Tina said:
The devil does not show up with red eyes, sharp clawy fingers, two ugly horns or a hood on its head, or with his underwear over his clothes like some kind of spiderman ! ....
You see ... that's the different between an ATHEIST like you and CHRISTIANs like us. You do not know the spiritual things of the world. You have NO idea what the devil is and how it works, so quit expounding on something you know NOTHING about !!
Very true! so why not make me understand? Why not offer evidence for your claims? Why not prove to me and all atheists that it was indeed the devil doing the work, not the individual? You seem to make a lot of statements, but you dont seem to back those statements up.
Tina said:
I do not exlude nature as ONE of the causes of homosexuality... or what we deem as "genetic", something that runs in the family.
From what I can tell, you've been arguing that homosexuality isn't natural, unless I've misinterpreted your words.
PS: Genetics exist, it's not something that humans made up
Tina said:
But the stark contrast between YOUR belief and MY belief is that ... I absolutely believe that GOD is able to change even that "nature" that results in homosexuality ! ... You don't believe that and insist that homosexuals cannot be changed for good ...
Yes, and I realize you believe this, but you haven't offered valuable evidence as to make the statement true. Until you do, it's merely a claim.
I never said that God isn't able to change a person, I have said that it is possible for an individual to do what was previously described as what god did (which it comes to change in that sense). I've also stated -
multiple times - that it may be possible for sexual attraction to change permanently. I don't know how many more times i need to show you that I've said this before you realize that I've said this.
Tina said:
In case you haven't noticed, the "some clouds that can gather electric charge" are also from God ! ... That's what Christians believe anyway ....
Not quite. Clouds are formed when water vapor in the air is cooled and condenses as part of the water cycle. We've known this for a good while now, in fact it's grade 5 science where I come from. However, it may be possible that the creation of the cycle was made by god, as there is no evidence that supports the contrary.
Tina said:
Scientific theories can come and go ... proved and disproved .... change or remain.
Not quite, you see when a scientific theory has evidence that shows that the theory is flawed, the theory is updated and becomes more accurate in describing what it originally was describing in the first place.
Tina said:
But our God never changes. The Bible says He is the Same God yesterday, today and forever ... If He has healed and delivered many gays before, He will absolutely be able to deliver many others in future. Question is, are gays willing to be changed and transformed? Do they believe that God can do it ? ... Or are they resigned to the deception that they are born that way, it is "natural" and they can never change, they have to live as gays all their lives ???
Very correct, unfortunately your religion in it's entirety seems to constantly diverge. After all there is roughly 30,000 denominations. In fact there's so much division over the same religion, I can hardly keep track of which people believe in what of the same religion. Also, this
it is "natural" and they can never change
is why i think you don't accept to the natural properties of homosexuality
Tina said:
They could even burn in hell but should I really care ???
You could care less if trillions of organisms are burning in hell for eternity for absolutely nothing? And here I was taught morality can come with religion.
Tina said:
My church has counselled and dealt with all these kinds of people for more than 10 years now and they have never encountered a single gay person whom they have found impossible to deal with ....
Welcome to the power of suppression and the human mind. Not only that, but your speculating that the people who left didn't simply lie about their change (as I am sure there are at least a few)