should wait till it totally goes away...I'm not sure John said that. (or I misunderstood). I think he knows what's going on and we all have to understand that this is not going away any time soon and we need to be smart.

Countries that are ahead of us and are in phase 2 have had a second wave of the virus...let's at least try to keep it to a minimum of casualties.

We certainly cannot remain quarantined until this winter. As it is the unemployment rate might be over 20%...the world economy is in a mess.

So, are you happy? Maybe I agree with you more?

Fair enough
Not good enough mate...
Big pharma wants everyone on earth to be tested daily.
7.8 billion world population multiplied by a conservative $100 a test per day
Equals untold wealth for big pharma
Would you,have a problem if life insurance ,health insurance deny coverage due to habits?

In,the u.s. they can
There must be le

If it's anything alternative from what the mainstream media says then it's a conspiracy theorist, you know those people who are made to look loopy because there news does not agree with the establishment and its media.

Remember when the fascists come out and wanted to ban "fake news" and choose and control what news people can and cannot view.

The term "conspiracy theory" was apparently invented by them to try and discredit any opposing view