I certainly hope you have something to actually offer here, chap.
So far I see nothing but ad hominems
Not sure who you are following - likewise, all your cute little winks and simply saying someone is wrong has absolutely no substance. You strike me as a very young person who at best only recently "got religion" and is now excitedly spilling out their Discipleship 101 class. [well, after hitting your profile, I now know that while you seem like a young, immature person - you simply an older person who has never really grown up and learned how to interact in a edifying manner].
Based on the above, I see not one whit of interest in following Christ or His gospel but simply spilling your ideas from your mind. In light of your orientation, I politely terminate my fellowship with you.
BTW - if you do make a decision to seriously follow Jesus Christ - I encourage using the Greek text as your primary source - it will be most helpful.