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This one is better LOL :hysterical Btw, jasonc,.. a little off topic but did you mean Cleveland sucks in general or Cleveland sucks because of all the crime that happens there? Cause that's where I went to go see TSO this past Christmas and I've seen a lot of plays at Playhouse Square as well as seeing The Christmas Story House. :biggrin

Cleveland Indians
The USA gives billions away, and is a nation that welcomes millions of legal immigrants who respect the values of the USA and appreciate it, yet in return for your welcoming and generosity get stuff all in return and accused of being racist.

That makes a little bit more sense and oh yeah,.. I keep forgetting to tell you that the reason I had my tonsils removed was for ear infections. Not tonsillitis like I originally thought. Anyways, does having tonsils actually help your immunity or something?

Cleveland Indians

Ahh,.. I see. Well The Indians are still way better than The Browns in my opinion.
The flu season in USA is usually from around December and can go to around May. Was there no flu this year?. I just have not seen any news on it. Everything seems to be 19.
I was very happy to receive my stimulas money and was praising God But I was watching a couple videos about how the quarantine lockdown will affect the country after the virus is under control and everything is open again. And that the hardest hit will be a myriad of small businesses which will (or have) to close their doors forever and wont recover. The rich will be ok and those (like me) who draw their SS money will come through with little to no damage...

And then, I start seeing these videos about how they're going to do EMPA (Emergency Money for the People Act) and this time instead of 1200 dolars it will be 2000 and will be monthly for a period of 6 months...and this time for everyone who is 16 yrs old or older. And at first, I got happy, because I could fix up my house a little with that money. And then I thought...this is out of character for our government. Why are they doing this?

This isn't Trump alone doing this. They have been fighting Trump on everything since he took office. And now they're not fighting him about this. So this is something different. I started getting suspicious and thinking about it...

What will happen with everyone getting checks from the government, and many many Americans have been put out of business? We;ll everyone will become (more) dependant on the government. And now I am not so sure this is a good thing.

Let's face it, nothing takes the Government by surprise. This all may be totally engineered and they expected all this to happen. The timing seems a little big of a coincidence also...Election year again...I have a bad feeling about this now.

In retrospect, I was clinging to the Lord. Then a small windfall of cash and what happened. All of a sudden, I'm busy. Do this, do that. Fix this up, build that. All worldly things. I noticed, I'm praying less, reading less and it occurred to me that this may just be the agenda behind this economic stimulus for the people. To distract people from God and get them looking towards the Government instead of the Lord for provision.

Do you think I'm nuts? Or...could these things be at least somewhat true?
I was very happy to receive my stimulas money and was praising God But I was watching a couple videos about how the quarantine lockdown will affect the country after the virus is under control and everything is open again. And that the hardest hit will be a myriad of small businesses which will (or have) to close their doors forever and wont recover. The rich will be ok and those (like me) who draw their SS money will come through with little to no damage...

And then, I start seeing these videos about how they're going to do EMPA (Emergency Money for the People Act) and this time instead of 1200 dolars it will be 2000 and will be monthly for a period of 6 months...and this time for everyone who is 16 yrs old or older. And at first, I got happy, because I could fix up my house a little with that money. And then I thought...this is out of character for our government. Why are they doing this?

This isn't Trump alone doing this. They have been fighting Trump on everything since he took office. And now they're not fighting him about this. So this is something different. I started getting suspicious and thinking about it...

What will happen with everyone getting checks from the government, and many many Americans have been put out of business? We;ll everyone will become (more) dependant on the government. And now I am not so sure this is a good thing.

Let's face it, nothing takes the Government by surprise. This all may be totally engineered and they expected all this to happen. The timing seems a little big of a coincidence also...Election year again...I have a bad feeling about this now.

In retrospect, I was clinging to the Lord. Then a small windfall of cash and what happened. All of a sudden, I'm busy. Do this, do that. Fix this up, build that. All worldly things. I noticed, I'm praying less, reading less and it occurred to me that this may just be the agenda behind this economic stimulus for the people. To distract people from God and get them looking towards the Government instead of the Lord for provision.

Do you think I'm nuts? Or...could these things be at least somewhat true?

The mainstream media has pumped 19 repetitive into the minds of the people as the government shuts things down, people freak out and look to the government for a solution in the name of safety and security.

How is all the free money the government is giving out going to be payed back?
The mainstream media has pumped 19 repetitive into the minds of the people as the government shuts things down, people freak out and look to the government for a solution in the name of safety and security.

Yet when the government actually starts getting involved people freak out even more and usually with good reason.
Free coin sounds good but it has to be payed back somehow.
A combination of things.
Yes...raise taxes. Cut services and reduce expenditures.

Things like standard docking taxes/fees will go up. All those cargo/container ships will pay a lot more to dock. Corporate taxes will increase. Import taxes will increase.

Then all areas of government services like military, public works projects, international aide, and interstate repair gets stopped. They don't have any money to do those things.

Replanting forests gets stopped...the snowy egret and Ruby crested snail darter loses protection...

Repairs on dams gets delayed....

All kinds of stuff....
FBI and CIA lose money and staff... some research grants get dumped and not renewed.
Between the tornado, fridge going out, all the hoarding and empty grocery stores, quarantine, and now a spring storm has knocked out the power AGAIN....

I'm beginning to think that we just ain't gonna make it.
Between the tornado, fridge going out, all the hoarding and empty grocery stores, quarantine, and now a spring storm has knocked out the power AGAIN....

I'm beginning to think that we just ain't gonna make it.

Yes you are,.. maybe this is just God testing you and trying to make a man out of you. So straighten up you maggot! No slouching and show the devil what you're made out of! :salute
