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End Times Close?

I know the end times are close, but does anyone have a feeling in their spirit like I do that it is indeed within one generation away?

I'm new to these forums.

Judgment has been continual in and on the earth since the beginning of mankind.

So has tribulation.

Those who stand looking on the outside of their own cup will never see anything coming:

Luke 17:20
And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:

Every external sign seeker is only serving to show their own internal evil:

Luke 11:29
And when the people were gathered thick together, he began to say, This is an evil generation: they seek a sign; and there shall no sign be given it, but the sign of Jonas the prophet.

When Jesus spoke of the end of the world, he drew on equations from the days of Noah, the days of Lot/Sodom and Gomorrah and thee SIGN of Jonas, the prophet.

A tumultuous time? Assuredly.

The shaking has in fact already began. But will remain apart from any observable sign.

God will speak to some and show them. And these will not see by sight of their own eyes, but by the LIGHT, the Glorious Light of His Words as these matters are ALL laid down and foretold long long ago.

It is right there in front of ALL of our eyes, yet it was, is and will remain Divinely and Purposefully sealed beyond understandings to the evil generation upon which it will assuredly FALL.

And great shall be the fall thereof.

He would have ruled His Kingdom, Jason.
actually well it was told to them that the Lord would go to the gentiles in isiah and also hosea.

the blood still would have been shed.(the law couldnt do it) and per jeremiah 31 that was the new covenant.

i think we will be suprised at how many jews did believe him. the pharisees surely didnt fear the people over a few persons who believed.
Would Christ have gone to the Cross if the Jews had acceptied Him as their Messiah?
Despinsational teaching tell us the church was an after thought ya know plan "B".
Personally i doubt God ever needs a plan "B". I was hoping to have a few dispensationalist respond.
Would Christ have gone to the Cross if the Jews had acceptied Him as their Messiah?

Prior to the resurrection, it is not possible, given our human sin nature, for any person to have accepted Jesus as the Messiah that He is. It is the resurrection that makes Christianity possible, as even Jesus' disciples betrayed, deserted, and denied Him prior to the resurrection. Jesus declined to be the kind of messiah that all natural born people desire when He rejected the temptation of Satan prior to His ministry.
Despinsational teaching tell us the church was an after thought ya know plan "B".
Personally i doubt God ever needs a plan "B". I was hoping to have a few dispensationalist respond.

Why when this is the type of pathetic insults which come from those who argue against the simple biblical fact that Israel will be saved in the end.. ?

There's not a Dispensational person I know of who thinks or believes that the church of God was plan B.

Once again, this is the fruit of listening to those who would speak against it with dishonesty rather than actually try to engage in an honest conversation.
Why when this is the type of pathetic insults which come from those who argue against the simple biblical fact that Israel will be saved in the end.. ?

There's not a Dispensational person I know of who thinks or believes that the church of God was plan B.

Once again, this is the fruit of listening to those who would speak against it with dishonesty rather than actually try to engage in an honest conversation.
Ya might want to check with Darby and Scofield.
Ya might want to check with Darby and Scofield.
reba has a point. i have met a man who tells me that is the case that if the nation of isreal repented then the cross wouldnt have happened. he also told me that this is supported by acts 7.

its not that uncommon to me. he is a baptist ordained minister and is a pretribber and believes that the law will return.
he does have a heart for the lost but man he is out there on end times.:eeeekkk
Ya might want to check with Darby and Scofield.

I've read plenty from Darby, nothing that I recall from Scofield..

Regardless, why not just make your case and show us where either of these men (or anyone) taught that the church of God was plan B ?

Or perhaps this is simply what you've been taught from those who are amillennial or preterist in their eschalotogical views.. that would be my guess.

AND regardless of any of this.. a born again believer in Christ should be able to see that DAY approaching.. the Day of the Lord, the Day of Jesus Christ.. which shall come as a thief in the night and as travail upon a woman with child.
The Day of the LORD.. the Day of JESUS CHRIST...

The most staggering events which this universe will witness next is precisely this..



IMO Revelation 4-20 describes this future DAY to come.. to the letter.. :) within the portion of the book which relates to the things which shall be here... after...

And it aint gonna be pretty.. and although Satan and the whole world come against that little nation over there in the middle of hell on earth.. they are going to be DELIVERED.. and that's what Paul teaches us..

That the DELIVERER shall COME from Sion (that's Heaven) and He shall TURN UNGODLINESS from JACOB...

Jacob, the one who wrestled with God all night and prevailed.. and the Sun (of righteousness) rose upon him in that DAY.. the Day of the Lord..

The NIGHT is far spent says Paul, the Apostle to the GENTILES... the DAY is at hand..
lest ye become wise in your own conceits...

Perhaps one of the most important and most ignored instructions to the church of God is to NOT BE IGNORANT of the MYSTERY pertaining to ISRAEL..

How that they (the nation of Israel) are blinded in part until the fulness of the GENTILES be come in...

Now what do you think that means ?

Paul means that when the church of God (which is predominantly Gentile) is complete.. that the judicial blinding of that NATION will also be completed..

Israel will be led to repentance by the goodness of God and all Israel shall be SAVED in that Day..

Paul clearly then ties this to the LORD's COMING...

For the DELIVERER shall COME..

This is certainly speaking of the coming of the Lord.. in the DAY OF THE LORD..

And the resurrection of the DEAD is also tied to His coming and the DAY of the LORD..

As mentioned.. we aint seen nothing yet.. and we might not see it in this lifetime.. but it's certainly coming.. there is absolutely no doubt about that..
AS a thief in the night... and as travail upon a woman with child...

The Apostle Paul writes in a living and powerful way.. some of the most remarkable things to come are summed up in absolutely stunning clarity.. and yet still hidden so to speak...

That the DAY OF THE LORD shall come as witnessed by TWO very important things.. the most important things which the Spirit of Christ wants us to know..



2. As travail upon a WOMAN WITH CHILD...

What might ye think that these things are ?
eventide feel free to counterargue what i have posted on the sages in the temple thread.

the sages whom jesus quoted at times did orally pass on their ideas to the hebrew children in what has been called the talmud today.

they believed the third temple was a flesh one and also rashi a ten century jew believed that the temple would be destroyed during the messiahs coming.

27. And he will strengthen a covenant for the princes for one week, and half the week he will abolish sacrifice and meal- offering, and on high, among abominations, will be the dumb one, and until destruction and extermination befall the dumb one.כז. And he will strengthen a covenant for the princes for one week: לָרַבִּים, for the princes, like “and all the officers of (רַבֵּי) the king,†in the Book of Jeremiah (39:13).: will strengthen: Titus [will strengthen] a covenant with the princes of Israel.: for one week: He will promise them the strengthening of a covenant and peace for seven years, but within the seven years, he will abrogate his covenant.: he will abolish sacrifice and meal-offering: This is what he says in the first vision (8:26): “and in tranquility he will destroy many.†Through a covenant of tranquility, he will destroy them.: and on high, among abominations will be the dumb one: This is a pejorative for pagan deities. i.e., on a high place, among abominations and disgusting things, he will place the dumb one, the pagan deity, which is dumb like a silent stone.: high: Heb. כְּנַף, lit. wing, an expression of height, like the wing of a flying bird.: and until destruction and extermination befall the dumb one: and the ruling of the abomination will endure until the day that the destruction and extermination decreed upon it [will] befall it, in the days of the king Messiah.: befall the dumb one: Heb. תִּתַּ, reach; and total destruction will descend upon the image of the pagan deity and upon its worshippers.
if i read that right that was ad 70 and that was after jesus died and ascended. the jews being blind see that was in ad 70. it did happen. they may not say it like i do but even they unknowingly say that the temple would be destroyed during the messiah's reign
And He shall be KING over all the EARTH in that DAY...

The most wondrous thing of all imo is this..

That THAT feeble and perfectly righteous Jewish man from Nazareth.. Jesus.. who was the Son of God.. even the one who inhabits eternity.. which the entire OT spoke of and foretold in countless and unimaginable ways..

The ONE who alone suffered an unimaginable death upon that forsaken cross.. Where even GOD made HIM to be SIN for us.. who knew no sin, did no sin, and had no sin IN HIM.. and the one who was raised from the DEAD, unto justification of life... who has ascended into heaven and who is now seated at the right hand of His Father... the one who is waiting til His enemies be made His footstool...


He SHALL be KING over all the EARTH in that DAY.. when that Angel sounds.. and the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our God and of His Christ..

The Day of the Lord.. the Day of Jesus Christ.. which shall be a thousand years..

IMO the OT and the NT could not have made this more obvious.. and it has a lot to do with the thematic study of the holy scriptures.. allowing the simple stories to tell the same story in living and powerful ways.. because that's the ultimate key to it all..

In the VOLUME OF THE BOOK it is written of ME saith the LORD..

He told us the end from the beginning already in limitless, living and powerful ways.. this is imo the absolute basis of FAITH in the Lord Jesus Christ being that man.. the Son of God.. who gave Himself for our sins, and the sin of the world, to bring all of us back to HIS FATHER.
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