Uncle J
It's because an earth with a surface that's 100% water would have nothing to stop winds, waves, storms, etc.
And so it's your understanding that out there 1,000 miles from land in the middle of the southern oceans, the water's all different than everywhere else?
entire mountain ranges were formed during the flood as tectonic plates jetted around the globe, which obviously would result in extremely tumultuous conditions.
Again, that would all be happening under the surface. We have undersea cataclysmic changes in the earth's surface today and other than maybe a tsunami, the water on the surface isn't much affected. And the tsunami is fairly short and done. If one is on a big ship when a tsunami comes roaring across the ocean, which it doesn't really get bad until it gets near land, do all the ships break up? Personally, I believe that what's happening here is that people are making up scenarios that aren't true of the event of the worldwide flood. And because we've never had another, we won't ever know. We can only make up 'how' things might have happened but not know that they did happen as we are trying to explain them.
Here's what I know. God's word says that He flooded the entire earth. Based on the description of that flood, there isn't any way that it would have been some localized flood. Water won't stay high if there are lower places for it to go. So, you might flood the mountain of Ararat by 20' and it might stay for 2-3 days, but it's all going to recede fairly rapidly to the lower places surrounding it that aren't flooded pretty quickly. There just is no way that without flooding the entire earth, that water would stay at flood stage for more than a few days or weeks at most, in some single area of the earth, no matter how big you want to make that flooded area to be. It rained for 40 days and the springs of the deep opened and flooded the mountains, in the area that God is referencing by some 20'. But then the water stayed flooded upon the earth for nearly 6 months. That can't happen if there's lower areas outside of the flood zone for the water to flow into. That's science!!!!
Yes, there is some evidence that the mountains, as high as we now see them, may have been created by the earth's crust opening to allow the springs of the deep to burst forth, but the earth isn't covered by mountains and those mountains would not necessarily cause the surface water to be soooo turbulent that a well built wooden ship the size we are shown in the Scriptures couldn't have just remained floating on top as some rough waves 'may' have passed over the surface. But all of that is conjecture. Go ahead! Fill your bathtub up and move some large plates underneath without your arms sticking down from the top of the water and see how much the surface water is changed. It just isn't a verifiable fact that the tectonic plates moving would make the ocean terribly turbulent on the surface any more than when tectonic plates move under the ocean today.
We can all make assumptions of what we think might have happened in the flood, but unless it happens again or someone you know was there, we can't prove it. As I mentioned before, we see floods coming down from some broken dam or swollen river that sits in the bottom of some deep vally created by mountains. But that water is only 20-30' higher than the water in which it is running. But as that water gets up 50-100' up the sides of the mountains, it calms considerably because of the wider spacing between the mountains. But a broken blown out dam isn't how God explains the flood.
I just am not convinced that it's true that the ark would have had to have been built of titanium or some super strong steel in order to float on the surface as the flood waters rose upon the earth. All of these accounts of how tumultuous the surface 'might' have been come from drawings that people have made who weren't there. They, like yourself, are using their imagination to consider what it 'might' have been like.
Flood waters, act differently under different geological formations of the earth. Also the depth of the flood waters will have an effect on how tumultuous they may be. Do you know why floods in Minnesota aren't particularly problematic to the city of New Orleans sitting at the mouth of the Mississippi river? They settle and spread and lose a vast amount of their initial energy fairly quickly. People in New Orleans, unless they read the news from Minnesota, don't even know that there was a flood 1,000 miles up the little tiny Mississippi in Minnesota.
So, try this imagination on for size. Suppose that Noah built the ark on a plain of land. The flood waters would rise up underneath it and it would just begin to float once the displacement of the ark was lifted off of the earth's surface. It could very likely have been just a fairly slow, maybe a few feet per minute or hour increase in the depth of the water just like when you fill your bathtub. But, of course, a much larger bathtub.
As I noted earlier, it was Christian geologists of the 1800's who first moved away from the global flood model because,
Yes, and that's exactly what the Scriptures describe for us concerning the nature of man as time moves forward. Paul wrote to Timothy about it. That a time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Now, just because someone who says they're a believer tells you something that contradicts God's word, that doesn't mean that they're right... you do know that, right? God's word also warns us that He will make foolish the wisdom of the wise. Everybody that I talk to that holds to the 'scientifically proven' theories that we have today generally consider those scientists to be wise.
I believe the earth, and all of the universe from here to however far you can see with the most powerful telescope that we may have, is only about 6,000 years old. I believe that God set it all into place during the six days of His creative work, for which He repeated for us at least three times that He did. I believe that God did flood the entire planet. That there was not one spot of the earth that was not covered in water from pole to pole and circumferencing the equator. I believe that water stayed upon the whole of the earth for the period of days that God's word tells us that it did. I believe in a God who is not only powerful enough to have done all that He claims to have done, but that He also loves and cares for us enough to have told us the truth concerning these things. So that we, mankind, don't ever forget that we're here because God created all things.
For you are worthy our Lord and God to receive all glory and honor and power. For you created all things. By your will they were created and have their being. Mankind is not here because two creatures of some other physical make-up finally was able to birth a man creature. No!!!! We are here because God stooped down and fashioned a form of a man and blew into that form His breath of life. The earth exists because at some point about 6,000 years ago as man accounts time, God merely spoke it to exist and it came to be. Sitting lonely, solitary in all of the black inky universe which is all around us forever and ever and ever. Then, as the earth spun on its axis He separated the waters and brought forth the land and planted all the herbs and created all the other living creatures upon the earth. And at some point in the fourth spin of the earth upon its axis He flung all of the stars and other heavenly bodies out into the vast expanse of the universe. He just spoke it and it happened.
That's how the Scriptures describe it and I'm one who believes that is how it happened. And you know what? If the Scriptures are true... you're going to see Him do it again. This creation is going to be rolled up like a scroll and God will create a new heaven and a new earth. On that day, everyone's going to say to themselves, even those who are trying their darndest to get you to believe that He didn't, "Well, I guess He can do that!"