The Biblical doctrine of election has been framed as of late a bit like this: "Does elect so that someone will believe and so be saved, or does God elect because one believes and is thus saved?" This is a false dichotomy of the doctrine of election as there is a third and I would say even more Biblical alternative.
Formerly it has been understood at the foresight view election.. that God looks down the corridors of time and elects those who he sees are believing in Jesus and persevering to the end. The other view is the Calvinistic doctrine of Unconditional Election, this view holds that God decreed to save some of fallen humanity (Infralapsarian view.. leading view) to the praise of his glorious grace, not on account of any foreseen merit or goodness pertaining to the person, but according to God's purposes.
The view I will be espousing is Corporate Election.
God Elects a People:
I will attempt to make my points brief so that this might be easier to respond to..
1. God in the OT elected a people.. not persons. God's purpose in election I believe is not to choose who will or will not be saved, but rather who will be his people for his name, to fulfill his purposes in the world.. to be holy and blameless before him.
The OT this was represented by the Israelites, that those who wished to be apart of the people of God entered into the Covenant previously made with the Covenant Representatives of Israel.. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. You see election to Israel was inseparable from the idea of Covenant. God elected 3 individuals, those previously mentioned, to be in Covenant with God and to produce a people for his possession, the nation of Israel.
This election was not absolute, the Covenant was sustained by the continuing sacrificial system and the obedience of the individuals in the Covenant. While God always remained faithful to the Covenant people, persons were indeed cut off for transgressing the Covenant they had entered into.
2. New Covenant.. Election in Christ for all who believe, Jew and Gentile. God's purpose in electing the nation of Israel out of all the other nations was not so that every nation might sink into sin and oblivion, but so that through Abraham's seed he might bless all the NATIONS.. GENTILES.
Ephesians 1-3 unveils the mystery of the gospel, that through the Messiah God has from the foundation of the world decreed that a people for his possession be found in the Messiah, that those who belong to Jesus are the elect.
That much like the OT Covenant God elected a Covenant Representative head, Jesus the Messiah. Those who are apart of the New Covenant family called the Church.. the body of Christ are the continuation of the people of God. Found anew in the Messiah. This extension to the Gentiles from the foundation of the world is proven through the promise of Abraham alluding to the future inclusion of the Gentiles, thus revealing God's purposes.
Therefore, because God elects a people rather than persons, let us not regard ourselves as individuals in relationship with God. But always remember that we are members of one another and that God's expression of love for us, leads to a similar expression of love for the brothers. He laid down his life for us.. and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers.
For God has elected a people through Jesus.. and he has adopted a family through Jesus. We who are in Christ are those of that Covenant family membership, where we corporately find our identity in Him. Where there is neither Jew nor Gentile, Slave nor Free, Male nor Female, nor any other distinction... but Christ is all and in all.
Blessings to you all.. look forward to your feedback,
Servant of Jesus