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HOLY SPIRIT convicts of what?


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Do you understand doing things because its right? because you love God? does fear and guilt motivate you to serve God?

I tell you a righteous man will serve God because of Gods mercy!

A righteous man will accidently do more good than a whole congregation of guilty "christians"

Do you know why the law is the strength of sin?
Do know why the grace of God gives us power over sin?

if your finished building the mountain out of a ant hill. i do not serve GOD out of fear .my stand is the Holy Spirit does and will convict us when we sin. this conviction is not a scolding per say or a big hammer to knock one in the head. conviction tells us we was wrong. or another word reminds... no doubt in my mind he does convict us of the same time he will let us know when we sin. in fact half the time we don,t need to be reminded. we know the moment we do. the spirit brings us to life quickens . if we continue in sin he will deal with our heart day/ night. tell me do you ever sin? of your own accord ? there is no need to get on your spiritual bulldozer and build a big defense.. i stand where i stand and contrary to your opinion. my doctrines as you not damnable nor blasphemy . simply because i can show you thousands that believe in the conviction of the Holy Spirit . i would have let all this go till i seen your post saying the Holy Spirit was trying to convict you. then you added the rebuttal and back tracked.
Jews and Muslims are convinced of sin. But....

Convinced of the righteousness of Christ? No
so there is no hope these people ? the convinced {word change} and conviction is all the same. last but not least i am just as saved just as secure as the next person. i have been respectful in all my post. sometimes i had fun with your post. but i have not addressed you in any accusing or judgmental post.
We know. Sin is not foreign to us but righteousness of God is, each of us to different measures.
your so right the walking in the spirit the leading of the spirit is our radar along with the Word that alerts us to sin...........
You have to come to Faith first in order to see the living God, they call him living because he lives inside of YOU. Deborah is correct here. Noticed that she said restored, renewed, builtup. She's talking about on the INSIDE of you. I also sometimes like to use the word strengthen.

no body denies that....
if your finished building the mountain out of a ant hill. i do not serve GOD out of fear .my stand is the Holy Spirit does and will convict us when we sin. this conviction is not a scolding per say or a big hammer to knock one in the head. conviction tells us we was wrong. or another word reminds... no doubt in my mind he does convict us of the same time he will let us know when we sin. in fact half the time we don,t need to be reminded. we know the moment we do. the spirit brings us to life quickens . if we continue in sin he will deal with our heart day/ night. tell me do you ever sin? of your own accord ? there is no need to get on your spiritual bulldozer and build a big defense.. i stand where i stand and contrary to your opinion. my doctrines as you not damnable nor blasphemy . simply because i can show you thousands that believe in the conviction of the Holy Spirit . i would have let all this go till i seen your post saying the Holy Spirit was trying to convict you. then you added the rebuttal and back tracked. so there is no hope these people ? the convinced {word change} and conviction is all the same. last but not least i am just as saved just as secure as the next person. i have been respectful in all my post. sometimes i had fun with your post. but i have not addressed you in any accusing or judgmental post. your so right the walking in the spirit the leading of the spirit is our radar along with the Word that alerts us to sin...........

OH NO! I would never say that, Hopeless? I was just pointing out that they have been convinced of sin but not of the righteousness of Christ. The Holy Spirit will draw them as He will reproving, convincing, convicting, whatever translation best applies. I pray that many, many, ALL are convinced.
you would be amazed how many do deny that.
there is lots things folk's don,t believe . like born again eternal damnation . many would be happy with a ceremony of words and throw few$$$$$ in the offering they are good to go.
if your finished building the mountain out of a ant hill. i do not serve GOD out of fear .my stand is the Holy Spirit does and will convict us when we sin. this conviction is not a scolding per say or a big hammer to knock one in the head. conviction tells us we was wrong. or another word reminds... no doubt in my mind he does convict us of the same time he will let us know when we sin. in fact half the time we don,t need to be reminded. we know the moment we do. the spirit brings us to life quickens . if we continue in sin he will deal with our heart day/ night. tell me do you ever sin? of your own accord ? there is no need to get on your spiritual bulldozer and build a big defense.. i stand where i stand and contrary to your opinion. my doctrines as you not damnable nor blasphemy . simply because i can show you thousands that believe in the conviction of the Holy Spirit . i would have let all this go till i seen your post saying the Holy Spirit was trying to convict you. then you added the rebuttal and back tracked. so there is no hope these people ? the convinced {word change} and conviction is all the same. last but not least i am just as saved just as secure as the next person. i have been respectful in all my post. sometimes i had fun with your post. but i have not addressed you in any accusing or judgmental post. your so right the walking in the spirit the leading of the spirit is our radar along with the Word that alerts us to sin...........

Glad to see that we can come to al least some level of agreement. I have been in the holiness "old time religion" groups my whole life! The teaching that I am speaking of uses words like, the Holy Spirit is convicting us, not condemning? Its all just religious word games! The Holy Spirit does not testify against the Blood of Jesus Christ!

The teaching that the Holy Spirit convicts a believer of sin, is a false doctrine of deamons and deacons.

Most so-called leaders in the church, like this teaching because it gives them control over people, by fear!

Satan is the accuser, not the Holy Spirit
I love this post, you can say what I am trying to say, better than I can say it!

Now lets look at the "spirit that accuses" satan!
The name satan comes from the Hebrew word that means the accuser of Gods people, the word "accuse" is a legal term. As one who brings legal charges according to law.

In the book of Col. we read that Christ nailed the law that was against us, to His Cross. Having disarmed Principalities and powers. the demonic realm!

Now what does all this mean? That satan "the accuser" used the law of moses to condemn and make guilty all men!
But Christ has taken the law away in His own body!

Now think of the false doctrine being taught in most churches? They teach that its the Holy Spirit showing us when we break the law and sin!


NO! its satan that uses to law to make "beleivers" feel sinful and unworthy!

Also satan, comes to steal kill and destroy? How does he do that? first he must make believer feel guilty, then he has complete power over them!


Deb13 gave an good example! I would add that when the Holy Spirit corrects us, that He will always do it in a way that we change because we are children, united forever, with our God!
He does not witness against the Blood of Jesus!

REPENTANCE means to come to a higher place! sometimes that hurts and sometimes is very pleasing to do it Gods way!

The Lords ways are so much higher than mans ways! Repentance is being brought into theses higher paths of righteousness!

This is the Holy Spirits work, Righteousness!

How come the Holy Spirit sound like the" accuser"? In the Doctrine of some?
The teaching that the Holy Spirit convicts a believer of sin, is a false doctrine of deamons and deacons.

Most so-called leaders in the church, like this teaching because it gives them control over people, by fear!

Satan is the accuser, not the Holy Spirit
i say this nicely but i have had all your judgments. i care to read maybe your back ground is one of fear..i preach freewill ..good day
i say this nicely but i have had all your judgments. i care to read maybe your back ground is one of fear..i preach freewill ..good day
Preach freewill!

I preach Jesus Christ and His cleansing Blood!
Every man is a slave to flesh and sin, until they Know that Christ has set them free, indeed!

Freewill is nonsense! surrendered will is the Gospel!

read Rom 7 and you will see that?
Read Rom 8 and you will see Gods will for man!

I have died with Christ, that I might live with Him. It is no longer I who live but I now live by His life.
Forever justified in Him. No religious spirit can lay a charge against me. For God Himself has called me rightoeus!

This is true Christianity! -Mitspa
How come the Holy Spirit sound like the" accuser"? In the Doctrine of some?

I know you came through a segment of the charismatic camps from your writings. Spent several years sitting under that myself. If one sat too long there under the load of false teachings they bring it can be difficult to shake out some of their nonsense.

Part of their business plan plays to individual exaltation. Camps that strip people down don't play very well. It's a common 'just lay on the good stuff' angle.

I also spent a very brief time with pentacostals who cried at the altar on their faces every meeting in the 'old holiness' vein. And that too can get to be 'a show.'

Over time I grew to detest any manipulative formats that played on emotions used to get the crowd worked up and keep them coming back.

Galatians 6:3
For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself.

I know you came through a segment of the charismatic camps from your writings. Spent several years sitting under that myself. If one sat too long there under the load of false teachings they bring it can be difficult to shake out some of their nonsense.

Part of their business plan plays to individual exaltation. Camps that strip people down don't play very well. It's a common 'just lay on the good stuff' angle.

I also spent a very brief time with pentacostals who cried at the altar on their faces every meeting in the 'old holiness' vein. And that too can get to be 'a show.'

Over time I grew to detest any manipulative formats that played on emotions used to get the crowd worked up and keep them coming back.

Galatians 6:3
For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself.


Yes pride is a product of the flesh, and one who walks in the flesh will grow very proud of their religious works!

A humble man thinks himself dead with Christ and is confident only in Gods ability to save by His Spirit. All else is religious pride that comes from sin in the flesh.
Yes pride is a product of the flesh, and one who walks in the flesh will grow very proud of their religious works!

A humble man thinks himself dead with Christ and is confident only in Gods ability to save by His Spirit. All else is religious pride that comes from sin in the flesh.

Supposedly in some eyes, if they heap up enough on the good side of the ledger, the fact no longer exists.

And that too is just another mirage of religion.

Preach freewill!

I preach Jesus Christ and His cleansing Blood!
Every man is a slave to flesh and sin, until they Know that Christ has set them free, indeed!

Freewill is nonsense! surrendered will is the Gospel!

read Rom 7 and you will see that?
Read Rom 8 and you will see Gods will for man!

I have died with Christ, that I might live with Him. It is no longer I who live but I now live by His life.
Forever justified in Him. No religious spirit can lay a charge against me. For God Himself has called me rightoeus!

This is true Christianity! -Mitspa
so suddenly your and authority on preaching? are you reformed charismatic ? do you even understand free will? you need to understand not every body is legalistic if they are out side your box of belief. i think smaller has hit the nail head on..
HOLY SPIRIT convicts of what?

Sin and unbelief ! Jn 16:8-9

8 And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:

9 Of sin, because they believe not on me;
so suddenly your and authority on preaching? are you reformed charismatic ? do you even understand free will? you need to understand not every body is legalistic if they are out side your box of belief. i think smaller has hit the nail head on..

I dont study" religion" that seems to lead to doctrines that put the Holy Spirit against the Blood of Christ!

Im glad you and smaller agree!
A look inside most temples will reveal quite a vast amount of 'worse than murder' transpiring therein, and that fact is also reflected from the lips of the carriers sooner or later.

Paul advised us that as an Apostle, he was also the chief of sinners. Any reader might want to examine Paul's facts to find out 'why' that was so for him. And to also consider that we are no better.

Paul clearly did not land on the same conclusion as Mitspa. The Spirit of Truth from Paul would be more worthy of examinations than claims of sinless perfection.

Joh 16:8

And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:

Joh 16:9

Of sin, because they believe not on me;
Joh 16:10

Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;
Joh 16:11

Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.

the Holy Spirit is convicting 3 different groups 1. the "world" of sin, 2. You "believers" of righteousness 3. satan of "judgement"

Now find me one scripture in All the NEW Testament where the Holy Spirit brings the "believers" sin to remembrance? NO! what you will find is everytime the Holy Spirit and His work is mentioned that it says "there sins and lawless deeds I will remember no more! Check it out!

I think right, therefore I believe right, therefore I act right!

"As a man thinks in His Heart, so is he.

If any man be" In Christ", he is a New Creation! The old things have passed away, BEHOLD ALL THINGS ARE NEW!

Created in righteousness, maintained in righteousness!

Great is the mystery of Godliness?
The flesh can never figure out the ways of God!
The power of positive thinking movement within Christianity was popularized by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale.

It is largely a symbiosis of scripture with the psychology of mind science.

Even worldly shrinks can explain that negative thoughts are both required and just as necessary/beneficial as positive ones.

Those who go into the vortex of positive only quickly find themselves riding their wishes horses past the obvious and will not attend to prudent planning.

A positive only thinker will wish and hope themselves past Hurricane Sandy here shortly. A balanced thinker will consider the negative consequences and prepare accordingly and not let their positive thoughts delude and deceive them.

The power of positive thinking movement within Christianity was popularized by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale.

It is largely a symbiosis of scripture with the psychology of mind science.

Even worldly shrinks can explain that negative thoughts are both required and just as necessary/beneficial as positive ones.

Those who go into the vortex of positive only quickly find themselves riding their wishes horses past the obvious and will not attend to prudent planning.

A positive only thinker will wish and hope themselves past Hurricane Sandy here shortly. A balanced thinker will consider the negative consequences and prepare accordingly and not let their positive thoughts delude and deceive them.


Yes the promises of God are very positive to think about for those who are rightgeous!

We who are saints call it faith.
Yes the promises of God are very positive to think about for those who are rightgeous!

We who are saints call it faith.

Well, I will admit this is a hard gig to see:

4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.

Jesus does present some interesting challenges.



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