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Yes, I thought New Yorkers might flee the horror show unfolding in their state. Especially the elderly, since tubes are being pulled from the elderly while they are still alive, for reimplantation in younger patients. The elderly aren't even being given a chance there. Infected New Yorkers could spread this around the country in a desperate attempt to get treatment.
These are per state mandate to self quarantine ,the hospitals here,only,two in my,county .would have to do the same.
In times like this it's easy for people to get a bit stressed and annoyed like me, and some people go a bit crazy because it's not normal everything changes suddenly, but I think lockdown now is a good thing, the only thing that annoys me is something is only taken seriously when it's too late. It was not until we had cases, then more cases, then more , then the government does a lockdown.

The boarders should have been locked down a very long time ago, when this was known, so we did not needed this stage 4 isolation. It was known from November.

I have always talked about bio security and how important it is.

Why is action only taken when it's too late.
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These are per state mandate to self quarantine ,the hospitals here,only,two in my,county .would have to do the same.

So much for the lockdowns. They won't work if infested New Yorkers are allowed to roam freely, spreading their infection to the other 49 states. They should build a refugee camp to quarantine them for a few weeks, to make sure they don't spread 19.

Panic is starting to make people do crazy things, like breaking quarantine to flee infested states.
The boarders should have been locked down a very long time ago...

Agreed. Why did they allow all of those infested travelers to spread the infection world wide like that. All those millions of people now suffering just so a few irresponsible glitterati could vacation in plague zones.

The infection is spreading outward from port cities, and airports.
So much for the lockdowns. They won't work if infested New Yorkers are allowed to roam freely, spreading their infection to the other 49 states. They should build a refugee camp to quarantine them for a few weeks, to make sure they don't spread 19.

Panic is starting to make people do crazy things, like breaking quarantine to flee infested states.
Unless we start arresting ..
64,765 Almost half in the horror show that New York has become. All those rich wall street types jetting around the world, then bringing a plague back to New York.
Unless we start arresting ..

Absolutely. Arrest those breaking quarantine, and put them into forced quarantine. Don't let these irresponsible travelers spread the plague any more than it has already spread.

Seal the borders. Close the ports and airports to all passenger travel. Cargo only. They should have done this quite some time ago.

Most importantly, start war time production of needed medical equipment immediately. New York alone has requested 30,000 ventilators, but were only sent 400. The rest of the states are in dire need of masks, medicine, face shields, etc...
Not comfortable with that ,have a position of office and watch what you can get away with .

No,judge get speeding tickets,dui charges .an impeachment ,phht that's not,exactly,the same for you or me.
Not comfortable with that...

This is a war Jason. We are being invaded by 19, and our positions are being rapidly overrun. Literally millions of Americans are at risk. We could lose more people than we lost in WWI and WWII combined if we don't do something already.

New York dithered around, and has become a horror show. The rest of the states need to learn from this, and get moving.
Unless we start arresting ..

We are in lockdown now. It's probably the best thing now because it's too late already, so the only way to slow it right down is hard isolation while we have only a small number of cases.

I'm all for it, im not angry or going crazy, it's just government has a lot to answer. Why did it get to stage 4 lockdow and when this was first known months ago and spreading before a first case was even here borders were not immediately shut like they are now.

I love boarder and bio security.
This is a war Jason. We are being invaded by 19, and our positions are being rapidly overrun. Literally millions of Americans are at risk. We could lose more people than we lost in WWI and WWII combined if we don't do something already.

New York dithered around, and has become a horror show. The rest of the states need to learn from this, and get moving.
In war ,even officers who leak classified info go unpunished ,

Case in point , the retired general who was head of cia,2 years probation.

Lockdown on my,beach .i cant use the beach but live on a condo ,the whole condo of seaquay ,having 200 people or even if it's half can use their private pier and enjoy,their bonfire .cops said they can't stop you from using your access. Meaning ,you,try spending days on the beach ,stores closed ,and see if you won't go enjoy,the beach with others.

Cops can't be everywhere ,they can't physically slow trucksp
Panic is starting to make people do crazy things, like breaking quarantine to flee infested states.

Because not many have been in these situations before. People are worried and concerned. No one knows what's going on, everything is day by day, there is no stability, people just need to chill out and relax, panic does not help.

I'm in stage 4 lockdown, that's big. I'm a bit stressed with all these changes because I'm not used to it.
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This is a war Jason. We are being invaded by 19, and our positions are being rapidly overrun. Literally millions of Americans are at risk. We could lose more people than we lost in WWI and WWII combined if we don't do something already.

New York dithered around, and has become a horror show. The rest of the states need to learn from this, and get moving.
Do you suggest landmining,the beach ,extracting the beach goers out of their homes ,johns islands club and such like is closed ,good luck with forcing condos to and hoa to end any type of walking on,private beach acess,if I was on,the beach and couldn't work ,news,tv?my camera and I,would be out .

In,war one shoots,kills the the persoms who,aide the enemy .we havent,even punished clinton ,slapped a three star general with his book on,classified info ,2 years?if I,did that ,I would rot in,Leavenworth.

Currently the cops said they can't stop you,if you have beach access to go use it.plenty of large condo units could en,mass go out and enjoy

A pier I posted photos of is attached to and owned by seaquay,its got 200 or more units also simply could get stir crazy and use its pool,as it could happen with the spires which i know has 200 units.private beach access,and also a pool.

The state simply can't be everywhere and people will ignore this .sadly .so they might make examples but have office ,a slap on,the wrist .

Congress despite said war is shoving pork into point exactly .
The beach is fine, as long as they stay 6 feet from each other.

Seal the borders, airports, and ports. Cargo only. Trucks travel on roads. This limits the border area needing patrolling.
Kinda hard when you really don't have that much space .on high,tide .

Cant seal a port,savannah has more port a activity then all ports then all but one .seal that and watch the resupply of food go,car parts etc
Wip already pointed out we don't have that ability ,cant simply,pass a mandate and.boom,expect a factory in such short notice. Be built and produce .we declare war Dec 7,1941.

Vero nas along with many airfields were purchased built within a year at the best,Vero nas first training mission was in 43.two years after the declaration .we sent some forces we already had ready to fight to buy time ,but those were guard who were training for a year as we knew it was coming .that was at camp,blanding and all over,all,reserve forces did this.
Enjoying the beach is fine. Just stay 6 feet apart.

Its easy to tell passenger liners that they can't dock, and cargo ships that they can. That gets most of it. Similarly, ban passenger airlines from landing. Cargo planes only.
It's real here. I went work this morning and near no traffic, near everything is shut not many people around, shops that are open have someone at the door taking names and numbers, only one person inside at a time must keep distance. Some police patrolling, have not seen military yet but they will probably be somewhere maybe the bigger cities.

It's uncomfortable feeling but I know panic does not help, I'm just taking it easy.

Most get to stay at home for a month on paid leave and I still got go work, I feel a bit ripped off. Lol.


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