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I'm now officially on level 4 lockdown.

This is when the government, police, and military forces all believe they can out strategic me. Because it's all in the name of safety and security.

But I will abide by the rules because I am a law abiding citizen. Lol. I promise not to break the rules even I have done nothing wrong and i am innocent.
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Which makes the current lockdown the perfect time to test.
But we aren't sitting still... funerals happen across state lines. Job transfers are still happening. Equipment for construction and farming is needing to be moved. Food and other essentials are still being shipped...

It's the way things are.
Did something happen?
In Kingsport TN...
A man and woman loaded up a shopping cart full of toilet paper and items...
Then headed through the registers without stopping to pay...
IOW shoplifting.

They were arrested and banned from Walmart for life.

Then there's all the hoarding. A lot of the food people are buying is going to go to waste.

Freezer burned, rotting, and what not will happen long before those items are used.

Not to mention power outages...they tend to destroy freezer items.

Disinfectant wipes and no soap?
That's just nasty. Wash your hands people!

With as much toilet paper people are buying you would swear that they lived on the toilet.
In Kingsport TN...
A man and woman loaded up a shopping cart full of toilet paper and items...
Then headed through the registers without stopping to pay...
IOW shoplifting.

They were arrested and banned from Walmart for life.

Then there's all the hoarding. A lot of the food people are buying is going to go to waste.

Freezer burned, rotting, and what not will happen long before those items are used.

Not to mention power outages...they tend to destroy freezer items.

Disinfectant wipes and no soap?
That's just nasty. Wash your hands people!

With as much toilet paper people are buying you would swear that they lived on the toilet.

There's all that too,.. and speaking of which,.. I wonder what this lady is up to nowadays. :chin

I do know that out numbers of infections will be at number 2 soon...and then number 1 very shortly if not before.

China is looking at re-infection. The virus is coming back to them whether they like it or not.
I do know that out numbers of infections will be at number 2 soon...and then number 1 very shortly if not before.

China is looking at re-infection. The virus is coming back to them whether they like it or not.

I see what you did there lol (I think the rule of no bathroom humor on this website has been flushed down the toilet XD!!) Oh yeah and btw,.. only the two of us will see a video of a woman sitting on the toilet and singing about and find it totally normal and only you will see it and have no reaction to it at all because it's just that normal to you. :hysterical
Governor of New York said:
The apex is higher than we thought and the apex is sooner than we thought. That is a bad combination of facts...The rate of infection is doubling every three days. We're not slowing it -- and it is accelerating on its own. We're not looking at a freight train. We're looking at a bullet train, because the numbers are going up that quickly.

New York is becoming a horror show. Panic has begun.
I see what you did there lol (I think the rule of no bathroom humor on this website has been flushed down the toilet XD!!) Oh yeah and btw,.. only the two of us will see a video of a woman sitting on the toilet and singing about and find it totally normal and only you will see it and have no reaction to it at all because it's just that normal to you. :hysterical

Not quite...but it is rather morbidly humorous.

I was referring to total number of infections.

China is first with 80 some thousand
Italy is second with 70 thousand and USA is currently third with fifty five thousand.
But China has had very few lately, Italy is getting around five to six thousand a day but USA is having eleven thousand plus per day and growing...

So we will overtake Italy soon and China...close to the same time.

By next week sometime we will have crossed over the hundred thousand mark.
Those idiots are invading my state .

Yes, I thought New Yorkers might flee the horror show unfolding in their state. Especially the elderly, since tubes are being pulled from the elderly while they are still alive, for reimplantation in younger patients. The elderly aren't even being given a chance there. Infected New Yorkers could spread this around the country in a desperate attempt to get treatment.


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