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HOLY SPIRIT convicts of what?


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Re: Christ died for OUR SINS according to the scriptures..

And of course this is another dividing line between our beliefs..

Adam was NOT deceived..

Job 31:33
If I covered my transgressions as Adam, by hiding mine iniquity in my bosom:

Adam was not deceived. He HID his disobedience within him before His Father and was not HONEST as many are NOT today.

In that action he SHOWED he was in fact already A SLAVE of disobedience.

You are welcome to blame Adam and ignore what Jesus said happens. It won't change the facts.
there is absolutely nothing wrong with admitting this. It's the simple truth of scripture and if we can't see that in this Christian life.. and instead blame it on the devil.. then that is EASY..

You keep saying the 'devil made you do it.' What is it you don't get about THE DEVIL DOING WHAT THE DEVIL DOES?

You are not the devil and YOU don't change what the DEVIL was made to to.

Enter DUST and TEMPT.

God commanded the devil to CARRY ON in this matter here:

Genesis 3:14
And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
As mentioned, it's much harder to admit and to agree with God that we have been disobedient to Him.. than to simply claim that we're all pawns and the devil plays his song through us.. uncontrollably.

It is NOT hard to divide from that power. But one can not divide from that which they can not perceive. Such is the fate of slaves.

To LIE about this is in fact TO BE a blinded slave.
That is only the first phase of SLAVESHIP. We are made LIARS when we HIDE our INIQUITY in our BOSOM, in our INSIDES.

Those who come before God in Truth will come bearing their iniquity before Him IN TRUTH and WILL NOT HIDE IT.

It bears repeating imo..

It's one thing to have a fowl land on our head.. it's another matter entirely to allow it to build its nest there.

And it's entirely another to claim immunity by LYING. If the 'fowl of the air' SATAN, inserts an evil thought, that categorically says YOU ARE NOT ALONE in that dust pile.

When anyone seeks to HIDE and COVER this matter, God still sees YOU and THE TEMPTER, and perhaps you giving excuses for that other operator. That instantly marks such as NON truth tellers and what I might call 'minor' slaves.

Yeah, I had it happen says that one, but I, I, I no longer do.

Sure. None of us can stand before God and say we are immune from that action at any time.

We can only hope to RULE over that working, but we do NOT rid ourselves of same.
Reducing man to a simple pawn in this manner is imo a disgrace to the glory of God's creation..

We are demanded as believers to RULE over sin. That IS the Glory we are called into. The RULE begins with HIS TRUTH in us and with us, DIVIDING us from our own internally carried enemy.

We do NOT rule by being LIARS and DENIERS.

But there are plenty of such. They are no different today then in Jesus' day. Hypocrites and liars, proving their internal inability to TELL THE TRUTH.

And in that JESUS marked them as such.

Re: The SWORD of the SPIRIT...

The word of God is a TWO EDGED Sword...

It brings DEATH and it brings LIFE.. it is completely against any and all unrighteousness and has ALREADY condemned every last man in the first ADAM..

And yet it also brings ETERNAL LIFE through Christ Jesus our Lord and the Saviour of all men.

Here's a simple example.. even for a born again Christian..

A brother is having a hard time getting by lately so he ends up stealing a few things from his workplace in order to help himself along in this often troubling life..

Simply because the man is a born again Christian.. that doesn't mean that stealing from his workplace is now justified, does it? Of course not..

This is how the LAW will always be in effect for ALL OF US.. and Paul flat out tells us that it's NOT for a RIGHTEOUS MAN.. but for SINNERS...

Christ in you cannot sin and He can't get any better.. It's a miracle to say the least that the one who inhabits eternity has taken up residence in this frail earthen vessel of ours.. there's nothing more amazing than that and this is only the EARNEST of our inheritance until the REDEMPTION of the purchased possession, unto the PRAISE of HIS GLORY.

But let's face it folks... it's a long journey sometimes, and as SCC sang.. WE are NOT HOME YET... all of us are going to stumble and fall along the way because there is a WAR going on in our members.. we carry this body of death around with us.. and we know that the Lord Jesus Christ is going to CHANGE ALL THAT in the twinkling of an eye..

When HE COMES in His glory.. in that DAY, the Day of the Lord... the Day of Jesus Christ.. which shall come as a thief in the night and as travail upon a woman with child..
A "righteous" man who walks by the Spirit, would never steal!
First because he knows he has Gods promise, "I have never seen the Righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread". A righteous man has The Lords promise "I will never leave nor forsake you" "all these things will be added unto you"

second a man who walks in the Spirit never looks to take from others but looks to give!

The Law is filfilled in the Spirit, for we who walk by the Spirit never even consider stealing, but always look to give and help others. We walk as He walked. With love and compassion in our hearts for others!

"Thou shalt not steal" is fulfilled in love, we no longer look to take from any but we look to give where and when we can! This is TRUE CHRISTIANITY all else is false!
Re: The SWORD of the SPIRIT...

A "righteous" man who walks by the Spirit, would never steal!
First because he knows he has Gods promise, "I have never seen the Righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread". A righteous man has The Lords promise "I will never leave nor forsake you" "all these things will be added unto you"

second a man who walks in the Spirit never looks to take from others but looks to give!

The Law is filfilled in the Spirit, for we who walk by the Spirit never even consider stealing, but always look to give and help others. We walk as He walked. With love and compassion in our hearts for others!

"Thou shalt not steal" is fulfilled in love, we no longer look to take from any but we look to give where and when we can! This is TRUE CHRISTIANITY all else is false!

2Co 3:8

How shall not the ministration of the spirit be rather glorious?
2Co 3:9

For if the ministration of condemnation be glory, much more doth the ministration of righteousness exceed in glory.

Here we see again! The Holy Spirits ministry is not like that of the law. For by the law is the knowledge of sin.

The Holy Spirit has the ministry of Righteousness! It is not convicting the believer of sin, but of our righteous standing with God. "For by faith ye stand".

We are made righteous by faith, the Holy Spirit bears witness to that righteousness!

satans greatest deception was to change our view of the Holy Spirit! False teaching! another spirit!

2Co 11:4 (ISV)

For if someone comes along and preaches another Jesus than the one we preached, or should you receive a different spirit from the one you received or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you are all too willing to listen.

Dont be deceived, the Holy Spirit has not changed! It had the words written about itself, trust the Word!
Here we see again! The Holy Spirits ministry is not like that of the law. For by the law is the knowledge of sin.

The Holy Spirit has the ministry of Righteousness! It is not convicting the believer of sin, but of our righteous standing with God. "For by faith ye stand".

We are made righteous by faith, the Holy Spirit bears witness to that righteousness!

satans greatest deception was to change our view of the Holy Spirit! False teaching! another spirit!

2Co 11:4 (ISV)

For if someone comes along and preaches another Jesus than the one we preached, or should you receive a different spirit from the one you received or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you are all too willing to listen.

Dont be deceived, the Holy Spirit has not changed! It had the words written about itself, trust the Word!
explain who/what pricks chastises our conscience ? peter was reminded of Christ words after he denied Christ .after the rooster crowed... there is a difference between condemnation/ conviction. have you ever said something to a person out of anger or just made a wrong statement about a person and go and apologize ? that was the holy spirit leading/ convicting you to do right.:yes:yes:yes:readbible
explain who/what pricks chastises our conscience ? peter was reminded of Christ words after he denied Christ .after the rooster crowed... there is a difference between condemnation/ conviction. have you ever said something to a person out of anger or just made a wrong statement about a person and go and apologize ? that was the holy spirit leading/ convicting you to do right.:yes:yes:yes:readbible
Your right, ezra, before Peter received the Holy Spirit, be denied Christ! AFTER he received the Holy Spirit he told the Jews; YOU have denied the Holy One of Israel!

Do you not see that he was now confident that he was righteous?

Yes knowing I am a son of God and righteous causes me to walk in a righteous manner as He walked. But Its not me, its His Spirit within me, living through me!

As a mans thinks in his heart so is he!

Eph 3:20

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,

To release the power we must walk in agreement with the power!

How can two walk together unless they agree?

I must get ready for work, but I hope you will consider what I am trying to say? If you will pray about this, "ask for wisdom" God will show you the truth!

Your brother in Christ- Mitspa:)
explain who/what pricks chastises our conscience ? peter was reminded of Christ words after he denied Christ .after the rooster crowed... there is a difference between condemnation/ conviction. have you ever said something to a person out of anger or just made a wrong statement about a person and go and apologize ? that was the holy spirit leading/ convicting you to do right.:yes:yes:yes:readbible

Hebrews 12:8
But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.

In case we missed the picture The Son Himself was chastised, rather severely.

Most of us are fortunate we don't have that same punishment, OR ARE WE?

I must get ready for work, but I hope you will consider what I am trying to say? If you will pray about this, "ask for wisdom" God will show you the truth!

Your brother in Christ- Mitspa
curious if 35 people posted the spirit convicts .would you say they was all wrong. if you will note in my debate in all my points . not once did i say you was wrong i was right :chin.. i told you we all see scriptures different . some believe speaking in tongues is the evidence of baptism of the spirit* while i personally see tongues as a gift . curious what corrects us when we go astray? the word? thats a start but what brings scripture into us as a reminder? the Spirit of truth:yes i dont ask you to agree this is debated comments :eeeekkk
Hebrews 12:8
But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.

In case we missed the picture The Son Himself was chastised, rather severely.

Most of us are fortunate we don't have that same punishment, OR ARE WE?


not sure as i understand what your saying
curious if 35 people posted the spirit convicts .would you say they was all wrong. if you will note in my debate in all my points . not once did i say you was wrong i was right :chin.. i told you we all see scriptures different . some believe speaking in tongues is the evidence of baptism of the spirit* while i personally see tongues as a gift . curious what corrects us when we go astray? the word? thats a start but what brings scripture into us as a reminder? the Spirit of truth:yes i dont ask you to agree this is debated comments :eeeekkk

I live by the Word of God! I dont care if 1000000 people thought something!

The Word of God is the truth by which we see that which is true in the Spirit!
Personal opinions are like noses everybody has them and they usally have a couple holes in them. The word of God is clear on this issue! The Holy Spirit does not convict a "believer" of sin! But of Righteousness!

I am willing to discuss these other issues you have about How God corrects. But understand correction is to bring us out of "flesh" and into the "Spirit" ONLY by walking in the "spirit" can we overcome the sin that is in the "Flesh"!

Now to try to deal with correction or sin issues apart from this truth is just foolishness!

Think about this, who has more power over sin? A man who feels condemned and guilty, seperated from God by sin, Or a man confident in his right standing with God? A man who knows the power of God and His Spirit is always present to help him in temptations!

Who is stronger, a man who faces temptation in his own strength, or one who is confident in Gods power and GRACE to overcome his weakness?

This is why sin can not have dominion over a righteous believer! Because by faith they trust in Gods Strength, not their own ability!

I tell you sin is no issue for a righteous man! Because Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world!

My confidence is in God! not in myself!

What greater power than the throne of Grace? Only those who think they earn their way to the throne can never understand its power! -Mitspa
ONLY by walking in the "spirit" can we overcome the sin that is in the "Flesh"!
yup that's the way we do it. walking

1) to walk
1a) to make one's way, progress; to make due use of opportunities
1b) Hebrew for, to live
1b1) to regulate one's life
1b2) to conduct one's self
1b3) to pass one's life {would also be aware }

I live by the Word of God! I dont care if 1000000 people thought something!
easy there so does the majority of the posters.. i use to work with a man that belonged to a southern baptist church. he believed once saved always saved.. in other words no matter what one did after salvation even to deny God you still go to heaven.. his reply to why he believed that way.. i BELIEVE the Bible. so is the general baptist wrong along with the rest who dont hold to eternal security ? .. { trying to make a point } how are we aware of sin in our life whats wrong right? by the word through the spirit.
yup that's the way we do it. walking

1) to walk
1a) to make one's way, progress; to make due use of opportunities
1b) Hebrew for, to live
1b1) to regulate one's life
1b2) to conduct one's self
1b3) to pass one's life {would also be aware }

easy there so does the majority of the posters.. i use to work with a man that belonged to a southern baptist church. he believed once saved always saved.. in other words no matter what one did after salvation even to deny God you still go to heaven.. his reply to why he believed that way.. i BELIEVE the Bible. so is the general baptist wrong along with the rest who dont hold to eternal security ? .. { trying to make a point } how are we aware of sin in our life whats wrong right? by the word through the spirit.

Do they really?:chin

I am not talking about what someone else thinks or thought! The Word of God is the issue here!

None have brought a scripture forward that in any way challenges what I have posted!

WHY? because the Holy Spirit DOES NOT convict a "believer" of sin!

Joh 14:23

Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.
Joh 14:24

He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.

Joh 14:26

But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

Joh 15:3

Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.

The Holy Spirit is the "Comforter" who brings to our remembrance the Word that "WE ARE CLEAN" RIGHTEOUS! By faith in His Words!

False teaching makes Him the "accuser" who follows us around to make us "uncomfortable"

If you rather believe some man, than Gods Word?
please walk in the "flesh" with the rest of them.:wave
The Holy Spirit is the "Comforter" who brings to our remembrance the Word that "WE ARE CLEAN" RIGHTEOUS! By faith in His Words!

may i ask where it say that about the holy spirit :chin i will ask you this again what brings us to remembrance when we are wrong? anger unkind words fall to temptation of our own doings {the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.} i am not disagreeing on scripture but interpolation

WHY? because the Holy Spirit DOES NOT convict a "believer" of sin!
so you give the devil the credit for reminding you to get back on track? conviction of the holy spirit is there. condemnation is what the devil does* the message of satan..*
I am not talking about what someone else thinks or thought! The Word of God is the issue here!
so should i have told the man he was wrong? once again you missed my point*** on seeing certain scriptures different > do we tell the Pentecostal ladies they are wrong for wearing a dress all the time and not cutting there hair? or the men for wearing long sleeve shirts year round. because they feel scripture reads that way?

i appreciate your stand... on the other hand i have my stand.... and as paul harvey would say and know you know the rest of the story ;):clap
may i ask where it say that about the holy spirit :chin i will ask you this again what brings us to remembrance when we are wrong? anger unkind words fall to temptation of our own doings {the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.} i am not disagreeing on scripture but interpolation

so you give the devil the credit for reminding you to get back on track? conviction of the holy spirit is there. condemnation is what the devil does* the message of satan..* so should i have told the man he was wrong? once again you missed my point*** on seeing certain scriptures different > do we tell the Pentecostal ladies they are wrong for wearing a dress all the time and not cutting there hair? or the men for wearing long sleeve shirts year round. because they feel scripture reads that way?

i appreciate your stand... on the other hand i have my stand.... and as paul harvey would say and know you know the rest of the story ;):clap

I know I am corrected by the Word and my conscience toward God!

What is correct? Walking in the Spirit!
What is sin? what is not of faith is sin!

One who walks in the Spirit will not filfill the lust of the flesh!

I live by the Word of God! I dont care if 1000000 people thought something!

The Word of God is the truth by which we see that which is true in the Spirit!
Personal opinions are like noses everybody has them and they usally have a couple holes in them. The word of God is clear on this issue! The Holy Spirit does not convict a "believer" of sin! But of Righteousness!

I am willing to discuss these other issues you have about How God corrects. But understand correction is to bring us out of "flesh" and into the "Spirit" ONLY by walking in the "spirit" can we overcome the sin that is in the "Flesh"!

Now to try to deal with correction or sin issues apart from this truth is just foolishness!

Think about this, who has more power over sin? A man who feels condemned and guilty, seperated from God by sin, Or a man confident in his right standing with God? A man who knows the power of God and His Spirit is always present to help him in temptations!

Who is stronger, a man who faces temptation in his own strength, or one who is confident in Gods power and GRACE to overcome his weakness?

This is why sin can not have dominion over a righteous believer! Because by faith they trust in Gods Strength, not their own ability!

I tell you sin is no issue for a righteous man! Because Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world!

My confidence is in God! not in myself!

What greater power than the throne of Grace? Only those who think they earn their way to the throne can never understand its power! -Mitspa
I know I am corrected by the Word and my conscience toward God!

What is correct? Walking in the Spirit!
What is sin? what is not of faith is sin!

One who walks in the Spirit will not filfill the lust of the flesh!

I live by the Word of God! I dont care if 1000000 people thought something!

The Word of God is the truth by which we see that which is true in the Spirit!
Personal opinions are like noses everybody has them and they usally have a couple holes in them. The word of God is clear on this issue! The Holy Spirit does not convict a "believer" of sin! But of Righteousness!

I am willing to discuss these other issues you have about How God corrects. But understand correction is to bring us out of "flesh" and into the "Spirit" ONLY by walking in the "spirit" can we overcome the sin that is in the "Flesh"!

Now to try to deal with correction or sin issues apart from this truth is just foolishness!

Think about this, who has more power over sin? A man who feels condemned and guilty, seperated from God by sin, Or a man confident in his right standing with God? A man who knows the power of God and His Spirit is always present to help him in temptations!

Who is stronger, a man who faces temptation in his own strength, or one who is confident in Gods power and GRACE to overcome his weakness?

This is why sin can not have dominion over a righteous believer! Because by faith they trust in Gods Strength, not their own ability!

I tell you sin is no issue for a righteous man! Because Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world!

My confidence is in God! not in myself!

What greater power than the throne of Grace? Only those who think they earn their way to the throne can never understand its power! -Mitspa

Ezra, What if Jesus walked up to you right now and said, ezra, I have given you the greatest of power but I put it in you that you would have to draw it out by faith.
Now you are in a body of sin, that desires to sin. I know your heart is right and you do not desire to sin. So resist sin and when you fail I will not condemn you. But only stay in faith, and trust that which I have put inside you. For if you will It will overcome your weakness, if you will only trust in what I have done for you!

If you fail? you must trust more in my RIGHTEOUSNESS than your failure and then you will learn to depend more and more on me, and less on your own strength.

You will see that I Am the God that makes the light shine out of the darkness!

I delight in taking that which is weak and making it strong!

I will have all the Glory, and you will bring glory to Me!

Just trust-Jesus

Abraham considered not his own weakness, but trusted that God was able to do that which He had promised! That my friend is faith!
Not getting what you earn but what Christ earned for us!
i have the power to overcome any thing. my point is the spirit tells you what sin is..convicts . other than that this is my last reply. i am deeply disturbed troubled by what i see coming out of the church. you can read my thoughts upon this rock. post i could go on for days on this debate. but for my part this is the end. its all good:clap
i have the power to overcome any thing. my point is the spirit tells you what sin is..convicts . other than that this is my last reply. i am deeply disturbed troubled by what i see coming out of the church. you can read my thoughts upon this rock. post i could go on for days on this debate. but for my part this is the end. its all good:clap

You have offered NO SCRIPTURE, only your opinion, and some lady wears a dress?
I have many more sciptures on the subject that prove the work of the Holy Spirit is to convict us of our righteousness in Christ. I am glad you brought up your points, I believe faith does not look at the darkness and say" its dark in here", But faith is looking at Christ and His Light! The darkess will always flee, when the Light comes in!

2Co 3:9

For if the ministration of condemnation be glory, much more doth the ministration of righteousness exceed in glory.

No "sinner" can see Christ, only the "righteous" can behold His Glory!

2Co 3:17

Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
2Co 3:18

But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

:)Mitspa- a "righteous" son of God!

Rom 5:5

And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

Joh 17:22

And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:

Joh 17:23

I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent
me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.

To claim the Holt Spirit is here to convict the "believer" of sin, is so false that the Holy Spirit Himself must be greatly grieved!

NO! anyone can see the Holy Spirit comes and bears witness that we are ONE with God The Father and The Son. The Holy Spirit sheds Gods love for us, abroad in our hearts. NOT the guilt of sin!

If Gods Laws are fulfilled in Love? How can any walk in Gods Love without the source of that Love?
How can any draw from the well, when religion has filled it with dirt and rolled a stone over it?
Rom 5:5

And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

Joh 17:22

And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:

Joh 17:23

I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent
me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.

To claim the Holt Spirit is here to convict the "believer" of sin, is so false that the Holy Spirit Himself must be greatly grieved!

NO! anyone can see the Holy Spirit comes and bears witness that we are ONE with God The Father and The Son. The Holy Spirit sheds Gods love for us, abroad in our hearts. NOT the guilt of sin!

If Gods Laws are fulfilled in Love? How can any walk in Gods Love without the source of that Love?
How can any draw from the well, when religion has filled it with dirt and rolled a stone over it?

so who are you trying to convince your self?:chin
so who are you trying to convince your self?:chin
are you? why do post scripture?

dont be a hypocrite brother.

seems the Holy Spirit would convict you of that? if your false doctrines were true?

But their not!
So dont play word games with me!
dont be a hypocrite brother.

1st place i am not nor have been a hypocrite.. so lets not go there with a exchange of making something that's not.

2nd i gave my scriptures the same as you stand on if he convicts us of righteousness . then he will prick our heart (convict ) us of sin. that is another part of the leading of the spirit. a pastor friend of mine had one of his congregation members. come to him for prayer as he had committed the act of adultery. he was prayed for the man had asked forgiveness from the church. he confessed his sin to Christ all was forgiven.

3rd i use examples to back up scripture . i noticed you would not answer the question on the doctrine of woman not cutting their hair along with the wearing of the dress full time. they interpret scripture to that belief . me personally i don't see it that way. but to those who do.its not my job to tell them they are wrong. we call it the spirit of truth. and some times we are wrong and need corrected . so thus if the spirit convicts us to do right. then he convicts us when we are wrong (sin.)_

4th and last i call you out on this statement
if your false doctrines were true?
DO NOT go there. i have not accused you . i simply disagree other than that life goes on.:sad


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