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Sorry wondering.

I got frustrated cos i know my parents are dissapointed that i haven't created a family...

Oh, they just want a little baby in the house.
You know....grandkids.
Just tell them they'll have to babysit all day, every day
and MAYBE they'll leave you alone!

And maybe not.

No one should get married just to be married.
It's a life-long deal, and as you've experienced,,,
we don't all feel this way.

I like some words Bono wrote in a song:

Nice right?
We have to love ourselves...
and all the rest will fall into place at the right time.
Jesus also said this BTW!
I just looked at the metrics for the infections in New Zealand and Australia...

Both countries are doing so well. Their time in quarantine is really paying off.

For them, if they can hold out for a bit longer they can relax their quarantine some...they still have to keep their borders sealed from everyone except each other...but they will have essentially beaten the bug.

You guys will be out and about ahead of everyone else.
We won't.
All good.
Perdona i just wrote by itself... Makes no sense

I was really asking for perdona...
Maybe "mi perdona?" or "perdona mi?"
I think you want to learn Italian...even though you know so much.
How do you know so much?

The noun is perdono --- forgiveness.
The verb is perdonare ..... to forgive.

Perdonami (one word) .... forgive me.

so, you're's just all one word.
Read the post again cos i didn't make an argument for or against anything.
I saw claims that 5G was linked so so i had a dig.

My post begins with the IARC classification of radio frequency electromagnetic radiation

I then presented both claims; that it does or doesn't cause harm
Then I said they're both incorrect.

I ended by expressing skepticism in medical experts who say that there is no harm. That's technically incorrect. Its categorized as possible. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

If you are arguing that radio frequency electromagnetic radiation does not cause harm then would have to convince the International Agency for Research on Cancer to change its category from "possible carcinogenic" to "probably not a carcinogenic "

So again, im making no argument, just presented facts
The link I posted shows that its doesn't .
Mucking around?
Surely you must mean Fooling Around!!

Yes its the same thing here. Maybe its an Aussie term...

I'm sure you know that a main bridge that connected traffic fell
in Genova,,,53 dead

No im surprised i didn't cos im in engineering. I just saw it and will be conducting my investigation after this. I have to know what happened there...

The detour takes time.
Went to Monte Carlo with my daughter and one granddaughter (17)
and it took 6 hours!!!! It's usually about 3 1/2. We also were not smart enough
to take the best detour. Coming back home we did.

Spending time with the family in a sardine can... Hehehehe
A plane or train would of been good.

I have watched every program on it and it sure does seem
to be real.

Wow that's surprising. Real as in it's Christ?
Wow... Can u link me to a good argument for that pls.
A documentary would be good

Oh my gosh. I just looked that up.
Gross. It can't be true...WHO would have done that back then?
People sure do think up strange stuff.

Hehehe sorry, i did warn u and said it was gross.

They believed that the true Holy Prepuce would be incorrupted and hold great powers. Many churches have claimed to have it, im not sure who does now.

A pope of the time was asked about it and he said something like "the prepuce of Jesus was resurrected and had clearly created the rings of Saturn"...
Hehehehe ohh that still makes me laugh

And what about St. Anthony's tongue?
Who cares?

We do... St Antonio was born in Lisboa and im almost certain is the patron saint of us Portuguese people. Well known for his beautiful sermons, knowledge of scripture and his miracles.
Im looking at him right now with child Jesus, holding the bible...
Lol... Little statue I have...

But the Basilica is worth the trip.
One of the most beautiful churches I've ever seen.

Ohh that would be so nice. It's definitely on my shortlist of must see churches of Europe. The exterior is nothing spectacular. But the interior looks amazing.

The white marble enclosed section with the wall sculptures looks amazing. Depicting scenes of his miracles... The alter also looks special.

Do u think the stories of St Anthony's miracles are true?
Protestants don't acknowledge saints do they...

Oddly enough, what I miss most is people.

Family yes. I was asking more about if u miss the American lifestyle and culture

I was born in a small village

Oh I thought u were born in NYC.
Small town in NY state maybe small town in Italy before migrating as a child...

How about you?

Me. My life is boring, born and raised in Melbourne.
People of my generation have boring life stories compared to you guys.
My dads story is so eventful you could easily make a top movie from it
Yes its the same thing here. Maybe its an Aussie term...

No im surprised i didn't cos im in engineering. I just saw it and will be conducting my investigation after this. I have to know what happened there...

Spending time with the family in a sardine can... Hehehehe
A plane or train would of been good.

Wow that's surprising. Real as in it's Christ?
Wow... Can u link me to a good argument for that pls.
A documentary would be good

Hehehe sorry, i did warn u and said it was gross.

They believed that the true Holy Prepuce would be incorrupted and hold great powers. Many churches have claimed to have it, im not sure who does now.

A pope of the time was asked about it and he said something like "the prepuce of Jesus was resurrected and had clearly created the rings of Saturn"...
Hehehehe ohh that still makes me laugh

We do... St Antonio was born in Lisboa and im almost certain is the patron saint of us Portuguese people. Well known for his beautiful sermons, knowledge of scripture and his miracles.
Im looking at him right now with child Jesus, holding the bible...
Lol... Little statue I have...

Ohh that would be so nice. It's definitely on my shortlist of must see churches of Europe. The exterior is nothing spectacular. But the interior looks amazing.

The white marble enclosed section with the wall sculptures looks amazing. Depicting scenes of his miracles... The alter also looks special.

Do u think the stories of St Anthony's miracles are true?
Protestants don't acknowledge saints do they...

Family yes. I was asking more about if u miss the American lifestyle and culture

Oh I thought u were born in NYC.
Small town in NY state maybe small town in Italy before migrating as a child...

Me. My life is boring, born and raised in Melbourne.
People of my generation have boring life stories compared to you guys.
My dads story is so eventful you could easily make a top movie from it
The bridge collapse was a big tragedy. It had been inspected and it was recommended, I think the year before, that it be closed down. The govt is blaming the Autostrade, which is a private corportion that maintains the Autostrade here, THEY are blaming the govt for not listening, people are blaming the govt because they s hould be on top of these matters,,, we depend on the govt,,NOT private corporations. It's (Ponte Morandi) being rebuilt in record time because usually it would take at least 10 years here to build a bridge...I just hope they know what they're doing. There really no other way through Genova that doesn't take forever.

Oh. And while you're at it...take a look at how it was built right over some apartment buildings.
They should have been eliminated....

We went to Monte Carlo in the morning and came back home and got home at about 9 p.m.
The train would have required a night sleepover. We like to drive everywhere. We took the girls to Rome some years back on one of the Frecce...just for the experience. We picked it up in Florence and got off in Rome. It was nice. The Frecce are high-speed trains that make no stops.

I'll be looking for a YouTube link about the Shroud.
maybe not right now....

Protestants don't believe in saints the way Catholics do. BTW, do you know that now even the Catholic church is teaching that we are all saints? This is good. The older generation can't understand it. Anyway, yeah, some legends are silly. I taught catechism for 6 years and when it came time to learn about St. Francis one of the nuns told me to leave out that dumb tale about the wolf because it was just a legend. AH DUR! Not like I would have mentioned it are too smart these days and wouldn't even accept such a story.

American lifestyle...and then I'll answer the rest later.
I think America has a higher living standard.
I think Italy has a nicer life-style.
If I could have all my family together,,,I'd choose here.
But the economy is the pits. So they're staying put....

I have a hypothetical question.

Lets say they invent a vaccine that will stop every kind of virus if taken annually

And they say that everyone one earth must take these vaccines
Anyone who doesn't will be imprisoned and not released until they do

Should they be able to force everyone to take vaccines???
I have a hypothetical question.

Lets say they invent a vaccine that will stop every kind of virus if taken annually

And they say that everyone one earth must take these vaccines
Anyone who doesn't will be imprisoned and not released until they do

Should they be able to force everyone to take vaccines???

Not going to happen in OZ...
You guys only have a little bit left and you will have the bug squashed without a vaccine.

Yes, a week or two and you guys will be good to go.
You won't be able to open your borders to the rest of the world but moving about in country should be permissible.

In fact some of the different areas with no infections might be ok to roam around now.
The bridge collapse was a big tragedy

What a big mess. A year and a half later and I couldn't find real confirmation as to how this bridge went down. Tried to find an official report but I only found a lot of politics and scandal. The Italian government has let down its people there. Those poor people living underneath it as well.

I had a dig through and saw that the design of the bridge wasn't the greatest with poor choice of metal for the cables. They rusted and the repair wasn't carried out properly.
Inspection documents were faked. Maintenance was hardly carried out.

The bridge looked light. They try to build bridges with the least amount of material to save money. There was one in America that had steel plates that weren't thick enough
This happens heaps in China
Here we have a graph from England/Wales that shows total amount of deaths per week
The orange line is the average of the last 5 years
The red line is this year
We can see that from week 13 of the year the deaths shot up
This shows us the difference C19 has made to total deaths

bandicam 2020-04-21 02-22-56-447.jpg
Of those increased deaths the ones that were labelled as died with C19 amounted to this much...

bandicam 2020-04-21 02-23-32-292.jpg

But there are a whole lot more in the total deaths that are unaccounted for
What could be the cause of these???

bandicam 2020-04-20 20-07-49-887.jpg

The main interpretation of this is that the extra unexplained deaths are a result of lock down restrictions
I see disagreement and debate. Not anger and bickering

I see why the politics forum was shut down.

Until a disclaimer is issued for this thread, I don't want to be summoned as a witness for a civil suit by some hotshot lawyer over this.

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this but if this thread starts getting too argumentative again I'll probably wind up doing the same.

Catch it from who? If they find and quarantine all of the infected people, there won't be anybody left for you to catch the plague from.

How are they going to find and catch all of the infected people in time before the people who are healthy start getting infected themselves?

Easy there Cowgirl,
You are getting upset and frustrated. And I understand why. Take it easy.
Dan has some growing to do (we all do)

Exactly! :thumbsup That makes me think of this song and just so everybody knows once I'm not so freaking busy there will be a virtual slumber party started later on in the lounge so that everybody can take some time to just cool down. :cool

I'm actually calm...sometimes I come off as upset when I'm not.
And I think I was speaking to Kiwidan....
I doubt Dan feels this way....
But OK.

That reminds me of that line from The Waltons Homecoming,.. I couldn't find it but one of the girls (I forget which one) starts pacing and she talks about how she is calm and she's a calm person. :rofl2(Not like you really aren't calm right now you just reminded me about it lol)

Sorry wondering.

I got frustrated cos i know my parents are dissapointed that i haven't created a family...


I'm really sorry to hear that. :sad