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This doctor explains that there is now evidence that COVID-19 has the potential to remain suspended for up to a couple hours.

Your MedPage Link said:
The virus responsible for COVID-19 can remain viable for hours while airborne and for days on surfaces...

So wear a mask while in supermarket checkout lines, and quarantine incoming goods and packages for a few days, if practical.
Does UV light kill the virus?

Yes, but it has to be the heavy duty stuff. The kind where you can't stay in the same room when the UV is on. I put mine on a remote control, and close the door when turning it on. I wear UV safety glasses while setting it up as an additional precaution.

AFP Factcheck said:
Ultraviolet is able to kill COVID-19 if it is exposed to the concentrated UV ray in a certain amount of time and distance,” Dr. Pokrath Hansasuta, an assistant professor of virology...
Trying to think positively, if you can call it that, here's a glimmer of possible good news.

A virus needs a host to survive and thrive. Assuming that the information we are getting from China, that is the low number of new cases, it would appear that once infected, we can develop antibodies to fight the virus against future exposure.

What this means is that as time goes on and more and more people are exposed and developing the "immunity" they will not spread it around as much. Eventually, a high enough percentage of the population will become "immune" to the virus so the virus will not be able to survive because it won't find suitable hosts anymore.

Yeah, I know, it's not much of a glimmer of good news. Especially when you consider that the cold viruses are coronaviruses and we repeatedly get those all the time.
Assuming that the information we are getting from China, that is the low number of new cases, it would appear that once infected, we can develop antibodies to fight the virus against future exposure.

Its true that people develop antibodies to fight it, but that is not the primary reason for China's good numbers. Quarantine and mask wearing combined to prevent infection spreading. The sick eventually got well, and were no longer contagious. Without quarantine and masks, it would likely still be raging until 60% to 80% or so of he population had become infected and recovered. Herd immunity would then have prevented widespread transmission.

Eventually, a high enough percentage of the population will become "immune" to the virus so the virus will not be able to survive because it won't find suitable hosts anymore.

Again true, but the time frame is many months, maybe years for that to happen. Without quarantine and masks, the emergency rooms fill beyond capacity, and sick people can't be cared for. Italy is in this situation now. Its a horror show over there. Potentially millions could get zapped by letting it infect a lot of people at the same time. Like the Spanish flu. Yes we have better hospital technology today, but that won't matter if hospitals are beyond capacity and people can't get in. The US has extreme shortages of hospital supplies, further limiting how many people can be cared for. About 15 to 20% of the people infected need help breathing to get through it. Oxygen concentrators through a nose tube in mild cases, and a ventilator through a trachea tube in severe cases.

A much safer approach than letting everyone catch it is to quarantine infected people until they are no longer contagious. Then develop a vaccine to safely induce herd immunity in the population. Unfortunately, the US doesn't have enough testing capacity to find the infected, or enough masks to put one on everyone. They are asking people to stay 6 feet away from each other since they have nothing else to work with.
In my opinion, to get through this crisis we have to look at the big picture and support God in this matter. On personal lives should be dedicated to helping others during this crisis. Nothing else matters. Worship is important but faith without works is dead.

It is obvious to me that God is about to transform this world on a grand scale and he is not revealing more to us at this time. Try to imagine the good that will come out of this. The homeless now have rooms to live in. People of good will are reaching out to each other.

We cannot confine our worship to a building or gathering. I is in our charity that we introduce ourselves as Christians.

Matthew 25: 36 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink ' . . .I was a stranger and you took me in, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you visited me.’

The question we have to ask ourselves is how we can do this without sacrificing our healthy. Most of this can be done online. This is the silver lining. These changes are taking place at a time when we can reach out on the internet.

Susannah I love this post
True,.. I've heard about that as well,.. however this is something else to keep in mind. I do believe that you're still more than likely able to die from a car accident then the Flu or or Coronavirus.

Probably true but that's not the point. The % who die from Coronavirus is very low compaired to cases, as most can handle, but you dont want to pass it on to those who cannot handle it and end up in critical condition or die, you would feel very guilty.

The more cases equals more likely deaths. If only 100 million people get it and only 1% die, that's 1,000,000 dead people, that's alot of coffins and sad families.
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That all depends on the rate of infection. By design, social distancing should spread it out as you indicate.

As I already stated on here earlier. It looks like Ohio will be going into quarantine soon anyways. Ah well, Easter is about the death and resurrection of Christ. Not parties, egg rolls or Easter egg hunts. Sure they're fun to do, but it's still going to be Easter regardless of who you do and don't spend it with. :shrug
I would guess that staying 6 feet away from other people was probably pretty easy too.
I worked today, often when I do work on sunday , I plan what I am to photo. I read st.helens church as that is the start of the route I had. usually I am accompanied by kids as I walk around the lot to get the reads. they are either going to mass, or entering the school. one school building when I read electric I had to open the gate and often would see teens, there. parents dropping of kids, Friday all that was not there. st.helens always when its empty and at night, I have plenty of night photos of it. yet with this project the message of social distancing.