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HOLY SPIRIT convicts of what?


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Joh 16:8

And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:

Joh 16:9

Of sin, because they believe not on me;

Joh 16:10

Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;
Joh 16:11

Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.

the Holy Spirit is convicting 3 different groups 1. the "world" of sin, 2. You "believers" of righteousness 3. satan of "judgement"

Now find me one scripture in All the NEW Testament where the Holy Spirit brings the "believers" sin to remembrance? NO! what you will find is everytime the Holy Spirit and His work is mentioned that it says "there sins and lawless deeds I will remember no more! Check it out!

So do you agree with my understanding? or do you find fault in my reading of the scriptures?

We sin when we get out of faith and the spirit and into the flesh!
Now its the Holy Spirit that restores us back to forgivness and righteousness. He is the One that makes the Blood of Christ real to our hearts and minds.

Walk in the spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh.

One who walks with Christ, walks in His Righteousness, peace and joy in the the Holy Spirit. This is walking in the light!

When we stray from the light, our own conscience bears witness against us! Not the Holy Spirit, He is the One calling us back into Grace, where sin has no power over us.

The mystery of Godliness is great, the natural mind cannot understand the ways of God! One must become weak to be made strong! A fool to be made wise!

The one who thinks himself able is the one who never will be able, but the honest heart says unless God does it, It cannot be done!
I kinda agree, but we also have a conscience? and most of us have been taught false doctrine, that the Holy Spirit is the one who shows us "believers" our sin! According to scripture He does not remember our sin and convicts us of our "righteous" relationship with God!

Heb 10:15

Whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us: for after that he had said before,
Heb 10:16

This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;

Heb 10:17

And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.

So do we believe that one moment the Holy Spirit is showing us our sin and the next He is not "remembering them"?:chin

How many of us have been taught this false doctrine, how much needless shame and guilt have been laid upon Gods people in the name of the Holy Spirit?

No! the Lord gave us the Holy Spirit and called Him the Comforter and the Spirit of grace. The scriptures declare clearly that it is not a spirit of bondage again unto fear, but the Holy Spirit sheds Gods Love for us in our hearts! By this Spirit of Grace we know that we are sons and daughters of or beloved God!

satan is the spirit that accuses the brethern. he is the one that brings shame and guilt!

It was written that some would preach a different Jesus and a different spirit?

How true is this?
satan is the spirit that accuses the brethern. he is the one that brings shame and guilt!
let give satan all the praise just like eve did in the garden as flip wilson use to say the devil made me do it.
let give satan all the praise just like eve did in the garden as flip wilson use to say the devil made me do it.

Who gave satan praise and in what why?
Who said satan made me do it and what is the it?

Sorry but I'm now confused you guys. Maybe I read something wrong.
let give satan all the praise just like eve did in the garden as flip wilson use to say the devil made me do it.
satan deceived eve by saying; did God really say?
Is Holy Spirit really the Comfoter?
Did he really testify to Gods Love for you!
Is grace the power over sin?


typical dishonest response from those who accuse the brethern. call what is good evil and what is evil call it good.

I bring glory to Christ alone and His Righteousness. which the Holy Spirit bears witness too!

So if showing satan deceptions and devices, is "giving him glory" I guess you can count me guilty with the Lord, the Apostles, the scriptures and The Holy Spirit!

Mitspa- ( guilty of truth)
Apostle Mitspa i understand now my bad
By Gods grace I am what I am!

what kind of so-called man of God gets offended when satans deceptions are unmasked?

The same kind of persons that would preach that the Spirit testifies against the Blood of Jesus!

blind guides!

satan deceived eve by saying; did God really say?
Is Holy Spirit really the Comfoter?
Did he really testify to Gods Love for you!
Is grace the power over sin?


Apparently our 'power' over that internal working of the deceiver means not telling the truth that it happens?

And that is supposed to be some type of truthful declaration?

That power? lol

It might seem the very first power given is the power to speak truthfully about the matters.

And from these yield the spiritual fruit called simple honesty.

Apparently our 'power' over that internal working of the deceiver means not telling the truth that it happens?

And that is supposed to be some type of truthful declaration?

That power? lol

It might seem the very first power given is the power to speak truthfully about the matters.

And from these yield the spiritual fruit called simple honesty.


Only in Christ is there any truth!

Thy Word is Spirit and Truth.

Unless a man be born of the Spirit he cannot be in truth.

The flesh and what is natural is all a lie.
Only the New Creation, the spirit man can abide in truth.
Only in Christ is there any truth!

Thy Word is Spirit and Truth.

Unless a man be born of the Spirit he cannot be in truth.

The flesh and what is natural is all a lie.
Only the New Creation, the spirit man can abide in truth.

Declarations of being entirely Perfect Spirit man are also utter nonsense.

You might claim that flesh and natural are a lie, but the reality is WE ARE ALL STUCK quite securely in that supposed LIE for a fact.

It is in fact a LIE to try and LIE it away via declarations and ignorance in the face of reality.

What you call a LIE is in reality made in the IMAGE of God,
and therefore NO LIE.

We are Gods Own Handiwork, even if that handiwork is TEMPORAL and AN IMAGE of what is to come.

While you are deriding all the 'evil flesh people' here is how James sees that reality:

James 3:
8 But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.
9 Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God.
10 Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.

The similitude however does have it's issues, doesn't it?

Do you really think a TONGUE of the FLESH is evil?

It is what is IN the temple that is the cause of ALL the issues of the SIMILITUDE, in every SIMILITUDE of God.

The tongue as a piece of wagging flesh is not evil.

Declarations of being entirely Perfect Spirit man are also utter nonsense.

You might claim that flesh and natural are a lie, but the reality is WE ARE ALL STUCK quite securely in that supposed LIE for a fact.

It is in fact a LIE to try and LIE it away via declarations and ignorance in the face of reality.

What you call a LIE is in reality made in the IMAGE of God,
and therefore NO LIE.

We are Gods Own Handiwork, even if that handiwork is TEMPORAL and AN IMAGE of what is to come.

While you are deriding all the 'evil flesh people' here is how James sees that reality:

James 3:
8 But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.
9 Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God.
10 Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.

The similitude however does have it's issues, doesn't it?

Do you really think a TONGUE of the FLESH is evil?

It is what is IN the temple that is the cause of ALL the issues of the SIMILITUDE, in every SIMILITUDE of God.

The tongue as a piece of wagging flesh is not evil.


The tought that someone would serve God and abstain from sin because of love and Gods grace, is not a thought that has entered some religious peoples mind? Fear and guilt is the only thing some will ever understand!

I tell you a man who knows and is sure of Gods love and forgivness will without even thinking about sin, live more Godly by accident than any fear and guilt filled religious "christian"!

If you cannot understand that then I can not help you!

I have posted hundreds of scripture that show clearly the righteousness of faith and spirit.

The only thing some of you seem to want to do is insult what you dont understand!

I am through with trying to reach some of you.

You will get exactly from God what you have earned, I am forever justified and made clean by the Blood of Christ!

In Him I am perfect and without fault or blame, The Holy Spirit bears witness to my perfect standing with My God and Father.

This belongs to all who believe in Christ, but without faith you are cut off from Him.

Blessed is the man in whom the Lord will not impute sin.

As for you smaller, i have spent hours in longsuffering with you. I am through with you, please start your own thread on how God is mad, and so are you. you will be ignored on all my threads from this point forward. Gods wiling -Mitspa (beloved of God)
As for you smaller, i have spent hours in longsuffering with you. I am through with you, please start your own thread on how God is mad, and so are you. you will be ignored on all my threads from this point forward. Gods wiling -Mitspa (beloved of God)

Never made such a claim against any believer.

You can read into the statements whatever it is you think you see.

The fact that all of us are planted in weakness, corruption, dishonor and a natural body is not going to change by the declarations of scriptural


By Gods grace I am what I am!

what kind of so-called man of God gets offended when satans deceptions are unmasked?

The same kind of persons that would preach that the Spirit testifies against the Blood of Jesus!

blind guides!

the only depiction i see is self with you. it appears your the only one right and any one i disagrees with you is wrong
news flash i have and do my best with his help not to sin. if i follow the led of the spirit he will guide me and warn me of sin before i do and after
the only depiction i see is self with you. it appears your the only one right and any one i disagrees with you is wrong news flash i have and do my best with his help not to sin. if i follow the led of the spirit he will guide me and warn me of sin before i do and after
Some things are clear and some things are not so clear? It is very clear that the Holy Spirit does not convict the believer of sin but righteousness. that is clear! so I am confident when scripture is so clear on an issue. What is not completly clear is what all it means to be convicted of righteousness. I admitted that I did not have a complete picture and would like a honest discussion on that which is not clear. I could learn from you on some of these things, or at least gain from your honest concerns, and learn from that!

What i will not do is reject clear scripture. I am glad to look honestly, in scripture, with anyone who has an honest veiw, other than my own. If it is clear to me in scripture then I will debate my veiw with great zeal, but hope to do it respectfully?

I do not feel it right to always turn the discussion into a personal attack against me. Now I try to obey the rules of the forum? but I find certain folks seek to insult and provoke instead of having an honest disagreement.

I have decided to ignore those who are unable to have honest debate! I hope we can? I know there are honest people on this forum who like to have honest discussions on the issues I have brought forward?
i tried the honest debate you say (turn the discussion into a personal attack against me) careful about throwing rocks. when i post/debate it,s no retreat no surrender .i will disagree but will not judge. every body has the right to see scriptures different . not every one will agree with you on the holy spirit not convicting. in fact there is no scripture that plainly says that. he does not convict us of sin. when he chastises us its through the Holy Spirit which is the same as conviction=== guilty . maybe you should define honest have made few jabs this is not personal ..i just disagree with you. its not salvation threatening nor is it damnable Hersey as you have stated.
The power of positive thinking movement within Christianity was popularized by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale.

It is largely a symbiosis of scripture with the psychology of mind science.

Even worldly shrinks can explain that negative thoughts are both required and just as necessary/beneficial as positive ones.

Those who go into the vortex of positive only quickly find themselves riding their wishes horses past the obvious and will not attend to prudent planning.

A positive only thinker will wish and hope themselves past Hurricane Sandy here shortly. A balanced thinker will consider the negative consequences and prepare accordingly and not let their positive thoughts delude and deceive them.


Being positive about who you are in Christ and God is with you and loves you and has your best interest in His mind doesn't mean one is stupid.

I just spoke with my oldest daughter who is single and lives in NH about 4 miles from the coast. Of coarse I was checking up on her because of SANDY the monster storm. So the first thing she says is the electricity hasn't gone out but if it does it will be fine as it's not really cold there yet, no worry of pipes freezing. She had battened down her deck furniture, etc. All was secured. AND I was not to worry about her because God was with her so she'd be just fine.

Sure glad she's one of those positive thinkers.:yes
After being around the positive thinker 'charismatic' movement I grew to disdain their approach.

One does not 'faith' themselves past reality. The approach in general will bring trouble sooner or later.

Do you know how many people broke perfectly good pairs of glasses so they could 'in faith' be healed?

Probably tens if not hundreds of thousands.

I am fond of pragmatic faith. Sound and reasoning minds are God Given. But delusions can also be brought to the door 'in the name of faith.'

i tried the honest debate you say (turn the discussion into a personal attack against me) careful about throwing rocks. when i post/debate it,s no retreat no surrender .i will disagree but will not judge. every body has the right to see scriptures different . not every one will agree with you on the holy spirit not convicting. in fact there is no scripture that plainly says that. he does not convict us of sin. when he chastises us its through the Holy Spirit which is the same as conviction=== guilty . maybe you should define honest have made few jabs this is not personal ..i just disagree with you. its not salvation threatening nor is it damnable Hersey as you have stated.

I believe it is very clear and evident!
The Holy Spirit is not the "accuser" but the comforter!

I believe it is doctrine that has caused much grief and hindered multitudes of believers. It has condemned and called guilty what Christ has made clean with His Own Blood.

The way out of darkness is to walk in the light. The power over sin is fround only in grace.

Walk in the Spirit is the answer to every weakness of flesh.

Guilt and shame are not New Testament forms of correction.

God desires us to serve Him by His goodness, not because of religious guilt and fear.

The Holy Spirit is the only answer to overcome sin. He always testifies to the victory we have in Christ, not the darkness of the flesh.

You can hold to your tradition or "repent" which means to bring your thoughts to a higher place?

I believe in correction, as Christ and the Apostles taught?
never with shame or guilt but by faith and in the power of God to overcome every weakness.

Godly sorrow is a product of being seprated From Gods goodness. Most have never heard the true gospel and have walked in the peace and joy of righteousness. The church was never to be a place of guilt and shame but of great blessings, righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. All else is just empty religious tradition.
Being positive about who you are in Christ and God is with you and loves you and has your best interest in His mind doesn't mean one is stupid.

I just spoke with my oldest daughter who is single and lives in NH about 4 miles from the coast. Of coarse I was checking up on her because of SANDY the monster storm. So the first thing she says is the electricity hasn't gone out but if it does it will be fine as it's not really cold there yet, no worry of pipes freezing. She had battened down her deck furniture, etc. All was secured. AND I was not to worry about her because God was with her so she'd be just fine.

Sure glad she's one of those positive thinkers.:yes

How many times are we encouraged to set our mind upon the promises of God? To be "spiritually minded" is to wear the helment of salvation, it is to set our mind on who we are in spirit not in flesh.


There are so many of these scriptures!

Taking captive every thought to the obedience of Christ?

Yes we must give away our own thoughts, become fools for Christ!

I am determined that as Paul said to know nothing but Christ!

I would not trade one glimps of His beauty for all the wisdom and reason of man!

Am I a fool? yes I would that all would become fools for Christ!
Re: The SWORD of the SPIRIT...

2Co 3:8

How shall not the ministration of the spirit be rather glorious?
2Co 3:9

For if the ministration of condemnation be glory, much more doth the ministration of righteousness exceed in glory.

Here we see again! The Holy Spirits ministry is not like that of the law. For by the law is the knowledge of sin.

The Holy Spirit has the ministry of Righteousness! It is not convicting the believer of sin, but of our righteous standing with God. "For by faith ye stand".

We are made righteous by faith, the Holy Spirit bears witness to that righteousness!

satans greatest deception was to change our view of the Holy Spirit! False teaching! another spirit!

2Co 11:4 (ISV)

For if someone comes along and preaches another Jesus than the one we preached, or should you receive a different spirit from the one you received or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you are all too willing to listen.

Dont be deceived, the Holy Spirit has not changed! It had the words written about itself, trust the Word!

Here is the difference between victory and defeat? Is righteousness really by faith and Spirit or is is based upon mans ability to do good?

Our faith is that which overcomes the world.

We who believe and have faith in His Blood, are forever righteous and made clean by His Blood!
If you cannot accept that? then you are in the flesh!
The reason your conscience condemns you, is because you are out of true faith in Christ and are looking to yourself to establish your own righteousness, based upon how well you can keep a set of religious rules that you or your church have decided upon!

Through one offering, He has sanctified FOREVER those who have come to Him.

The Holy Spirit does not testify against the Blood of Christ!
What blasphemy!

The answer to sin is to walk in agreement with the Blood by the Holy Spirit! all else is just empty religious nonsense.

How do we know when we sin? The word of God is sharper than any twoedged sword, judging the thoughts and intentions of the heart!

The Holy Spirit always brings us into faith and victory in Christ!

Do I understand it all? God deals with me in many different ways and I have been corrected in ways that is hard to explain. One thing for sure, He has never called dirty that which He has made clean! He has always brought me to higher ground in righteousness.

Those who are forgiven much, love much! Love fulfills every law. In a constant state of forgivness a believer will take on the Divine Nature, in sin and guilt, the believer will be a defeated and powerless pew-setter.

We overcome by looking to Gods strength and victory in Christ! Not by looking at the darkness of mans sin and weakness.

Abraham considered not his own weakness but accounted that God was able to do that which He had promised.


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