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I have to go work and and keep the economy going and cash flowing, and pay taxes so the government can spend large at the moment while people cannot do nothing. And harvest to supply food. Unless everyone wants to be equally broke and miserable.
Sorry whats ASMR?

I was just reacting to a thread i posted that got taken down...

This is ASMR. I use it to help me fall asleep at night.

Anyways I got some more news as of today. First of all,.. if you want to be cautious and keep yourself alive and healthy,.. then don't do what this person did. :nonono

Also, apparently this is worse than we thought. :sad

Now I think that I won't be in danger of turning this thread political if I say that this is a very stupid decision instead of calling the president himself stupid. It's just going to spread more of the disease around if this happens. :nonono( I mean don't get me wrong or anything, I would really like for this to happen as well,.. it just isn't going to in that short period of time.)

Besides,.. people just aren't listening enough as it is as the order is still in play as of right now. :rolleyes

Cannot leave your house only for essential items and a bit of excersise.

Cannot gather and freedom of assembly is banned.

Many small general businesses shut down.

All religious gatherings banned.

Police and military to enforce the law.

How long is this going to last?. They might relax it a little bit at some stage. Like you can go out again, not sure about the others above.
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For people who don't get tingles
I don't get it. It's a guy making weird sounds.
What are tingles anyway???

Honestly,.. I don't really know lol, I think that it basically just means another word for a shiver and I just find it really soothing and relaxing. Anyways,.. getting back to topic. I've heard that states all around America (including ours) have to have these papers to actually prove they're working at an essential place of work now.
Dear Friends:

There are a couple of reasons I am not anxious. For one, I have nothing to lose. I don't fear death, and God has already taken almost everything I own. So I have already gone through the process of acceptance: At one time or another I lost my apartment, security, income, possessions, car, my daughter, my granddaughters, and my husband. I might have also lost my mind but the verdict is not in yet on that.

Things got better when I moved into a room at the church with no shower, but I still do not have much left but my faith and my husband's ashes. So the only thing I have lost during this current crisis is the gym where I shower.

For those who are losing things as well as your faith and hope, let me say that the government will indeed help you and this will pass. I studied history in college and I know this for sure. Plus my sponsor Spirit told me.

I do not want to make light of your suffering. I just want to encourage you to look at the big picture. A transformation is taking place. The homeless are getting rooms in hotels. We will have to join forces with others to get through this. I can't list all the changes because I do not know what they are yet, but my experience, over and over again, is that "good comes out of bad," or if you prefer: " When a door shuts a window opens."

Having already had my crisis I am here on the other side to help you in anyway I can with your anxiety and material concerns. All I need from you is a shower if you live in the Bay Area. LOL God bless you all. Reach out. Be patient. Believe that this will get better and do your part.

It's too late, they never shut the boarders immediately. Can't say there was no time, this started in November. Only when it's too late do people take something serious.
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Dear Friends:

There are a couple of reasons I am not anxious. For one, I have nothing to lose. I don't fear death, and God has already taken almost everything I own. So I have already gone through the process of acceptance: At one time or another I lost my apartment, security, income, possessions, car, my daughter, my granddaughters, and my husband. I might have also lost my mind but the verdict is not in yet on that.

Things got better when I moved into a room at the church with no shower, but I still do not have much left but my faith and my husband's ashes. So the only thing I have lost during this current crisis is the gym where I shower.

For those who are losing things as well as your faith and hope, let me say that the government will indeed help you and this will pass. I studied history in college and I know this for sure. Plus my sponsor Spirit told me.

I do not want to make light of your suffering. I just want to encourage you to look at the big picture. A transformation is taking place. The homeless are getting rooms in hotels. We will have to join forces with others to get through this. I can't list all the changes because I do not know what they are yet, but my experience, over and over again, is that "good comes out of bad," or if you prefer: " When a door shuts a window opens."

Having already had my crisis I am here on the other side to help you in anyway I can with your anxiety and material concerns. All I need from you is a shower if you live in the Bay Area. LOL God bless you all. Reach out. Be patient. Believe that this will get better and do your part.


It's not the material things im concerned about, it's my rights and if I will ever get them back fully. At the moment the right to peaceful assembly has been banned, is the reason valid, yes.

Will they un-ban it fully, or slowly unban one thing at a time, but not fully. Like groups in public are permanently banned in the name of safety and security just to be sure diseases don't spread.
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Good point. My rights are given to me by God, so man cannot take them away. If I can't protest in person, I will do so some other way. I am just glad this crisis happened during the computer age and that my computer, that is usually in the shop, is working.
Dangers of self medicating...
That is so sad. Hydroxychloroquine is considered safer, but even then, it must be taken under medical supervision and in a hospital setting.
I thought that it already spreaded through their entire country though. :confusedAnyways, either way, I hope that they can take care of this thing by summertime. It's going to be a lousy summer if we're going to have to be forced to stay home all of the time. :sad
Viruses tend to manifest themselves in waves. First wave = warning wave....Second wave = killer wave......thats historical model anyway.....i think we are in a paradigm outside of history at this point though.
That is so sad. Hydroxychloroquine is considered safer, but even then, it must be taken under medical supervision and in a hospital setting.
There are some 70 different drugs that will affect the virus. But, not all of them are effective in humans. Killing virus is important but the patients living after doing so is more important.

Its takes time to come up with answers. Otherwise cancer wouldn't be a problem. But they are still doing cancer research aren't they? Different viruses cause cancer.
5 years from now the current problems will be vastly different...we will be over this pandemic and looking at the next thing.

Maybe some of the hoarders will be out of toilet paper by then.


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