For a long time, there were probably only about 2000 people in the whole world. All of these people had black skin, to protect them from the sun. All of them lived in Africa, and they lived in trees or caves or temporary shelters. Almost as soon as there were people, about 1.9 million years ago, they began to make stone tools. A million years later, around 800,000 BC, people learned to use fire.
About 65,000 years ago, probably drawn by the changing climate at the end of an Ice Age, a few of these people left Africa. They probably traveled along the coast of the Arabian peninsula, down around the coast of India, and eventually in boats to Australia. These people also had black skin. These became known as the Aboroginies.
50,000 BC Cave dwellers left wild date seeds along with evidence of pine nuts, walnuts, acorns, chestnuts etc. in the Shanidar Cave located in Northern Iraq.
40,000 in East Asia wolves became the first dogs, the first tame animals.
35,000 BC Fruits, nuts, roots were being gathered for food. No cultivation.
29,000 BC Paleolithic people in Central Europe cook mammoth and other animals in cooking pits.
20,000 BC the first appearance of boats or rafts to reach North America and South America.
12,000 BC Einkorn may have been the first domesticated grain.
11,000 BC Figs trees may have been domesticated. Dried figs found in the lower Jordan Valley in Israel (2006) have been dated to about 11,400 BC. They are a variety that is sterile, so the people may have learned to cultivate new trees by planting shoots.
10,000 BC Goats were domesticated in the Near East by this time.
10,000 BC Crude forms of flatbread were being made.
10,000 BC Emmer emerged as the 2nd domesticated grain, in Egypt.
9,300 BC Evidence of systematic storage of wild grains discovered near the Dead Sea in Jordan. 1,000 to 2,000 years before cultivation of domesticated species.
9,000 BC Sheep were domesticated by this time.
8,000 BC Pigs were domesticated in China by this time.
7,000 BC Apples possibly cultivated in southwestern Asia.
6,700 BC Earliest evidence for domestication of corn (Found in Mexico, 2009)
6,500 BC Cattle were domesticated by this time.
6,000 BC Lima Beans were being cultivated in Peru.
6,000 BC Fava Beans were being used in the eastern Mediterranean region.
6,000 BC Chili peppers and squash were part of the Meso-American diet.
6,000 BC Citrus fruit ancestor (citron) were grown in India at this time."
We know from the Bible that Adam and Eve were living in 4892 B.C. while at the same time there were other people who had been living in Africa 1.9 million years before them. There is a gap between the creation account of heaven and earth and the Mosaic record of the Biblical Adam and Eve.