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Yeah...there's no roadblocks between our two way to do so with all the roads.

Some of the other states do have them...but we aren't going that way.

Georgia has more Covid cases than we do... which is problematic.

Getting in and out with all the meat is going to involve a bit of luck and a ton of prudence.

Probably looking at a week or two before we go. (If we do this)
Hope you tell us all about it if you decide to go ahead.
As good as it can be, how's it going in New Zealand?

Could be better, like if I was allowed to visit friends and keep social distance and go for a isolated paddleboard, but apparently not doing that is saving lives.

We are saving lives, that's what we are doing, saving lives.
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People here are weary of the quarantine... breaking social distancing and quarantines...

The spring storms are destroying the power grid so about 90,000 people are without power since yesterday and a new storm is raging now.

Going from bored to freaking bored...
Sirens run day and night for emergency vehicles.

And I get to see the doc on Monday for my knee and ankle...I'm afraid it's arthritis catching up with me. Dunno... maybe they can do something about it... maybe not.

We live in hope and worship the God of hope.
One other thing...

Everyone is looking for a vaccine...
Give that hope a took over 20 years to get a vaccine for AIDS that lasts 3-6 months tops and a few treatments. And it's a virus too.

Innoculations aren't the same as a vaccine. And this virus doesn't respond to innoculations. People are getting reinfected after having it.

So our hope lies in in a antiviral.

And it's still a few months out.
I'm going to see about working on my table for Christmas in the meantime.
And I get to see the doc on Monday for my knee and ankle...I'm afraid it's arthritis catching up with me. Dunno... maybe they can do something about it... maybe not.

Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:

15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
James 5:14-16 KJV
Web MD said:
To determine if the vaccine works, infection rates between the two groups will be compared. A number of participants will need to develop COVID-19, the release said.

“If transmission remains high, we may get enough data in a couple of months to see if the vaccine works, but if transmission levels drop, this could take up to 6 months...

People are being injected with a potential vaccine. They expect preliminary results in 2 to 6 months.
Yesterday, May 4th we were let PARTLY loose.
Everyone must wear a mask and gloves.
I have an appt at 4 pm and was told to make sure to wear both.
Hairdressers and Restaurants have to wait till June 1st (if all goes well).

Only those work places that can maintain the law and keep a distance of AT LEAST one yard can open for workers.

I hear that schools may not reopen in September. Or only partly..half in school...half at home.

This seems to be a test to see what happens.
What if the infection rate goes back up?

I feel like I'm living in a movie.
Yesterday, May 4th we were let PARTLY loose.
Everyone must wear a mask and gloves.
I have an appt at 4 pm and was told to make sure to wear both.
Hairdressers and Restaurants have to wait till June 1st (if all goes well).

Only those work places that can maintain the law and keep a distance of AT LEAST one yard can open for workers.

I hear that schools may not reopen in September. Or only partly..half in school...half at home.

This seems to be a test to see what happens.
What if the infection rate goes back up?

I feel like I'm living in a movie.
I was watching Italy on the news last night and it was showing people out and about. O thought of you
Keep safe and God bless.
We are definitely going to have further outbreaks...
My wife and I were talking about last Christmas and thinking about getting ready for this Christmas...
And that was when she expressed her desire to string me up for doing all the dinners and cookies and general work I did while being half dead with influenza.
It was a lot of fun. I was so sick and exhausted at the same time.

This year I'm trading out our dining room table for one that is going to be working height...all our chairs will be worthless so we'll have to get barstools.
Looking forward to it all.
I was watching Italy on the news last night and it was showing people out and about. O thought of you
Keep safe and God bless.

Oh my goodness, what, people were out and about in life doing there own thing going about there own business, thats just crazy I cannot believe it. Was anyone causing any trouble?
It's true; we're used to rapid gratification. But there is also a huge economic hit involved here. There needs to be some balance.

I'd put human life above the almighty dollar, but at some point economic distress could result in deaths. I think President George W. Bush was right when he recently said that we need to set politics aside, and deal with this disaster as Americans first.
True. One challenge is different people have different understandings of what America is, and what an American is, (or should be).
And if the one leading the response to the pandemic is laser focused on reelection and being proven right in every decision much more than the common welfare it’s going to be a long haul.