Could the world end in 12/21/2012?

Not a clue, eh?

I have more than just a clue :). I know what the end holds, because I read the bible. I was simply proving a point to those who seem to think an "end" will never come. The universe God has created is slowly passing away. He has told us how it will all end, but if you don't believe how it ends, then you have to accept that the earth WILL end some other way. Unfortunately, there is no getting out of it. The death rate on earth is 100%, and such is the same for anything else in the universe.
Search close call astroid on the videos. Probably why many predicted the end was really last week....12/12/12
Well, evidently we've been left behind again.

There was the JW's under Joseph Rutherford predicting prophets return to San Diego in 1929, Jonestown, Heaven's gate and the Hale-Bopp comet, those believing a forty year generation after Israel was back in their land to be in 2008, Harold Camping in 2011, and Mayan followers in 2012. They come and go.
Who was successfully Aprilfooled?
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Are you still here laughing? Take cover...Tis the end of the world. However, wait until I go pack my balls and jerseys:D
Are you still here laughing? Take cover...Tis the end of the world. However, wait until I go pack my balls and jerseys:D
I'm still here until I go be with Jesus. You forgot you can't take anything with you to heaven.

( except people :) )
I'm still here until I go be with Jesus. You forgot you can't take anything with you to heaven. ( except people
Never!!! I can't leave those jerseys and balls and Camp Nou behind.
Well, evidently we've been left behind again.

There was the JW's under Joseph Rutherford predicting prophets return to San Diego in 1929, Jonestown, Heaven's gate and the Hale-Bopp comet, those believing a forty year generation after Israel was back in their land to be in 2008, Harold Camping in 2011, and Mayan followers in 2012. They come and go.

That's just it; they never come or go.
The JW squads are staying behind here. Can they take care of my jerseys and Balls and Camp Nou?
The JW squads are staying behind here. Can they take care of my jerseys and Balls and Camp Nou?
They believe in living on the earth forever. So until all that rots away they can take care of it . LOL
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Kiwi here. Yup, still standing upside down on this little ball we call earth.

Oh well, have a good 25th. :xmas
you are upside down or you are standing on your head? :)

There wouldn't be all these crazy Christmas shoppers if they really believed they would not be here Christmas
you are upside down or you are standing on your head?
There wouldn't be all these crazy Christmas shoppers if they really believed they would not be here Christmas
:lolYou are absolutely correct
10, 9, 8, 7, 6....

Just counting down until the ignorant, gullible, scientifically illiterate and nutjobs start whining about the NEXT imagined end-of-the-world nonsense.

Oh, who among us can predict what foolishness we'll hear next?