Proverbs 21:21
He that followeth after righteousness and mercy findeth life, righteousness, and honour.
Only those who “Follow after” righteousness and mercy will find and experience Life, Righteousness and honor. The only Way to follow after righteousness and mercy is to follow after the One who is our Lord of Righteousness and mercy before God, Jesus Christ. Here’s what must be known about following Christ. Anyone who does not have their faith in the work of Christ at the Cross is not following Christ, as He taught that to follow Him one would have to deny himself, take up his cross (Faith in His sacrificial work at Calvary), and then He can be followed (Luke 9:23).
Every Word that God has ever spoken is “In Righteousness” (Proverbs 8:8), and for faith to come, we must hear God’s Word in its proper context (Romans 10:17), or it will not be faith which comes, but the corruption of our flesh. The Bible says the Spirit is Life because of Righteousness (Romans 8:10), and this Righteousness is the result of God’s love and mercy toward us through our faith in the death of Christ (Colossians 1:20). Outside of faith in the sacrifice of Christ “Daily”, this honor will not be found, and no man will see the Lord through us.
Seeking God in His Word and experiencing Him through faith in the sacrifice of Christ!
Pastor Curtis