- Apr 22, 2011
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- 16,444
Do you believe Jesus rose on the Third day?
Of the statements below, could you please indicate the one you disagree with?
- So Jesus kept the Passover meal with His disciples on the night before He would be crucified.
- He was crucified on Friday, which included Thursday night since Friday began Thursday evening.
- He rose on the third day, being the first day of the week.
- Friday - Day 1
- Saturday - Day 2
- Sunday - The 3rd Day
Of course I believe God raised Him on the third day, but after He spent 3 days and three nights in the tomb. You have Jesus being in the tomb Friday night Saturday night and Sunday night which would mean He was raised on early Monday morning after Sunday being the third night.
I already explained when Passover of Unleavened Bread started and if you count backwards from Sunday at sunrise to Thursday being the first day and first night then you come to Sunday at sunrise.
It was Wednesday of that week of Passover that Jesus celebrated this with the Disciples during the seven day Passover and the same night, being Wednesday, He was betrayed an arrested. Thursday He stood before Pontius Pilate and was condemned to death by crucifixion. The Jews could not hold a trail as it was Passover so they let the people decide who would be free that day and they chose Barabbas.
Jesus was then beaten and led off for crucifixion Thursday morning and died at the ninth hour being around 3PM. This was the first day and first night.