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Usually food/medicine/HBA production is considered Essential Services...
Just saying.

True, I should be ok to work as food harvest is essential service. But still, how many small business's will go bust, and there workers who need coin.

Beer is also an essential service so best the liquor stores stay open otherwise im storing today as it's a 4 week shutdown, it's not long enough time for me to brew my own.
Best automotive be open as an essential service because I have to get safety stuff done on my vehicle Thursday as a recall been booked in for weeks, and get a safety cert for my vehicle that runs out the same day. Otherwise best the police not give me a ticket because it's not my fault I was booked in and cannot get it done.

Thursday is full nation lockdown.
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The prime minister said

"As a government, we will do everything in our power to protect you".

I think she is saying she is from the government and she is here to help me.
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So in my country.

The government banned and took away everyone's semi-autos and high powered rifles a few months ago. (Well not really because most people handed in other rifles and acturally kept there semi autos.)

The government just said they are from the government and here to protect us.

The government just banned all freedom of assembly.

Does anyone get it yet or just me?
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The government is sentencing the entire country to home detention like a criminal except essential services, yet no one needs to wear a criminal bracelet they probably dont have enough to give out and track everyone, yet break the governments rules and you can be arrested.
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The government is placing me on home detention as a criminal even I have done nothing wrong and i am innocent , but through the system i am allowed to get essential items.

The only positive is im allowed to have a beer and get food on home detention as a criminal who has done nothing wrong, so not all my human rights have been violated yet.

I can go to work, get gas because I need to get to work, and food , and thats about it.

Life as a prisoner for the next who knows how long under the governments rule because the government is there to help and protect me is not cool.

I can protect and help myself, but I'm not allowed, the government said so.
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If they bar chloroquine here, we will make italy look like a cake walk.

They aren't barring it, they just don't know how to manufacture much of it. Manufacturing know-how has left the USA. They don't have enough supplies or meds to effectively fight 19. The only thing they can do is beg everybody to stay 6 feet away from each other.
35,070 officially confirmed cases. +1,524
The reason the number growth is so small is because of a lack of testing going on yesterday...
If they were at full speed we would have had another 8,000+ confirmed positive.

I'm expecting at least that today.

The biggest challenge is hayfever... spring allergies and their girlfriend's cooking mimics coronavirus symptoms. Everyone wonders if they have it...mix in a healthy dose of fear, anxiety, panic and news...they are sure they have it. So they get tested.

I'm sure that I'll get it eventually...I just don't have it yet. No need to get tested yet.

The French drug combination seems promising. Antibiotic/steroid and malaria drugs.
Then another broad spectrum antibiotic for the pneumonia.

But still no "magic bullet " like Tamiflu...
If they were at full speed we would have had another 8,000+ confirmed positive.

Some areas have a shortage of supplies needed for testing, like reagents, and are only testing serious hospital cases. Epidemiological studies of other viruses suggest that at least 1% of the population has the virus once community spread is detected. That suggests millions have it, most of whom are as of yet asymptomatic (but highly contagious).

So they get tested.

As well they should. Every singe American should get tested, so the infected can be quarantined. Then the rest of the country can go back to normal. If only they would go to wartime production of tests, reagents, swabs, etc...

The French drug combination seems promising. Antibiotic/steroid and malaria drugs.
Then another broad spectrum antibiotic for the pneumonia.

Yes, but only promising if hospitals can get their hands on it. Extreme shortages of meds and supplies are extant in many hospitals across the country. If we don't have the meds, it doesn't matter how promising they are.

If they would just get moving and build meds and needed medical supplies already.
Some areas have a shortage of supplies needed for testing, like reagents, and are only testing serious hospital cases. Epidemiological studies of other viruses suggest that at least 1% of the population has the virus once community spread is detected. That suggests millions have it, most of whom are as of yet asymptomatic (but highly contagious).

As well they should. Every singe American should get tested, so the infected can be quarantined. Then the rest of the country can go back to normal. If only they would go to wartime production of tests, reagents, swabs, etc...

Yes, but only promising if hospitals can get their hands on it. Extreme shortages of meds and supplies are extant in many hospitals across the country. If we don't have the meds, it doesn't matter how promising they are.

If they would just get moving and build meds and needed medical supplies already.

Economic lesson...
Labs are usually very efficient...they have a bunch of number crunchers who know fairly accurately what tests will be needed season by season year to year including population growth factors.
They don't have a lot of extra capabilities...
And when they do they usually help out with small pandemics...aka outbreaks.

This includes the whole supply chain.

Now we have a worldwide pandemic...
Reagents for this virus are only a month old...
Testing vials are currently being obtained by robbing Peter to pay Paul...

All this ramping up to get staff, equipment, chemicals, swabs, and etc to handle a global pandemic takes time.
Look at how much scientists have accomplished in a very short time span. Miracles really when you think about it.
Trials for vaccines, possible cures, DNA analysis of the virus...all kinds of stuff is coming down the just takes time.
The world is going insane.

Oh I'm already there lol as I'm not even really all that worried about this virus. One of three things will happen to me. I'll either avoid it altogether, get it and recover, or get it and then go home to be with the Lord. Either way I can't lose. :D

[QUOTE="Michael74, post: 1553091, member: 6922"

As well they should. Every singe American should get tested, so the infected can be quarantined. Then the rest of the country can go back to normal. If only they would go to wartime production of tests, reagents, swabs, etc...

I say that you should only get tested if you develop symptoms.
They are working on a fast that gives results in a few minutes. Why expend a ton of rescources when the current test is obsolete in weeks? Save the resources for the test everyone wants to use. ..
No lab, no waiting... just like for the flu.