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It's cos u don't understand the game
We have AFL footy here so i get this complaint a lot from them
I invited many of them into our indoor soccer teams over the years which really helped them put things into perspective. Things like running with the ball at your feet cannot be compared with running with the ball in you hands. If the level of contact was like NFL and AFL then no one would be able to score a goal.

When running fast if you receive just a flick on your feet or legs you will fall.
Upper body contact is much easier to ride and fend off but getting tripped will send anyone down even if only walking. Are they allowed to trip in NFL, i doubt it, it's cos its so easy to fall.

Say your running with the ball at your feet and someone tries to kick it.
In the process they miss the ball and collect your legs making you stumble.

At that point there are 2 things that can happen
a/ the trip makes you fall and you get a free kick
b/ you try to stay on your feet and in doing so loose possession to the opponent
So trying to be macho man only ends up in loosing the ball

Anyone who has received a knock to the bones of your feet would know that the pain is huge in the first minute or two then goes away. Receiving the studs of a football boot on your foot absolutely kills then after a minute or so the pain is gone and your running again

Another good reason for showing pain is to make sure the referee spotted the incident and acts accordingly. A red card for a team makes it almost impossible for them to win so if there are dangerous tackles happening the referee needs to know.

Win at any cost. Getting fouled inside the box earns you a penalty so if a player is clipped his best option is to go down rather than try stay up and loose possession

Diving rarely happens anymore, that is falling without any contact. Players get booked for diving. They brought in that rule in the 90s to stop diving and it really helped. Theres a difference between diving (falling without contact) and falling easily

This kind of professionalism of winning a free kick is not absent in American sport. It is most seen in basketball and is known as a "flop"

Anyway i hope that helps put things into perspective. If you still think its dirty, cheap or weak that's fine. It doesn't really need everyone to like it as it is the biggest sport in the world and has been since the start

This drop in immunity is in part due to the flu shots that they give us...

Future generations will be reliant on these drugs as their immune systems will be inefficient due to not letting it have time to develop any defense mechanisms
well coming a man who just talked about shin pads and kicks and feing that pain. thats rich when soccer players could

look I could argue that with small pox, yellow fever. and diptheria, measles and mumps, and the myriads of shots you probably never had. these still are around and they mutate. polio not soo much and small pox isn't nature. yet well I have heard my family mention people they knew that died from them.

i could post the graves I have photos of babies dead from diptheria, measles. it was common. while I do think oversanitiation is bad but where is that suggested today?

if you are going to go there with defenses. yes you can harden your bones and skin to do that. I have watched them use wooden bats that are Louisville sluggers.

I didn't have to have that before my enlistment. my wife would be vulnerable should we have such and epidemic. carried by mosquiteos. thankfully because of pharma that creates the means that kills mosquitoes. we have a fb page dedicated to the crop duster that flies over the bodies of water and sprays. these also treat foods we eat for insects that are problematic. no oranges nor citrus grow year round.
and I don't post the west nile virus scare here or other viral brain mushers. like rabies or mad cow diseases is. mosquitoes carry the west nile virus and yes we have people die from it. nothing like now but yes it could if we didn't kill the eggs be bad
You don't have to shake their hand to give them 19. Just breathing within 6 feet of them can give them 19. Just handing the cashier money to pay for things can give 19 to them. Then they take it home and infect their families.

But you have to have 19 before someone else can catch it from you.
But you have to have 19 before someone else can catch it from you.

True, but since people have no symptoms for the first couple of weeks, there is no way to know if you have it or not. Unless you take the test to protect others.

Some people never have symptoms, but they are still contagious for several weeks.
I've seen a few reports that show that infected people with no symptoms are actually the culprits with spreading the virus.
These demonstrations are prime locations of people that have not quarantined themselves and are carriers of the virus. It would be the last place I'd want to be. I'd catch it for sure there.

Then as wondering has spoken about...the second wave...
It's coming... everywhere they lifted the quarantine too soon has seen a large resurgence.

And where I know that daninthelionsden would love for chloroquine to be the cure...too much research already shows it isn't the cure we need. Not like Tamiflu is for influenza.

There are cures in development and process. It just takes time. Remedesvir is one being tested but it is in short supply too...more volatile chemistry like Tamiflu that took years to flood the market with difficult ingredients.

There's likely another drug that needs to be developed... just be patient...we haven't been doing this long enough yet. The scientific community is working at breakneck speed. The whole world is wanting an answer...and in time we will get it.

I also understand that we can't afford to sit here and do nothing for too long either. We will go broke and be homeless. Our governments can't afford the loss of tax revenue either. They want us back to work as well.

Something will give soon enough.
True, but since people have no symptoms for the first couple of weeks, there is no way to know if you have it or not. Unless you take the test to protect others.

Some people never have symptoms, but they are still contagious for several weeks.

It's not my job to protect people. Apparently that's the job of the authorities. Or is it suddenly now my responsibility?.
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Okay, before I leave the forum for tonight let me just leave you guys a reminder for all of us to think about. Instead of getting into bickering and letting our anger out on other people,.. the people we should really be angry with is the Chinese government.

They're the ones who did this to us and what all was said by whom and constantly arguing with each other isn't helping the issue at all,.. it's only making it worse. That being said,.. I understand that you guys are getting frustrated and I think at this point we all are,.. but remember God is in control and just like JohnDB already said we're going to get through this eventually,..

so it appears to be that we've all moved on and hopefully the next time it starts heading down that road again you'll think about what I said and in the words of Elsa from Frozen just let it go. As pretty soon I'm probably going to wind up having my virtual luau on here at the end of next month one way or another so we can all just chill and have some fun for once. :)

5G network. Does it hold any connection to our health

The International Agency for Research on Cancer, IARC, since 1971, has had a program where it compiled a group of experts to see weather certain things cause cancer. It then defines those things as being either
1/ A carcinogenic
2/ Probably a carcinogenic
3/ Possibly a carcinogenic
4/ Not classifiable
5/ Probably not a carcinogenic
In 2011 it classified "radio frequency electromagnetic radiation" (the kind that come from cell phones) as a possible carcinogenic. This is the fact which all the claims come from.

On one hand we have people that remove the word "possible" and claim that 5G is a carcinogenic.
On the other hand we have people saying that 5G is not

The truth of this matter is that they are both incorrect going by the IARC classification.
I can understand a layman taking the classification and taking it too far.

What I can't understand is this; medical experts who say it isn't a carcinogenic.
This is blatant dishonesty from a health expert. Why wouldn't they just simply quote the classification and say that there is a possibility of 5G being a carcinogenic.
Maybe to not create panic. It still is no reason to lie to us like that and makes me put this issue in the suspicious box
Okay, before I leave the forum for tonight let me just leave you guys a reminder for all of us to think about. Instead of getting into bickering and letting our anger out on other people,.. the people we should really be angry with is the Chinese government.

They're the ones who did this to us and what all was said by whom and constantly arguing with each other isn't helping the issue at all,.. it's only making it worse. That being said,.. I understand that you guys are getting frustrated and I think at this point we all are,.. but remember God is in control and just like JohnDB already said we're going to get through this eventually,..

so it appears to be that we've all moved on and hopefully the next time it starts heading down that road again you'll think about what I said and in the words of Elsa from Frozen just let it go. As pretty soon I'm probably going to wind up having my virtual luau on here at the end of next month one way or another so we can all just chill and have some fun for once. :)

No worries. I'm going to take WIP's lead and bow out of this thread. As in Lela's words from Futurama, "This is going nowhere slowly." Until a disclaimer is issued for this thread, I don't want to be summoned as a witness for a civil suit by some hotshot lawyer over this.
It's been announced here another week of lockdown before level 3. Whatever. It's been 4 weeks I can handle another week.

I was too busy listening to music and playing online poker why the PM was dribbling away to the nation on TV. At least I still have the privilege to play cards and listen to music at my own property.
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So like what happens if suddenly there is a surge in cases, is there going to be a change of mind or was this all planned?.

I find it amazing how they are called Leaders when they take.advice from other people, that's why they are called our Leaders when they have advisors that advise them what's best, from the higher up powers that is.

They are puppets who cannot think for themselves and make there own decisions because they are not all knowing, they are not God, they are just a human being like you and me.

Last edited: must not do anything that would put your neighbor’s life in danger. I am the Lord. Genesis 19:16b NCV

Do u drive a vehicle? I will assume so.
Then you are putting peoples lives in danger

Are the lives of people who die from C19 worth more than the lives of people who die from traffic incidents? I will assume your answer to be no

Then why doesn't the shut down method apply to road deaths?
Shut down roads and we save a lot of deaths but we don't