Mysteryman said:Walking by your carnal eyes, your carnal eyes tell you that Matthew 27:52 & 53 are suppose to be there, because you can see these two verses with your carnal eyes. Well big deal ! At least one is not physically blind. But what about being spiritually blind ? ? Your physical eyes might work perfectly well, but one can still be spiritually blind even if your physical eyes work just fine. You see two verses in your bible. And most people say that God would not allow anything to slip into the bible. Only someone who is spiritually blind would say such a thing. They are naive in believing such a thought ! The fact remains, our translations are flawed ! Period ! Now people need to get over it ! Grow up ! And start to realize this truth ! Our bibles are not "holy". But "You" are holy, because the scriptures tell us that you are "holy". Not you the person, but the Word of Truth that is written in your hearts. That is what is 'holy' !
The Spirit of truth will reveal unto you, that Matthew 27:52 & 53 were additions by man/men ! It does not fit ! It is 'NOT' the God breathed Word of God ! When you come to this truth is up to you. God tells us to plant and water, but it is God who gives the increase, and it is God who opens up the eyes of one's understanding. But first, you must have the proper reading glasses (Spirit of truth in you). Second, God is the one who opens the lenses on those reading glasses. Then and only then do you "SEE" and "understand".
Love IN Christ - MM
Quite the lecture, but totally flawed.
The reason we have the Bible...the reason God has kept it, in spite of man's efforts, is because it is the TRUTH. We are not required to listen to any man who thinks he has the answers because only his "spiritual eyes" are open. We have a body of believers to agree on what the Bible is saying, and we have the Holy Spirit to alert us to those who put more faith in their own insight than they do the written Word. People can say whatever they like and claim to be using their spiritual eyes, but the written Word is the authority.