It's simple.. you claim that you're literally eating FLESH.. and I asked you what profit there is in that if our FLESH is condemned.. dying... decaying...
You are separating the spiritual and the physical without reason. This is the mistake of Gnosticism. There is an overlap between the physical and the spiritual - which is at the heart of the sacramental system.
People are baptized with water because of its spiritual effectiveness. The physical water does not cleanse the spiritual soul. And yet, the Church has believed what Christ taught - that one must be born from above by water and the Spirit. The symbol of water is powerful in Scriptures. And thus, the physical moves the mind to the spiritual. That is why we don't baptize with motor oil. It does not give the impression that one is being spiritually cleansed. Peter understood this when he suggested the same thing - that we are cleansed through water, but not as a normal bath.
The same is true of the Eucharist, or any other sacrament. The actions of the physical world overlap with the actions done in the spiritual realm by God Himself, Who has promised the effectiveness of the physical into the spiritual. Thus, the REQUIREMENT to be baptized leads to eternal life. Being physically baptized by water opens the door for one to enter into the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ. It makes available to us eternal life. Just as the Eucharist does. The physical leads to the spiritual.
How does this work? The fleshy mind cannot comprehend or rationalize such an item that relies entirely on faith. Do we see the Spirit come upon the man/woman/child during baptism? No. If we put the Eucharist under a microscope, it appears as bread. (with the exception of Eucharistic miracles) It is not empirically possible to prove it, ordinarily. We cannot even prove the existence of God, empirically speaking. We believe, based upon faith. And we believe that God acts in this world through the sacraments, physical actions done FOR THE PURPOSE OF OUR SPIRITUAL LIFE.
Thus, we eat the flesh of Christ for the purpose of our spiritual life. That union of Jesus, at the most basic level, breeds an abiding presence in the spiritual sense. The physical sense of digestion leads to the spiritually abiding presence.
It is inconsequential that our body is "dying", as you say. We continue to receive spiritual gifts from God - as well as physical ones - despite our eventual demise in the flesh. Receiving worldly/fleshy/temporal gifts is not pointless, nor are those gifts so limited that they have no spiritual benefits. Receiving a physical gift overlaps into the spiritual realm, since receiving a
physical gift breeds a number of
spiritual reactions - thanksgiving, appreciation, praise of God, a reciprocal desire to act, etc... You point of view places the physical and the spiritual into separate boxes that cannot overlap. Clearly, this is anti-Biblical, as the Bible, from cover to cover, is full of God reaching to us in the physical world. A spiritual being enters into the physical through the Incarnation!!! Remember? By faith, I believe this.
You're the one who is twisting this around... I never once said that Christ's flesh profits nothing... He gave Himself (His flesh) for the sin of the world..
No, I'm afraid you still do not see where your point leads...
YOU said the "flesh profits for nothing" - meaning that there is no point in flesh regarding our spiritual well-being, since it is corrupted/condemned. Taking YOUR definition, that is exactly where your point leads... If the physical flesh is corrupt/condemned - because it dies - then Christ's flesh was corrupt/condemned. Death is a sign of corruption, according to you. Thus, how is it that a corrupted/condemned flesh saves? What was the POINT of "corrupted flesh" physically dying? That was the exact same line of reasoning regarding the Gnostics of the first century - saying that Jesus didn't die in the flesh... Your viewpoint is a modern day Gnostic, not orthodox Christianity.
OUR FLESH profits nothing.. and there's a simple reason... IT'S CONDEMNED..
That's clearly not what Christ meant and I see you refuse to address the text. Your failure to understand that is an indication that mimics the Jewish situation in John 6 and those who went away as they tried to contemplate the words of Jesus with their
fleshy minds, rather than allowing the Spirit to enable them to believe. Your fleshy mind profits nothing, as it cannot bring forth faith. You cannot conjure up faith from your fleshy mind. It profits for nothing - it is only the spirit that gives life.
Accept that Jesus did not say "
YOU MUST EAT MY FLESH" and then a few verses later, changed His mind...