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Additional weeks means additional people infected, and additional weeks of entire cities being locked down. The amount of resources needed to build tests is dwarfed by the resources lockdown results in.
Additional weeks means additional people infected, and additional weeks of entire cities being locked down. The amount of resources needed to build tests is dwarfed by the resources lockdown results in.
According to my daughter, current tests in the US take roughly 4 -5 days to get the results which too is part of the problem. CDC reports that all 50 states have been using this method but the 5-day time lag is not sufficient.

However, as of Friday, the FDA authorized the use of a new rapid test that can return the results in about 45 minutes. Tests are expected to be distributed this week. I didn't read through the whole page to see if there is a projected distribution time frame.
I was thinking about something this morning. A virus like this requires a living host to survive for very long. If the infected person is contagious for two weeks or three, we could eradicate it worldwide in about three weeks if every person in the world would stop visiting neighbors, going to work, and basically leaving their homes for just three weeks. The virus would not find suitable hosts to infect and would die off.

How do you get 7.7 billion people to stop and completely put their lives on hold for three weeks? Essentially, that is partially what the state lockdowns are intended to do although it can't be done 100% complete because people are not supplied to feed themselves among other things for that long a time period.
I might get a vacation after all.
I was supposed to go to genesco after this job...
Genesco is shut down and we aren't allowed on the property.
1500 lights to swap out.
Not much to it... just a job of busy work.

But with them locked down it ain't gonna happen.
Then there's another job...
But it's just scraped dirt...but the rain has turned it into a mud pit. Not dirt anymore.
So no starting it until things dry out. Gonna be a while with the rain in the forecast.

I might get a little couch time.
If the infected person is contagious for two weeks or three...

People are contagious for the first one to two weeks, when they have no symptoms. Then they are contagious for about one to 4 weeks with symptoms, with about 20% needing hospitalization to help them through it. So 2 to 6 weeks, with a few longer.

The quick tests will be a real help, if they can be produced in sufficient numbers. A test is not much help if there are not enough of them to get the job done. We'll find out how many they produce and distribute.
41,569 +8,023
We will be higher than Italy by the end of the week.

But we haven't even gotten close to the 1% mark yet for the country. And that is a significant number. Because it's at that point it's everywhere and in everything.

Italy and Switzerland are both there...
But we haven't even gotten close to the 1% mark yet for the country.

Rather, we haven't found 1% through testing, due to the shortage of tests. Based on the way other viruses act, epidemiology suggests that 1% is the minimum population infected once community spread is detected. Community spread means finding infected people where there is no traceable infection vector. They didn't travel in foreign lands, they didn't dwell with an infected person, etc...
I'm starting to stress out not because I fear, but because my head is being messed with. I don't know what's going on, I don't know if I will have a job, there is no stability, everything is shutting down. One person messes up in the industry and everything will shut down. Many strick rules and regulations.
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I'm starting to stress out not because I fear, but because my head is being messed with. I don't know what's going on, I don't know if I will have a job, there is no stability, everything is shutting down. One person messes up in the industry and everything will shut down. Many strick rules and regulations.
25 “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?
26 Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?
27 Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?

Matthew 6 NKJV
I was thinking about something this morning. A virus like this requires a living host to survive for very long. If the infected person is contagious for two weeks or three, we could eradicate it worldwide in about three weeks if every person in the world would stop visiting neighbors, going to work, and basically leaving their homes for just three weeks. The virus would not find suitable hosts to infect and would die off.

How do you get 7.7 billion people to stop and completely put their lives on hold for three weeks? Essentially, that is partially what the state lockdowns are intended to do although it can't be done 100% complete because people are not supplied to feed themselves among other things for that long a time period.
No water,sewer ,power ,gas ,
Everyone needs to calm down. It's ok, I to have never lived under so many rules and regulations.

It is going to be hard in general for everyone to comply, keeping a distance from others as no one is used to it.
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Now this is going to be complicated to explain...
But basically there are enough outliers that scientists have begun to question why some get really sick and others don't.

They believe that some previous virus that people have recovered from has caused some people to react violently to this virus...some to death. But they don't know what specific virus it was...or if it's still around. And that is going to make creating a vaccine very difficult for this one.

How do you get 7.7 billion people to stop and completely put their lives on hold for three weeks? Essentially, that is partially what the state lockdowns are intended to do although it can't be done 100% complete because people are not supplied to feed themselves among other things for that long a time period.

Yeah I don't know,.. but we're about to find out for ourselves around here. Then again, we can still go to essential places like grocery stores so I don't think we need to worry about that. Risking getting sick is a lot better than risking the higher possibility of the crime rate in my opinion.

Gonna have to hit land at some point...

Also gonna have to have to dough to get it at some point.
Shotguns are good for getting a hit on flying birds when hunting and flying target shooting.
Mike originally wanted to get a semi-pistol, but I know how dangerous pistols are and told him a riot gun (short pump shotgun) is better home defense. I just don't think we need one at this point.