Nah, it's happy, not sad.
And we are safe & not in danger- if we have faith! ;)
Maybe the reason you think no one lives & dies past AD70, according to 1Thess.4:16-17 is bc, like many, misunderstand what Paul said.
"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
we which are alive and remain (when we die as they did) shall be caught up together with them in the clouds (to the heavenly home) to meet the Lord in the air.......(Emph. mine)
Paul's language has long been associated with the notion of an instantaneous rapture of the saved to heaven at world's end!
The better view is is that the Paul's language is purely accommodating. The "rapture" language is more spiritual than physical & speaks in part to the victory the church would share in following the persecution & destruction of its enemies.
Paul suggests this when he says "And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with Him, that we may be glorified together." (Rom.8:17)
Also, the Resurrection was tied up in the end time of Israel. All eschatological expectation was linked to this hope: "Unto to which promise our twelve tribes, instantly serving God night and day hope to come." (Acts.26:6-8; 23:6; 24:21)
We see the resurrection of the dead AND the rewards for to the servants & prophets (dead or alive) at the 7th & last trump. (Rev.11:18) This is the same time as God's wrath (the great tribulation on the Jews)
Paul's expressions in 1 Thess. 4:16-18 cannot be separated in time from 1Thess.5, where he continues on to describe the "Day of the Lord" & the safety of those not in darkness.
It's all the same "Day of the Lord." The Kingdom was proclaimed to have come with power in Rev.11:15 when the 7th trumpet was blown.
Christ's enemies were now put down & the church shares in the victory, where its given "power over the nations" to rule them with a rod of iron." (Rev.2:26-27)
This was the beginning of an epoch. For the living it was a spiritual reality to be seated with Christ in heavenly places. There is no more death after death for us.
It was appointed for man to die once (like Christ did) then their fate.
Now, do I need to post the typology of the Feasts of the Lord for extra confirmation in AD70?
I don't think I need to.