- Jun 5, 2003
- 33,232
- 2,516
You said your church doesn't have an opinion on evolution
Right. The Church says it's an open question, theologically. You can accept it or deny it and remain a good Catholic. What you can't do, and remain a good Catholic, is say that the Church has taken a stand one way or the other.
when your new pope said this..
Does the new Pope believe in evolution?
We have had several that acknowledge the fact of evolution, and some perhaps who did not. That is not the same thing as the Church stating which is correct. And of course, one does not "believe in evolution." One accepts it or rejects it on the evidence.
The answer is actually yes.
And in fact, the Roman Catholic Church has recognized Darwinian evolution for the past 60 years.
It has recognized that Darwinian evolution is consistent with God's creation, so long as it does not deny divine providence (which it cannot). It also recognizes that most forms of creationism are consistent with God as creator.
It openly rejects Intelligent Design
One cardinal actually endorsed a Christian form of "design."
An influential Roman Catholic cardinal whose comments on evolution are closely followed condemned a court decision yesterday that barred Dover Area School District from teaching "intelligent design" in biology class.
and Young Earth Creationism saying that it "pretends to be science."
I'm looking around, for some ex cathedra statement, or something from the Bishops in council, or even in the tradition of the Church that says so, but... nothing. You've been misled there, although there are surely Catholic theologians who have noticed that "life ex nihilo" is contrary to God's word in Genesis. The first was about 400 A.D.
But the Church’s unique take on the theory, what it calls theistic evolution, still shows that Catholics have largely missed the point.
That is not what the Church teaches. Catholics are free to accept evolution, or reject it. And popes are free to express personal opinions which have no force other than personal credibility.
Your guy is a little confused. The new Pope can have any opinion on evolution he likes, even YE creationism. He's not in any way restricted by anything any other pope has said about it, except of course that no theory of life that denies divine providence can be acceptable to Catholics. And, as you might know, even Darwin acknowledged that God created life.
So you see your speaking out of fear nothing more nothing less
Surprise. As I said, "It's not what folks don't know, it's what they know that ain't so, that gets them."
and yes the scriptures back up everything having to do with the 6 day creation
I know you want us to believe that, EDITED reba
all depends on which side of the fence your on.. and who your listening to..
edited reba
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