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HOLY SPIRIT convicts of what?


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you will be ok trust me. keep on giving the devil the credit he enjoys the advertisement

who should I blame, for false doctrine? The scriptures are clear on that too!

Rom 8:14

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
Rom 8:15

For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.
Rom 8:16

The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:

Rom 5:5

And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

The Love of God, given to us by the Holy Spirit fulfills every commandment and ever law of God!

To change the Holy Spirit into a spirit of bondage and fear is a great evil, and clearly false doctrine!
The Love of God, given to us by the Holy Spirit fulfills every commandment and ever law of God!

To change the Holy Spirit into a spirit of bondage and fear is a great evil, and clearly false doctrine!
to you its false doctrine to others it is not......

Rom 8:14

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
Rom 8:15

For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.
Rom 8:16

The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:

Rom 5:5

And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.
i agree %100 on these scriptures. but no place does it say the holy spirit does not convicts us . you see the word of God and the spirit work together. the word is sharper than a 2 edged sword. it can penetrate our heart. word- spirit works in complete agreement with each other.
to you its false doctrine to others it is not......

i agree %100 on these scriptures. but no place does it say the holy spirit does not convicts us . you see the word of God and the spirit work together. the word is sharper than a 2 edged sword. it can penetrate our heart. word- spirit works in complete agreement with each other.
The scriptures show us clearly that the Holy Spirit is convicting the "believer" of LIFE and Righteousness by faith!i
Sin is death and fear, the Holy Spirt is not showing a believer their sins! That is false teaching, and a spirit of bondage to the flesh and the law!
The scriptures show us clearly that the Holy Spirit is convicting the "believer" of LIFE and Righteousness by faith!i
Sin is death and fear, the Holy Spirt is not showing a believer their sins! That is false teaching, and a spirit of bondage to the flesh and the law!
in your eyes maybe
in your eyes maybe

anyone that can read and believe the scriptures can see the truth! Only the religious have a hard time seeing the glory of Christ and what is has given to the humble at heart!
anyone that can read and believe the scriptures can see the truth! Only the religious have a hard time seeing the glory of Christ and what is has given to the humble at heart!

so your saying you are right and any one out side your circle is wrong? i can take you introduce you to numerous pastors who have been preaching for well excess over 40 years * that believes the Holy Spirit bring conviction ..the one thing you fail to see is conviction is not condemnation . my entire point of disagreeing with you. is not to prove me right. but to point out there numerous folks who do believe in the conviction . some things are just best left alone like a baptist and Pentecostal coming to agreement on church doctrine.
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so your saying you are right and any one out side your circle is wrong? i can take you introduce you to numerous pastors who have been preaching for well excess over 40 years * that believes the Holy Spirit bring conviction ..the one thing you fail to see is conviction is not condemnation . my entire point of disagreeing with you. is not to prove me right. but to point out there numerous folks who do believe in the conviction . some things are just best left alone like a baptist and Pentecostal coming to agreement on church doctrine.
The time is short, the end is near, we as "believers" are about to enter a great battle with our "enemy" the accuser of the brethern! I honor many of the old teachers, I am thankful for the truth they passed on to us. Having said that, any who attempt to make the blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit testify against each other, are in great error!
Righteousness is the power over satan, for the believer. satan has deceived the church into turning the ministry of the Spirit from the ministry of righteousness and life into a ministry of sin and death! its error and when one continues in error after being shown the truth, its blasphemy!
The time is short, the end is near, we as "believers" are about to enter a great battle with our "enemy" the accuser of the brethern! I honor many of the old teachers, I am thankful for the truth they passed on to us. Having said that, any who attempt to make the blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit testify against each other, are in great error!
Righteousness is the power over satan, for the believer. satan has deceived the church into turning the ministry of the Spirit from the ministry of righteousness and life into a ministry of sin and death! its error and when one continues in error after being shown the truth, its blasphemy!
i am sorry i failed to remember you was christ and would judge the secrets of my heart ..have good day
i am sorry i failed to remember you was christ and would judge the secrets of my heart ..have good day
I judge no one? you and I both have One we must answer to!
I am against false teaching, and if you feel I judge you then you are wrong! I declare with all boldness that the Blood and Spirit are not in conflict, but agree! That is clear and evident in scripture. You should heed the scriptures.
I live by the Word of God! I dont care if 1000000 people thought something!

The Word of God is the truth by which we see that which is true in the Spirit!
Personal opinions are like noses everybody has them and they usally have a couple holes in them. The word of God is clear on this issue! The Holy Spirit does not convict a "believer" of sin! But of Righteousness!

I am willing to discuss these other issues you have about How God corrects. But understand correction is to bring us out of "flesh" and into the "Spirit" ONLY by walking in the "spirit" can we overcome the sin that is in the "Flesh"!

Now to try to deal with correction or sin issues apart from this truth is just foolishness!

Think about this, who has more power over sin? A man who feels condemned and guilty, seperated from God by sin, Or a man confident in his right standing with God? A man who knows the power of God and His Spirit is always present to help him in temptations!

Who is stronger, a man who faces temptation in his own strength, or one who is confident in Gods power and GRACE to overcome his weakness?

This is why sin can not have dominion over a righteous believer! Because by faith they trust in Gods Strength, not their own ability!

I tell you sin is no issue for a righteous man! Because Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world!

My confidence is in God! not in myself!

What greater power than the throne of Grace? Only those who think they earn their way to the throne can never understand its power! -Mitspa

Why do you suppose the first folks cast into the lake of fire will be the fearful and unbelieving?

Rom 5:5

And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

Joh 17:22

And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:

Joh 17:23

I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent
me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.

To claim the Holt Spirit is here to convict the "believer" of sin, is so false that the Holy Spirit Himself must be greatly grieved!

NO! anyone can see the Holy Spirit comes and bears witness that we are ONE with God The Father and The Son. The Holy Spirit sheds Gods love for us, abroad in our hearts. NOT the guilt of sin!

If Gods Laws are fulfilled in Love? How can any walk in Gods Love without the source of that Love?
How can any draw from the well, when religion has filled it with dirt and rolled a stone over it?

Jesus said do not think that I come to accuse or to condemn?

He said that Moses in whom you trust, accuses you!
In Col 2:14-15 we see that the law that was against us was nailed to His Cross!

Having disarmed satan and his demons?
The name "satan" means accuser, a legal term that descibes one who brings charges against us according to law.

Now the false teaching of the Holy Spirit convicting a believer of sin, was brought into the "church" by satan! The spirit that accuses the brethren of sin is not the Holy Spirit, but is satan!
you sure give satan a lot of credit
Yes the scriptures are very clear! he is the enemy of Gods people and we are not to be ignorant of his devices and ways!

We are to overcome him with the sinless Blood of Christ and the testimony of His righteousness, which the Holy Spirit bears witness too.

Its seems a "real minister" would know these things, and discuss scripture in an honest way?

It seems some can only bring accusations against others? I wonder what spirit would cause them to do that?
Jesus said do not think that I come to accuse or to condemn?

He said that Moses in whom you trust, accuses you!
In Col 2:14-15 we see that the law that was against us was nailed to His Cross!

Having disarmed satan and his demons?
The name "satan" means accuser, a legal term that descibes one who brings charges against us according to law.

Now the false teaching of the Holy Spirit convicting a believer of sin, was brought into the "church" by satan! The spirit that accuses the brethren of sin is not the Holy Spirit, but is satan!

That's pretty funny. So, a believer who murders or steals is not to be convicted of sin by the Holy Spirit? lol! The world of darkness would be smarter than the Holy Spirit were that the measure.

Jesus said the 'thought' of adultery is committing same 'in heart.' (Matt. 5:28)

No Holy Spirit conviction over that particular sin? Again, lol.

Sin is a factually blinding force courtesy of the power of darkness that causes believers not to be able to see or perceive what it is or 'where' it's happening.

A very high percentage of male believers will deny that looking lustfully upon a woman is sin internally and will 'excuse' it in the name of 'it's just natural thought.'

Never would they see that as the working of the tempter within them. Nary a one. That is how powerfully blinding that working is. It turns every man into a liar.

That's pretty funny. So, a believer who murders or steals is not to be convicted of sin by the Holy Spirit? lol! The world of darkness would be smarter than the Holy Spirit were that the measure.

Jesus said the 'thought' of adultery is committing same 'in heart.' (Matt. 5:28)

No Holy Spirit conviction over that particular sin? Again, lol.

Sin is a factually blinding force courtesy of the power of darkness that causes believers not to be able to see or perceive what it is or 'where' it's happening.

A very high percentage of male believers will deny that looking lustfully upon a woman is sin internally and will 'excuse' it in the name of 'it's just natural thought.'

Never would they see that as the working of the tempter within them. Nary a one. That is how powerfully blinding that working is. It turns every man into a liar.


No man who walks in Gods Spirit will muder or steal!

Its the religious that have murder in their heart!
Kinda missed the point though. Will they THINK about such things?

You mean like a believer who does such things? No HS conviction?

Who has Perfect Thoughts?

I dont know what kind of "christians" you know but you need to find some real ones!

And you need the Holy Spirit to tell you murder is wrong?
only the religious can murder others and not have a guilty conscience!


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