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A win for civil liberty. Of course it wouldn't stand in the high court. I said that about the USA also how there is no way what governers are forcing people to do would stand in the supreme Court.

And the government tried to ban this person from wanting to visit his own Father and a Father wanting to see his own Son. I am very happy this Father got to see his Son and this Son got to see his Father.

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We have slowed this virus down a lot...

Trashed our economies to do it.

Our food production is in and processors alike. Those empty grocery stores may be a way of life for a year or two.

Smithfield butcher plant is closed...800 cases of Corona in that plant. The pigs got no where to go... piglets coming into farms (already ordered last year) got no where to go...
Feed corn sitting with no pigs to feed it to... meaning that the value is dropping to below cost of producing.

America has 330 million people but it's farms and processing feed 4-5 Billion people.

Food is commodity priced...where here in America the average person makes 60-90K a year it will pinch a bit....but the rest of the world operates on 9K per year. Making commodity priced goods like groceries really expensive. Gas, diesel, and oil may be really cheap...but the cost of groceries is going to eat all those savings up.

Smithfield makes, hams, bacon, hot dogs, and assorted pork cuts...huge plant. Most of the pork products on the east side of America comes out of that plant.
Chicken processing plants are smaller and more numerous but two different ones around here and then Alabama and Georgia have closed. Meaning that we can't afford to lose any more or shortages are going to happen.

No more Chik filet if they don't have any chicken.

More problems are coming.

Hold on to your stimulus are going to need it.
The beginning of sorrows.
We are going to need a lot of faith and trust in God
I was thinking about a trip to Georgia to see the in-laws. If we can get a hog or two we can butcher it up and split it between us...

A single hog will weigh up to 300+ pounds. (130 Kg) and dress out at about half of that.

I have some Prague powder so I can cure the hams and bacon. All we will need is sugar, salt (lots) and spices...lots of work but good eating.
We got them a heavy duty meat grinder a couple of years ago... sausages and etc is a definite possibility.

Right now they are sick with something...they tested negative for covid-19...but we'll see.

But this is a definite possibility.

With the surplus live hogs...this could be a solution.

I have knives and saws...will travel. They got guns to kill it (only need a single 22 shot)

But they have facilities (winch and totes on wheels) to hang the hog up and then skin it.

This might work.
i wish that was the case for me.

Unusual. One of the best ways to avoid the flu is an active and energetic lifestyle. I know that's the way you live; so you're just one of the unlucky ones, I suppose. Some people, for some reason, don't maintain immunity to influenza very well. Remember the flu shots in the military? They weren't very good back then, but by sorta immunizing everyone, the vulnerable ones in the unit were protected by herd immunity.
That is a tough one. If everyone lets their kids play at each other’s house a percentage could take the virus home. In some homes there are grandparents.
I think a lot of people in our society have gotten used to things moving quickly. So a six week long cutback on interaction is reacted to like a three year one.

It's true; we're used to rapid gratification. But there is also a huge economic hit involved here. There needs to be some balance.

I'd put human life above the almighty dollar, but at some point economic distress could result in deaths. I think President George W. Bush was right when he recently said that we need to set politics aside, and deal with this disaster as Americans first.
I was thinking about a trip to Georgia to see the in-laws. If we can get a hog or two we can butcher it up and split it between us...

A single hog will weigh up to 300+ pounds. (130 Kg) and dress out at about half of that.

I have some Prague powder so I can cure the hams and bacon. All we will need is sugar, salt (lots) and spices...lots of work but good eating.
We got them a heavy duty meat grinder a couple of years ago... sausages and etc is a definite possibility.

Right now they are sick with something...they tested negative for covid-19...but we'll see.

But this is a definite possibility.

With the surplus live hogs...this could be a solution.

I have knives and saws...will travel. They got guns to kill it (only need a single 22 shot)

But they have facilities (winch and totes on wheels) to hang the hog up and then skin it.

This might work.
This sounds good
Are you allowed to travel over there yet?
This sounds good
Are you allowed to travel over there yet?
Yeah...there's no roadblocks between our two way to do so with all the roads.

Some of the other states do have them...but we aren't going that way.

Georgia has more Covid cases than we do... which is problematic.

Getting in and out with all the meat is going to involve a bit of luck and a ton of prudence.

Probably looking at a week or two before we go. (If we do this)
Are you sure that you really want to risk it though? What if they were unknowingly exposed to the virus?
They got tested when they got flu, no covid-19.

So we are clear on that score...
We only need to gas up once going and once back...I'm proficient with gloves, mask and we can eat in the truck (6hr trip each way)

The ice and coolers are going to be the biggest hurdle... getting home with it all.

The butcher paper, sausage seasoning, cure seasoning, plastic bags, and sausage casings can all come from Amazon. Piece of cake.

Hogs are bloody... so it's going to make a huge mess.

But the end products are going to be worth it.

Home made sausage, sausages, hams, and bacon....oh my....ain't nothing like it in the store even when it did have groceries.

There's usually a good bit of fat left over for venison sausage too.

My FIL is looking into the situation...he says that the problem with hogs is that they keep coming...which is exactly why I want some. With the large production facilities out, the small time places are filling up.
They have one facility near them that I know about in Thomaston GA...or is it Bishop?....I don't remember... so many small towns out there but I seen the plant. They do like most and make hot dogs, balogna, and fresh cuts...a little ham and bacon.

Could be a good little trip, a lot of work, and even more fun.
They got tested when they got flu, no covid-19.

So we are clear on that score...
We only need to gas up once going and once back...I'm proficient with gloves, mask and we can eat in the truck (6hr trip each way)

Well, at least it's a short enough trip where you don't have to worry about bathroom breaks,.. and I really hope you have a good time but just keep this in mind. There have been known occasions where people pass the test but only because they haven't really been developing any symptoms yet,..

I think sometimes it's also a glitch,.. and what if they develop it while you're down there? I hate being a Debbie Downer here because I wish you the best,.. all I'm saying is that you're playing with fire here and I really don't want you to get burned because I care.
Unusual. One of the best ways to avoid the flu is an active and energetic lifestyle. I know that's the way you live; so you're just one of the unlucky ones, I suppose. Some people, for some reason, don't maintain immunity to influenza very well. Remember the flu shots in the military? They weren't very good back then, but by sorta immunizing everyone, the vulnerable ones in the unit were protected by herd immunity.
Didn't work for,the,Spanish flu,
Essential workers only, everyone who has a job is an essential worker.

People work hard and pay taxes and keep the economy going.
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They have no right to stop people on public roads, they are not the authorities. It's a public road, it's not private land.

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