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Day 1 lockdown. Level 4-Eliminate.

It started when I woke up and I went to work as essential service and most things were shut, no traffic, seen a few police patrolling. Big day at work was busy, strick conditions and social distancing. Went home no traffic, now I'm bored. Cannot go fishing it's banned. No work for a few days I can only do a specific job not my general everyday duties so who knows how scattered work will be.

Anyhow, when this is all over I might go oversees for a while because shutdown for at least min 4 weeks is going to mess with the country for a very long time after and I don't want to be around when everyone is equally broke and miserable and everything is highly expensive. Might get a yacht and sail the world for a couple years.
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Should have immediately shut boarders a very long time ago, not waited till it arrived and cases grew and allowes it get to level 4 lockdown, because thats too late.

I been saying this about boarder security for years. The boarder security now should have been months ago.

Anyhow rant over, I'm having a bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich.
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30 thousand isn't even a drop in the bucket.

Providing medical care to 20% of that 30,000 is a herculean task. Providing medical care to 20% of a million people is flat out impossible. Its all about the medical care needed by 20% of infected individuals.

New York as begged for 30,000 ventilators to meet the expected surge in patients. They received 400. New Yorkers are starting to flee the horror show their state has become. Italy all over again. Who wants to risk being one of the 20% who needs medical care, but the hospitals are turning people away? In a family of 5, its almost certain that one of them will need hospitalization. People don't want to be in that position.
Well, I just went out for a walk, and for the most part everybody is minding their business, but it still amazes me that there are still gatherings going on and kids playing. :nononoObviously everyone is not taking this seriously. What's it going to take for these parents to come to their senses? Minature coffins? :sad
Well, I just went out for a walk, and for the most part everybody is minding their business, but it still amazes me that there are still gatherings going on and kids playing. :nononoObviously everyone is not taking this seriously. What's it going to take for these parents to come to their senses? Minature coffins? :sad
Do you,expect to die on your bed watching Disney ?

I'm not suggesting ignoring safety but look at the impossible .st.Lucie county basically said use less via don't put as much trash .

So stay home ,order less,see how long you last on that stimulus,which you,must repay .yup ,because I'm in chapter 13,if I owe and don't pay fast before the first due date,bankruptcy dismissed .so trump keep it ,that's merely a credit on this year and next and i can't owe too much ,if it all.kind a hard during bankruptcy.

People are using their beach access ,here.Can't blame them,watching the news would drive me nuts ,rerun,season on tv anyway soon.
stop spreadin the plague
I'm leavin today
I gotta get outa this place
Noo York Noo Yooork!
I wanna wake up in a place without covid....
(sorry if this is in bad taste)

Btw, I'm already pretty sure that I don't have to say this, but obviously I wasn't make fun of the Coronavirus itself when I said this. Sometimes a little laughter is good in a really bad situation such as this. :lol

Do you,expect to die on your bed watching Disney ?

I'm not suggesting ignoring safety but look at the impossible .st.Lucie county basically said use less via don't put as much trash .

So stay home ,order less,see how long you last on that stimulus,which you,must repay .yup ,because I'm in chapter 13,if I owe and don't pay fast before the first due date,bankruptcy dismissed .so trump keep it ,that's merely a credit on this year and next and i can't owe too much ,if it all.kind a hard during bankruptcy.

People are using their beach access ,here.Can't blame them,watching the news would drive me nuts ,rerun,season on tv anyway soon.

I never said that you shouldn't get out, but people should really use their common sense and mind their distances.
So they did not shut the boarders and have harsh bio security immediately when this is was known and spreading around the world months ago, like I always said about the importance of biosecurity, then it comes here, cases grow for weeks and it spread, then they finally take action with a full lockdown and the complete strip of people rights and think they should be praised for it because they are "saving lives" when it's already too late.

I don't even think I'm allowed to go fishing as can only drive for essential services but fishing for food is an essential but who knows, two people got fined yesterday for driving to go fishing. I cannot visit my family. I cannot do nothing. I can go for a walk. You really think im going to praise the government. Lol. Even when this is over people are going to be broke and miserable for a long time.

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One thing for sure is that the bug's aren't letting this virus stop them. I already got a pretty big bug bite on the back of my hand.
Btw, I'm already pretty sure that I don't have to say this, but obviously I wasn't make fun of the Coronavirus itself when I said this. Sometimes a little laughter is good in a really bad situation such as this. :lol

I never said that you shouldn't get out, but people should really use their common sense and mind their distances.
Here some do ,don't ,hard to run the bridges and have proper distances
Also I think that a one year old recently died from this virus and nobody should ever have to bury their child or children. :crying It's not looking good for our state right now unfortunately. :sad

Also apparently it can get on your shoes and a very young woman with no underlying health problems passed away last week. :sad

Day 1 lockdown. Level 4-Eliminate.

It started when I woke up and I went to work as essential service and most things were shut, no traffic, seen a few police patrolling. Big day at work was busy, strick conditions and social distancing. Went home no traffic, now I'm bored. Cannot go fishing it's banned. No work for a few days I can only do a specific job not my general everyday duties so who knows how scattered work will be.

Anyhow, when this is all over I might go oversees for a while because shutdown for at least min 4 weeks is going to mess with the country for a very long time after and I don't want to be around when everyone is equally broke and miserable and everything is highly expensive. Might get a yacht and sail the world for a couple years.
I've been watching the numbers explode in NZ on the sick map. We've been wanting to move there for years now, but that is obviously on hold for the forseeable future.
Well, I just went out for a walk, and for the most part everybody is minding their business, but it still amazes me that there are still gatherings going on and kids playing. :nononoObviously everyone is not taking this seriously. What's it going to take for these parents to come to their senses? Minature coffins? :sad
Because so few know anyone personally who actually has/had the virus......yet.
Because so few know anyone personally who actually has/had the virus......yet.

So? That doesn't mean that they haven't been exposed to it without realizing it and parents seem to think that just because the disease doesn't affect as many children to it that they're immuned, and that couldn't be further from the truth.
So? That doesn't mean that they haven't been exposed to it without realizing it and parents seem to think that just because the disease doesn't affect as many children to it that they're immuned, and that couldn't be further from the truth.
So many need "proof" and so few heed the warnings without it. Unfortunately the proof can equal dire consequences for them.
Because the country cannot work so cannot pay taxes and taxes pay politicians, I wonder if they are all taking a pay cut.
I don't know how I'm going to handle this lockdown. Forced to stay at home for at least 4 weeks and can only drive for essential services. I'm going to go insane if I don't come up with something do to as even I am banned to go fishing. I don't like staying at home. Got nothing here and nothing to do. So board I could light a small controlled fire and sit around it throwing sticks in and roast a marshmellow, but even that's banned.

I have never been so oppressed.
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I don't know how I'm going to handle this lockdown. Forced to stay at home for at least 4 weeks and can only drive for essential services. I'm going to go insane if I don't come up with something do to as even I am banned to go fishing. I don't like staying at home. Got nothing here and nothing to do. So board I could light a fire and sit around it throwing sticks in, but even that's banned.

I have never been so oppressed.

You're online aren't you? You really call that nothing to do?


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