Bible Study good Friday

Do you believe Jesus rose on the Third day?

Of the statements below, could you please indicate the one you disagree with?

  • So Jesus kept the Passover meal with His disciples on the night before He would be crucified.

  • He was crucified on Friday, which included Thursday night since Friday began Thursday evening.

  • He rose on the third day, being the first day of the week.

  1. Friday - Day 1
  2. Saturday - Day 2
  3. Sunday - The 3rd Day


Of course I believe God raised Him on the third day, but after He spent 3 days and three nights in the tomb. You have Jesus being in the tomb Friday night Saturday night and Sunday night which would mean He was raised on early Monday morning after Sunday being the third night.

I already explained when Passover of Unleavened Bread started and if you count backwards from Sunday at sunrise to Thursday being the first day and first night then you come to Sunday at sunrise.

It was Wednesday of that week of Passover that Jesus celebrated this with the Disciples during the seven day Passover and the same night, being Wednesday, He was betrayed an arrested. Thursday He stood before Pontius Pilate and was condemned to death by crucifixion. The Jews could not hold a trail as it was Passover so they let the people decide who would be free that day and they chose Barabbas.

Jesus was then beaten and led off for crucifixion Thursday morning and died at the ninth hour being around 3PM. This was the first day and first night.
Just suppose God searched through Heaven,
And couldn't find one willing to be,
The supreme sacrifice that was needed,
That would buy eternal life for you and me

Had it not been for a place called Mount Calvary,
Had it not been for the old rugged cross,
Had it not been for a man called Jesus,
Then forever my soul would be lost

Well I'm so glad He was willing to drink His bitter cup,
Although He prayed "Father let it pass from me",
And I'm so glad He never called Heaven's angels,
From these hands, Pulled the nails that torment me

Then forever my soul would be lost
Of course I believe God raised Him on the third day, but after He spent 3 days and three nights in the tomb. You have Jesus being in the tomb Friday night Saturday night and Sunday night which would mean He was raised on early Monday morning after Sunday being the third night.

I already explained when Passover of Unleavened Bread started and if you count backwards from Sunday at sunrise to Thursday being the first day and first night then you come to Sunday at sunrise.

It was Wednesday of that week of Passover that Jesus celebrated this with the Disciples during the seven day Passover and the same night, being Wednesday, He was betrayed an arrested. Thursday He stood before Pontius Pilate and was condemned to death by crucifixion. The Jews could not hold a trail as it was Passover so they let the people decide who would be free that day and they chose Barabbas.

Jesus was then beaten and led off for crucifixion Thursday morning and died at the ninth hour being around 3PM. This was the first day and first night.

Do you believe Jesus rose on the Third day?

Answered. Of course. So we agree.

Of the statements below, could you please indicate the one you disagree with?

Let’s discuss which point we disagree ?

  • So Jesus kept the Passover meal with His disciples on the night before He would be crucified.

  • He was crucified on Friday, which included Thursday night since Friday began Thursday evening.

  • He rose on the third day, being the first day of the week.

  1. Friday - Day 1
  2. Saturday - Day 2

3. Sunday - The 3rd Day - (agreed)

Do you believe Jesus rose on the Third day?

Answered. Of course. So we agree.

Of the statements below, could you please indicate the one you disagree with?

Let’s discuss which point we disagree ?

  • So Jesus kept the Passover meal with His disciples on the night before He would be crucified.

  • He was crucified on Friday, which included Thursday night since Friday began Thursday evening.

  • He rose on the third day, being the first day of the week.

  1. Friday - Day 1
  2. Saturday - Day 2
3. Sunday - The 3rd Day - (agreed)


Matthew Chapter 26-28

Using the Lunar solar calendar in two days I believe Jesus was speaking about High Sabbath that would begin in two days on the 22nd of Nisan as they were already celebrating the seven day passover of Unleaven Bread that started at sunset on the 15th of Nisan after the days of preparation that started on the 13th of Nisan as all the yeast had to be taken out of the home and all the food prepared for seven days. Since the Festival of Unleaven Bread started on Friday at sunset to the following Saturday at sunset to sunrise being seven days this brings it to the next Friday at sunset to Saturday at sunset being the High Sabbath.

The chief priest, scribes and elders of the people consulted that they would take Jesus that night and kill him (Wednesday night), but by Jewish law they could not kill him during feast day and this is why they handed Jesus over to Pilate. It would have been a Wednesday during the seven day festival that after they had finished the Lord's supper that they went with Jesus out to the mount of Olives that evening. Jesus told them this night after they went to the mount of Olives that he would be betrayed and arrested.

Here is the math. Jesus was arrested on Wednesday night on the mount of Olives where He and his disciples went to after the Lord's supper during the Festival of unleavened Bread. Thursday He faced Pilate and the people condemned Jesus. He was beaten and then nailed to the cross early in the morning hours and died around 3PM that afternoon after giving up the ghost. Thursday being the first day and first night He laid in the tomb would bring it to being three days and three nights ending at sunrise Sunday morning when God raised Him from the tomb.
Matthew Chapter 26-28

Using the Lunar solar calendar in two days I believe Jesus was speaking about High Sabbath that would begin in two days on the 22nd of Nisan as they were already celebrating the seven day passover of Unleaven Bread that started at sunset on the 15th of Nisan after the days of preparation that started on the 13th of Nisan as all the yeast had to be taken out of the home and all the food prepared for seven days. Since the Festival of Unleaven Bread started on Friday at sunset to the following Saturday at sunset to sunrise being seven days this brings it to the next Friday at sunset to Saturday at sunset being the High Sabbath.

The chief priest, scribes and elders of the people consulted that they would take Jesus that night and kill him (Wednesday night), but by Jewish law they could not kill him during feast day and this is why they handed Jesus over to Pilate. It would have been a Wednesday during the seven day festival that after they had finished the Lord's supper that they went with Jesus out to the mount of Olives that evening. Jesus told them this night after they went to the mount of Olives that he would be betrayed and arrested.

Here is the math. Jesus was arrested on Wednesday night on the mount of Olives where He and his disciples went to after the Lord's supper during the Festival of unleavened Bread. Thursday He faced Pilate and the people condemned Jesus. He was beaten and then nailed to the cross early in the morning hours and died around 3PM that afternoon after giving up the ghost. Thursday being the first day and first night He laid in the tomb would bring it to being three days and three nights ending at sunrise Sunday morning when God raised Him from the tomb.

Does that mean you agree or disagree with the other points I made, if so which ones.

Do you believe Jesus rose on the Third day?

Answered. Of course. So we agree.

Of the statements below, could you please indicate the one you disagree with?

  • So Jesus kept the Passover meal with His disciples on the night before He would be crucified.

  • He was crucified on Friday, which included Thursday night since Friday began Thursday evening.

  • He rose on the third day, being the first day of the week.

  1. Friday - Day 1
  2. Saturday - Day 2
3. Sunday - The 3rd Day - (agreed)

Matthew Chapter 26-28

Using the Lunar solar calendar in two days I believe Jesus was speaking about High Sabbath that would begin in two days on the 22nd of Nisan as they were already celebrating the seven day passover of Unleaven Bread that started at sunset on the 15th of Nisan after the days of preparation that started on the 13th of Nisan as all the yeast had to be taken out of the home and all the food prepared for seven days. Since the Festival of Unleaven Bread started on Friday at sunset to the following Saturday at sunset to sunrise being seven days this brings it to the next Friday at sunset to Saturday at sunset being the High Sabbath.

The chief priest, scribes and elders of the people consulted that they would take Jesus that night and kill him (Wednesday night), but by Jewish law they could not kill him during feast day and this is why they handed Jesus over to Pilate. It would have been a Wednesday during the seven day festival that after they had finished the Lord's supper that they went with Jesus out to the mount of Olives that evening. Jesus told them this night after they went to the mount of Olives that he would be betrayed and arrested.

Here is the math. Jesus was arrested on Wednesday night on the mount of Olives where He and his disciples went to after the Lord's supper during the Festival of unleavened Bread. Thursday He faced Pilate and the people condemned Jesus. He was beaten and then nailed to the cross early in the morning hours and died around 3PM that afternoon after giving up the ghost. Thursday being the first day and first night He laid in the tomb would bring it to being three days and three nights ending at sunrise Sunday morning when God raised Him from the tomb.

Or I could just ask you to count back from Sunday, the first day of the week, the third day in which He rose, two days and tell me which day that is?

Sunday the third day
Saturday the Sabbath, the second day
Friday the first, when He was crucified.

You will then come to the conclusion that the only issue is “3 nights”.

The phrase 3 days and three nights doesn’t necessarily have to refer to a literal 72 hour period, for if it did He would have to have been resurrected at 3:00 PM in the afternoon.

Three days and three nights is an “idiomatic” expression that refers to three consecutive or calendar days.

JLB I already gave that of what I believe. Whether it agrees or disagrees with what you believe at least we can agree Christ was risen on Sunday morning around sunrise.
JLB I already gave that of what I believe. Whether it agrees or disagrees with what you believe at least we can agree Christ was risen on Sunday morning around sunrise.

Yes, on the third day.


I couldn’t agree more. :amen

What I disagree with is, He was crucified on Wednesday and rose on Saturday morning the Sabbath.

People claim this because of the passages that say “three days and three nights”.

The Sabbath is Saturday.

Scripture shows that Jesus was crucified on Friday, that he died on Friday. As the next day was the sabbeth the legs of the theievs were broken so the suffocated and there bodies would not be on the cross durring the sabbeth.

Again scripture say on the first day of the week. The day we call Sunday, Jesus rose again.
Yes, on the third day.



You believe as you will and I will believe as I will as all we can agree on is that God raised Jesus from His tomb early Sunday morning. We have showed both sides of the coin and we could go on going over that of we both have presented and I truly have nothing more to give.

Thank you for a good discussion and have a great day.
Scripture shows that Jesus was crucified on Friday, that he died on Friday. As the next day was the sabbeth the legs of the theievs were broken so the suffocated and there bodies would not be on the cross durring the sabbeth.

Again scripture say on the first day of the week. The day we call Sunday, Jesus rose again.

Yes sir.
The Passover meal was eaten the night before, as the Passover began the previous evening.

So Jesus kept the Passover meal with His disciples on the night before He would be crucified.

That would have been Thursday night when the Passover began.

The Passover began on Thursday evening.

He was crucified on Friday, which included Thursday night since Friday began Thursday evening.

He was laid in the tomb Friday before the Sabbath.

He rose on the third day, being the first day of the week.

Friday - Day 1
Saturday - Day 2
Sunday - The 3rd Day

3 days and 3 nights,
Sunset is when another day began.
Was buried in haste, before the High Sabbath, the first day of Passover. Our Wed 6pm.
Resurrection took place after Sat. Sunset.
He was crucified Wed. Sunset, thus Thur, sunset, was 1 day, one night,Friday sunset would be the 2nd day and night, thus Sat, sunset would be the 3rd day and night.

If you put the date as being Thursday. sunset, you have Friday Sunset as being one day. Sat. Sunset being the 2nd day, sunset, being the 3rd,.
John 19:31
The Jews therefore, because it was the PREPARATION, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the Sabbath, for that Sabbath was an High Day....first day of feast
3 days and 3 nights,
Sunset is when another day began.
Was buried in haste, before the High Sabbath, the first day of Passover. Our Wed 6pm.
Resurrection took place after Sat. Sunset.
He was crucified Wed. Sunset, thus Thur, sunset, was 1 day, one night,Friday sunset would be the 2nd day and night, thus Sat, sunset would be the 3rd day and night.

If you put the date as being Thursday. sunset, you have Friday Sunset as being one day. Sat. Sunset being the 2nd day, sunset, being the 3rd,.

Wednesday Day 1
Thursday Day 2
Friday the Third Day

Did Jesus rise again on the Third Day?

I don’t think Friday is the first day of the week.

I could just ask you to count back from Sunday, the first day of the week, the third day in which He rose, two days and tell me which day that is?

Sunday the third day
Saturday the Sabbath, the second day
Friday the first, when He was crucified.

You will then come to the conclusion that the only issue is “3 nights”.

The phrase 3 days and three nights doesn’t necessarily have to refer to a literal 72 hour period, for if it did He would have to have been resurrected at 3:00 PM in the afternoon.

Three days and three nights is an “idiomatic” expression that refers to three consecutive or calendar days.

Wednesday Day 1
Thursday Day 2
Friday the Third Day

Did Jesus rise again on the Third Day?

I don’t think Friday is the first day of the week.

I could just ask you to count back from Sunday, the first day of the week, the third day in which He rose, two days and tell me which day that is?

Sunday the third day
Saturday the Sabbath, the second day
Friday the first, when He was crucified.

You will then come to the conclusion that the only issue is “3 nights”.

The phrase 3 days and three nights doesn’t necessarily have to refer to a literal 72 hour period, for if it did He would have to have been resurrected at 3:00 PM in the afternoon.

Three days and three nights is an “idiomatic” expression that refers to three consecutive or calendar days.

Wed. Day one?
You have to wait 24 hours to make a day.
You have Wed. Counting it 1st day, as I stated crucified on Wed.6pm, it will be another 24 hours, before it is called the first day, it would be Thursday 6pm, the first day Fri.6 pm as the second day, Sat.6 pm as the third day. Saturday at sunset would be Sunday...The first day of the week.

Get it? Lol
Wed. Day one?
You have to wait 24 hours to make a day.
You have Wed. Counting it 1st day, as I stated crucified on Wed.6pm, it will be another 24 hours, before it is called the first day, it would be Thursday 6pm, the first day Fri.6 pm as the second day, Sat.6 pm as the third day. Saturday at sunset would be Sunday...The first day of the week.

Get it? Lol

Sorry but Jesus rose “on the third day”, which was the first day of the week.

Then he took it down, wrapped it in linen, and laid it in a tomb that was hewn out of the rock, where no one had ever lain before. That day was the Preparation, and the Sabbath drew near.And the women who had come with Him from Galilee followed after, and they observed the tomb and how His body was laid. Then they returned and prepared spices and fragrant oils. And they rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment.
Now on the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they, and certain other women with them, came to the tomb bringing the spices which they had prepared. Luke 23:53-24:1

Sunday Day 3 - The Day He rose.

Saturday the Sabbath, the day they rested according to the commandment. Day 2

Friday the day before the Sabbath, the day He was crucified.
Day 1

The phrase 3 days and three nights doesn’t necessarily have to refer to a literal 72 hour period, for if it did He would have to have been resurrected at 3:00 PM in the afternoon.

Three days and three nights is an “idiomatic” expression that refers to three consecutive or calendar days.

It actually should be called Good Thursday.

Matthew 12:40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

Luke 24:1 Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them. 2 And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre. 3 And they entered in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus.

Matthew 27:45 Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour. 46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? 47 Some of them that stood there, when they heard that, said, This man calleth for Elias. 48 And straightway one of them ran, and took a sponge, and filled it with vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave him to drink. 49 The rest said, Let be, let us see whether Elias will come to save him. 50 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.

Three days and three nights and Jesus being raised early on the first day of the week being Sunday at sunrise would mean Jesus had to be crucified on a Thursday according to our calendar. The first day would be Thursday to Thursday night at sunset (1 day, 1 night) to Friday sunrise to sunset (two days, 2 nights) Saturday from sunrise to sunset (3 days 3 nights). Sabbath day being from Friday at sunset to Saturday sunset and Christ being raised early on Sunday at sunrise being the first day of the week shows it had to be a Thursday around the 9th hour when Jesus died.

Thursday at the 3rd hour according to Jewish tradition noon time (12 PM) was the 6th hour of the day as the break of dawn would be the 1st hour of the day. So Thursday morning sometime before the 6th hour Jesus was nailed to the cross. From the 6th hour to the 9th hour (three hours 12 PM to 3 PM) there was darkness over the land where Jesus hung on the cross. Around the 9th hour Jesus yielded up the ghost and died.

From the day being late Thursday afternoon (first day, first night) brings us through to Sunday at sunrise being three days and three nights with Christ being raised from the grave early Sunday morning.
I've been reading thru and you sound well-versed in this matter.
I once read that the reason Wed is sometimes considered for the Passover meal is because that year there was a special High Passover.

Do you know anything about this?
Sorry but Jesus rose “on the third day”, which was the first day of the week.

Then he took it down, wrapped it in linen, and laid it in a tomb that was hewn out of the rock, where no one had ever lain before. That day was the Preparation, and the Sabbath drew near.And the women who had come with Him from Galilee followed after, and they observed the tomb and how His body was laid. Then they returned and prepared spices and fragrant oils. And they rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment.
Now on the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they, and certain other women with them, came to the tomb bringing the spices which they had prepared. Luke 23:53-24:1

Sunday Day 3 - The Day He rose.

Saturday the Sabbath, the day they rested according to the commandment. Day 2

Friday the day before the Sabbath, the day He was crucified.
Day 1

The phrase 3 days and three nights doesn’t necessarily have to refer to a literal 72 hour period, for if it did He would have to have been resurrected at 3:00 PM in the afternoon.

Three days and three nights is an “idiomatic” expression that refers to three consecutive or calendar days.

The three days and three NIGHTS is what causes a problem.
It could be a mis-spoken statement.

I believe the only day we could be sure of is that Jesus rose on the FIRST day of the week: Sunday.

There's also a discussion about getting READY for the Passover, and the actual Passover...but I don't know enough about this subject. What little I knew about it, I've forgotten.

Just wanted to make the point about SUNDAY being the FIRST day of the week which is confirmed biblically.
Of course I believe God raised Him on the third day, but after He spent 3 days and three nights in the tomb. You have Jesus being in the tomb Friday night Saturday night and Sunday night which would mean He was raised on early Monday morning after Sunday being the third night.

I already explained when Passover of Unleavened Bread started and if you count backwards from Sunday at sunrise to Thursday being the first day and first night then you come to Sunday at sunrise.

It was Wednesday of that week of Passover that Jesus celebrated this with the Disciples during the seven day Passover and the same night, being Wednesday, He was betrayed an arrested. Thursday He stood before Pontius Pilate and was condemned to death by crucifixion. The Jews could not hold a trail as it was Passover so they let the people decide who would be free that day and they chose Barabbas.

Jesus was then beaten and led off for crucifixion Thursday morning and died at the ninth hour being around 3PM. This was the first day and first night.
If you make the crucifixion and death at
Thursday 3 pm

You end up with 4 days and 3 nights.

It's a problem all around...

Hey FHG,,,,this post might really be for dianegcook ...
Can't go back to read right now.

Who claimed He died on Thursday....?
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