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HOLY SPIRIT convicts of what?

is sickness due to sin in our life?
Satan comes but to steal, kill and destroy!

Christ came that we might have life and have it in abundance!

Every good and perfect gift comes from God!

A rightoeus man will defeat every weapon that is formed against him, by the accuser.

Now if one cannot decern the accusers voice from the Holy Spirit, they will live in sickness, and satan will have legal rights over them.

The Authority Christ has given us as believers, is based upon the righteousness of faith.

If one does not walk in righteousness, by faith? then they have no legal right to the healing that Christ won for us, when He Himself, bore our sickness and healed us by His Stripes.
Satan comes but to steal, kill and destroy!

Christ came that we might have life and have it in abundance!

Every good and perfect gift comes from God!

A rightoeus man will defeat every weapon that is formed against him, by the accuser.

Now if one cannot decern the accusers voice from the Holy Spirit, they will live in sickness, and satan will have legal rights over them.

The Authority Christ has given us as believers, is based upon the righteousness of faith.

If one does not walk in righteousness, by faith? then they have no legal right to the healing that Christ won for us, when He Himself, bore our sickness and healed us by His Stripes.
so your saying when a person has a terminal sickness its because they have sin?????? would you say my mom had sin since she had Alzheimer??????
so your saying when a person has a terminal sickness its because they have sin?????? would you say my mom had sin since she had Alzheimer??????
I did not say that!
I said the devil comes but to kill, steal and destroy!
Christ came that we would have life and have it in abundance!

Righteousness gives us legal right to the healing that Christ won for us.

Now how you got, that I said, what you tried to say? That is amazing to me!!!

It seems that when some can not defend the false doctrines they hold, they always turn to personal attacks and such as the things you just tried to lay against me!

Why is that??

Seek ye first the Kingdom of GOD, AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS!

do you think Jesus was just playing word games? or did He mean what He said?

When He said He bore our sickness? was He just joking?

No! righteouness is very real! healing is very real!
Its all by faith! thats where most fail to receive.
It seems that when some can not defend the false doctrines they hold, they always turn to personal attacks and such as the things you just tried to lay against me!
talk about judgmental it was not a personal attack ..i was trying to clarify your healing statement
Satan comes but to steal, kill and destroy!

Christ came that we might have life and have it in abundance!

Every good and perfect gift comes from God!

A rightoeus man will defeat every weapon that is formed against him, by the accuser.

Now if one cannot decern the accusers voice from the Holy Spirit, they will live in sickness, and satan will have legal rights over them.

The Authority Christ has given us as believers, is based upon the righteousness of faith.

If one does not walk in righteousness, by faith? then they have no legal right to the healing that Christ won for us, when He Himself, bore our sickness and healed us by His Stripes.

Lets try to stay near the topic of the thread?

Again I say that righteousness of faith, which the Holy Spirit bears witness with, gives us access to every promise of God.

That was my point, and remains the testimony of the scriptures.
You make very good and honest points my friend! "To convince" or to show might be the best definition?

Joh 3:19

And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

Joh 3:20

For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

Eph 5:13

But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.

Now again we have all been taught that the Holy Spirit job is to SHOW us our sin? Or to make us aware of our sinfulness?

I believe the Holy Spirit is not convicting us of "sin" but showing us "true righteousness" convincing us of our right standing with God!

I myself have had many stripes from My Father, and after words I have always seen His Wisdom.
Again the Key to overcoming our sinful desires, is to walk in the "Spirit" this is clear in scripture.

So to be double minded about the Work of The Holy Spirit, we would be hard pressed to walk with Him?

Let me ask you this, when you feel you are in fellowship with God, And aware of His Love for you, do you not find it "natural" to love others and resist sin? On the other hand when you feel seperated from Him and His love, do you not find it very hard to love others?

Why is the strength of sin, the law? because a defiled and guilty man cannot walk with God in His Spirit!

satan is the accuser of the brethren!:chin

Jesus said "Think not that I will accuse you to the Father, there is one who accuses you and that is Moses in whom you trust"

In (Col 2) we read that the law was nailed to His Cross. That which was AGAINST US AND CONTRARY TO US was taken out of the way. Having DISARMED PRINCIPALITIES AND POWERS? This is clearly satan (the accuser) and his evil forces.

Now! When satan brought the law back into the "church" he brought the legal right to accuse all who look to the law. When he did this he also twisted the truth of the Holy Spirits purpose for "believers". Thank God we have the scriptures! The scriptures show us clearly that the we are not under any part of the law of Moses, that we have justified freely by the Grace of Christ, we have been made righteous by faith. The Holy Spirit is not convicting the "believer" of sin, but of righteousness!

Do not allow tradition, nor false teaching to take from you, What Christ died to give you! -Mitspa
The Holy Spirit is sent by the Risen Christ unto all the members of the World to which He died for their sins 1 Cor 15:3 and so each member of that world shall be convinced of their sin and unbelief and given faith to believe in their Saviour ! Jn 16:8-9

And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:

9Of sin, because they believe not on me;
The Holy Spirit is sent by the Risen Christ unto all the members of the World to which He died for their sins 1 Cor 15:3 and so each member of that world shall be convinced of their sin and unbelief and given faith to believe in their Saviour ! Jn 16:8-9

And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:

9Of sin, because they believe not on me;

Thank you SBG57!
i think that is a clear reading of the scripture!
Jesus said "Think not that I will accuse you to the Father, there is one who accuses you and that is Moses in whom you trust"

In (Col 2) we read that the law was nailed to His Cross. That which was AGAINST US AND CONTRARY TO US was taken out of the way. Having DISARMED PRINCIPALITIES AND POWERS? This is clearly satan (the accuser) and his evil forces.

Now! When satan brought the law back into the "church" he brought the legal right to accuse all who look to the law. When he did this he also twisted the truth of the Holy Spirits purpose for "believers". Thank God we have the scriptures! The scriptures show us clearly that the we are not under any part of the law of Moses, that we have justified freely by the Grace of Christ, we have been made righteous by faith. The Holy Spirit is not convicting the "believer" of sin, but of righteousness!

Do not allow tradition, nor false teaching to take from you, What Christ died to give you! -Mitspa

1John 5:8
And there are three that bear witness on the earth: the Spirit, the water, and the Blood; and these three agree as one.
5:9 If we recieve the witness of men, the witness of God is greater; FOR THIS IS THE WITNESS OF GOD, THAT HE HAS TESTIFIED OF HIS SON.

now to say that the Holy Spirit bears witness against the Blood of Christ, is the greatest error ever brought into the "church"

No the name of satan and devil means THE ACCUSER

how have we come so far from the truth of scripture?
1John 5:8
And there are three that bear witness on the earth: the Spirit, the water, and the Blood; and these three agree as one.
5:9 If we recieve the witness of men, the witness of God is greater; FOR THIS IS THE WITNESS OF GOD, THAT HE HAS TESTIFIED OF HIS SON.

now to say that the Holy Spirit bears witness against the Blood of Christ, is the greatest error ever brought into the "church"

No the name of satan and devil means THE ACCUSER

how have we come so far from the truth of scripture?

I often deal with christians who have been under false teaching and law. Trying to get a "christian" healed is far harder than a non-christian? A person who has not been bound by false teaching will accept the Healing Power of Christ by simple faith and based upon their need. One who has been under law and false teaching and doctrines of guilt, will try to figure out why God will not do what He said He would do.

When one prays for the sick christian, one must first establish in their mind the righteousness of faith. I often must ask them if they in fact believe in their heart that they are saved, If so then this is the testimony of the Holy Spirit in them, then one must by the scriptures bring their minds into agreement with the witness of their hearts.

Often our minds and conscience will argue against to truth we know in our hearts. I believe what most call the conviction of sin, is really just their thoughts and conscience working against the truth in their heart.

News Flash! If you say you are saved? Then you are saying that you are righteous by faith in Christ! Now to say that you are a sinner is to say that you are not saved. This is double minded christianity, described by James.

It is biblically not possible to be a sinner and to be righteous.
It is possible to be saved and have a sin on your conscience, but it is the Holy Spirit that is telling your heart that you are saved.

Now I say that we must always keep our conscience clear before the Lord! We have the sure promise of the Throne of Grace, and the promise of 1John 1:9.

But it is Gods will that we not be as children, and we come to full knowledge and strong meat of the Word of Righteousness. Only when we walk in righteousness will we understand to power we have over the sin of the flesh.
I often deal with christians who have been under false teaching and law. Trying to get a "christian" healed is far harder than a non-christian? A person who has not been bound by false teaching will accept the Healing Power of Christ by simple faith and based upon their need. One who has been under law and false teaching and doctrines of guilt, will try to figure out why God will not do what He said He would do.

When one prays for the sick christian, one must first establish in their mind the righteousness of faith. I often must ask them if they in fact believe in their heart that they are saved, If so then this is the testimony of the Holy Spirit in them, then one must by the scriptures bring their minds into agreement with the witness of their hearts.

Often our minds and conscience will argue against to truth we know in our hearts. I believe what most call the conviction of sin, is really just their thoughts and conscience working against the truth in their heart.

News Flash! If you say you are saved? Then you are saying that you are righteous by faith in Christ! Now to say that you are a sinner is to say that you are not saved. This is double minded christianity, described by James.

It is biblically not possible to be a sinner and to be righteous.
It is possible to be saved and have a sin on your conscience, but it is the Holy Spirit that is telling your heart that you are saved.

Now I say that we must always keep our conscience clear before the Lord! We have the sure promise of the Throne of Grace, and the promise of 1John 1:9.

But it is Gods will that we not be as children, and we come to full knowledge and strong meat of the Word of Righteousness. Only when we walk in righteousness will we understand to power we have over the sin of the flesh.

The biggest mistake you make here is that you are understanding it from a one sided mainstream christianity yourself. In talks of one being a sinnner and also righteous is in reference to that we are made in Gods image and that God himself is evil and good.

The problem with the understanding of christian theology today is that they infact belive that Satan was an angel that God created who rebelled and somehow God made hima prince of this world.

The truth of the matter is, God is Satan. And God is also Yahweh. The principal teaching of James goes hand in hand with how Jesus christ called Satan the Father of lies, and God Yahweh the Father of Truth. Jesus himself indeed recognized both as being a "Father" single deity.

All this myth of Satan getting cast out from heaven and blah are heresay thourgh ages and ages. Scholars couldnt figure it out, so they just blinded it to the public that way.

If you believe what I say above, it is easy for you to know who the Satan or Anti christ is and the number 666. In revelations 13:18 it says

Wisdom is needed here, If anyone has wisdom, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is a MAN's number. His number is 666.

In refernce to this, who is Son of MAN? Jesus Christ. So who is MAN? God, the Father.

Now you know who will destroy and torture all unblievers for 7 year tribulation period and manifest as simply the Beast. All Christians are supposed to be raptured by then anyway, so only the unblievers will be left on earth, and whos doing the torturing? God manifested as a Beast. It's simple. As far as the outline of the "666" number, it is in reference to trinity being in digits of three as well. That God will infact be all in his evil ways to the unblievers, going the OTHER way from being righteous to torturous for those that didnt belive in the trinity. Mentioned above is another reason why it's a fact God is all and everything in this was Christs original messege.

Also as far as the numbers go, first 6 in understood by me to be the ones that do not keep the 7th day, as in sabbath day so unblievers are concluded as not keeping the 7th day, and thus labled as first "6".

Second 6 is in reference to the years of tribulations they will have to suffer. Thus the 7th year of tribulations is noted to be done by God because he created humanity in 7 days.

Third 6 is in reference to the month of the year the Kings is born.

There are many facts that are in revelations like the 7 plagues, 7 trumpets, 7 bowls of wrath, and etc that are indeed in recognition of God that have created humanity in 7 days.

Also, the Cross christ was crucified on is equaled with 4 direction, n,s,e,w, meaning all directions and EVERYTHING. And its related to the 4 horsemen being in relations to punishement of EVERYTHING on earth.

Ofcourse followed by Christ himself holding keys of hades and punishing all earth in revelations.
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The biggest mistake you make here is that you are understanding it from a one sided mainstream christianity yourself. In talks of one being a sinnner and also righteous is in reference to that we are made in Gods image and that God himself is evil and good.

The problem with the understanding of christian theology today is that they infact belive that Satan was an angel that God created who rebelled and somehow God made hima prince of this world.

The truth of the matter is, God is Satan. And God is also Yahweh. The principal teaching of James goes hand in hand with how Jesus christ called Satan the Father of lies, and God Yahweh the Father of Truth. Jesus himself indeed recognized both as being a "Father" single deity.

All this myth of Satan getting cast out from heaven and blah are heresay thourgh ages and ages. Scholars couldnt figure it out, so they just blinded it to the public that way.

If you believe what I say above, it is easy for you to know who the Satan or Anti christ is and the number 666. In revelations 13:18 it says

Wisdom is needed here, If anyone has wisdom, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is a MAN's number. His number is 666.

In refernce to this, who is Son of MAN? Jesus Christ. So who is MAN? God, the Father.

Now you know who will destroy and torture all unblievers for 7 year tribulation period and manifest as simply the Beast. All Christians are supposed to be raptured by then anyway, so only the unblievers will be left on earth, and whos doing the torturing? God manifested as a Beast. It's simple. As far as the outline of the "666" number, it is in reference to trinity being in digits of three as well. That God will infact be all in his evil ways to the unblievers, going the OTHER way from being righteous to torturous for those that didnt belive in the trinity. Mentioned above is another reason why it's a fact God is all and everything in this was Christs original messege.

Also as far as the numbers go, first 6 in understood by me to be the ones that do not keep the 7th day, as in sabbath day so unblievers are concluded as not keeping the 7th day, and thus labled as first "6".

Second 6 is in reference to the years of tribulations they will have to suffer. Thus the 7th year of tribulations is noted to be done by God because he created humanity in 7 days.

Third 6 is in reference to the month of the year the Kings is born.

There are many facts that are in revelations like the 7 plagues, 7 trumpets, 7 bowls of wrath, and etc that are indeed in recognition of God that have created humanity in 7 days.

Also, the Cross christ was crucified on is equaled with 4 direction, n,s,e,w, meaning all directions and EVERYTHING. And its related to the 4 horsemen being in relations to punishement of EVERYTHING on earth.

Ofcourse followed by Christ himself holding keys of hades and punishing all earth in revelations.

Look, truth101, you can believe whatever you want, I and all TRUE FOLLOWERS of Christ, stay within the scriptures.

Now this thread has a topic, please try to stay on it?
The truth of the matter is, God is Satan. And God is also Yahweh. The principal teaching of James goes hand in hand with how Jesus christ called Satan the Father of lies, and God Yahweh the Father of Truth. Jesus himself indeed recognized both as being a "Father" single deity.

All this myth of Satan getting cast out from heaven and blah are heresay thourgh ages and ages. Scholars couldnt figure it out, so they just blinded it to the public that way.
you are %100 wrong and have added to the word of God ..your a posting FALSE DOCTRINE -- YOU NEED TO REPENT . i will be the 1st to say i do not agree on the holy spirit not convicting of sin... but the garbage your spewing is new age cult.
I often deal with christians who have been under false teaching and law. Trying to get a "christian" healed is far harder than a non-christian? A person who has not been bound by false teaching will accept the Healing Power of Christ by simple faith and based upon their need. One who has been under law and false teaching and doctrines of guilt, will try to figure out why God will not do what He said He would do.

When one prays for the sick christian, one must first establish in their mind the righteousness of faith. I often must ask them if they in fact believe in their heart that they are saved, If so then this is the testimony of the Holy Spirit in them, then one must by the scriptures bring their minds into agreement with the witness of their hearts.

Often our minds and conscience will argue against to truth we know in our hearts. I believe what most call the conviction of sin, is really just their thoughts and conscience working against the truth in their heart.

News Flash! If you say you are saved? Then you are saying that you are righteous by faith in Christ! Now to say that you are a sinner is to say that you are not saved. This is double minded christianity, described by James.

It is biblically not possible to be a sinner and to be righteous.
It is possible to be saved and have a sin on your conscience, but it is the Holy Spirit that is telling your heart that you are saved.

Now I say that we must always keep our conscience clear before the Lord! We have the sure promise of the Throne of Grace, and the promise of 1John 1:9.

But it is Gods will that we not be as children, and we come to full knowledge and strong meat of the Word of Righteousness. Only when we walk in righteousness will we understand to power we have over the sin of the flesh.

"Trying to get a "christian" healed is far harder than a non-christian? " WE do not heal we only say the prayer of faith * there is no such thing as divine healers... the Healing comes from the Lord...not us.
you are %100 wrong and have added to the word of God ..your a posting FALSE DOCTRINE -- YOU NEED TO REPENT . i will be the 1st to say i do not agree on the holy spirit not convicting of sin... but the garbage your spewing is new age cult.

Happy Thanksgiven Ezra! I agree but I think this guy is trying to provoke?
May we who love God, keep and gaurd the Word with honest hearts.
Blessings upon you today! -Mitspa
"Trying to get a "christian" healed is far harder than a non-christian? " WE do not heal we only say the prayer of faith * there is no such thing as divine healers... the Healing comes from the Lord...not us.
Well the gift of healing, is clearly shown in scripture. Jesus said that the signs of believers is that they would heal the sick!

Now I have and do heal the sick! By the Power of God and stripes of Christ. If you do not, I dont not judge you! But dont call what is good, evil!
Well the gift of healing, is clearly shown in scripture. Jesus said that the signs of believers is that they would heal the sick!

Now I have and do heal the sick! By the Power of God and stripes of Christ. If you do not, I dont not judge you! But dont call what is good, evil!

" Now I have and do heal the sick! " okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk glad to know you can heal... maybe you and benny hinn can hook up. i never judged only said we do not heal..all miracles comes from the throne of Grace
As we give thanks on this day:

We have a hope eternal in Heaven
We live in time that will end
We have an eternal spirit contained, I suppose, in our mind / soul
We live in a physical body that will either die or be changed in a moment
Now we see through a glass darkley
We will see face to face
God is knocking at the door of folks trying to get in

Any statement can not stand alone, and any statement can or will support / conflict with other statements. Gravity and bouyancy acting at the same time are ok. Thank God the force of Bouyancy is usually by design the greater force. Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.

" Now I have and do heal the sick! " okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk glad to know you can heal... maybe you and benny hinn can hook up. i never judged only said we do not heal..all miracles comes from the throne of Grace
Read the post, read the scriptures! They are the same.
I claim nothing but what the scriptures declare! All glory to Christ and all healing from Him!

the point with the healing is the point that BY HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS WE HAVE LEGAL RIGHT TO THE HEALING! now if you do not believe in His Righteousness? No wonder you do not believe in His Healing Power!

Happy Thansgiving!