Gentiles whether they believe in Christ or not are under the moral laws of Christ which are the parts of the laws given to Moses that even stand today in our judicial system.
Our worldly, unbelieving judicial system doesn’t give a hoot about the marriage/divorce laws of Christ/Moses. You should know this from the context of Paul’s answer letter to the Corinthians:
Does any one of you, having a matter against the other [like an abusive spouse or a divorce], dare to go-to-court before the unrighteous ones, and not before the saints?... So indeed, if you have cases pertaining-to- this -life [like an abusive spouse or a divorce], are you seating these [as judges]— the ones having been of-no-account in the church? I say this to your shame. So is there not among you anyone wise who will be able to discern between his brother and this brother?— but brother is going-to-court against brother, and this before unbelievers?
1 Corinthians 6:1,4-6 - Corinthians 6:1,4-6&version=DLNT
Again, atheist unbelievers are unrighteous and of no account within the church, The Temple. To include an unrighteous marriage involving an unbeliever (one or more). And God has no fellowship with unbelievers. Period! Including within an unyoked by God marriage.
Christ didn't do away with the laws, but came to fulfill the parts of the law in that of the Temple and sacrifices.
Okay, I agree. But be consistent with this fact then.
Did God yoke you, a believer, together with an unbeliever??? I say no (based on the Scripture and the Laws therein). You say yes.
And He said [in Gen 2:24], ‘For this reason a man will leave-behind his father and his mother and will be joined to his wife. And the two will be one flesh’. So then, they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God paired-together, let a person not separate”.
Matthew 19:5-6 - 19:5-6&version=DLNT
If you think God paired you together with an unbeliever, then we disagree fundamentally on God’s 100% righteous working through His moral Law. I find it reprehensible to think God yokes an unbeliever (as in an atheist) with believers (whether Jew or Christian). This is not to disregard the fact that at the time of Paul’s Letters to the Corinthians, there were new Christians converting from Jewish customary marriages. Which Paul addressed in 1 Cor 7.
For I also wrote for this purpose: that I might know your approvedness, whether you are obedient in all things.
2 Corinthians 2:9 - Corinthians 2:9&version=DLNT
Obedience in all things means to NOT be yoked in marriage to an unbeliever (one abusing his spouse or not). If, as was the case for some in Corinth) you found yourself being a new Christian-convert yoked previously within a Jewish marriage, then remain in that marriage according to Paul (for the sake of your children). However, that has almost nothing to do with a Christian remaining in a ‘marriage-like’ relationship with an atheist because God never sanctioned it in the first place. That’s my point.
A Jewish wedding has nothing to do with a Gentile marriage,
Really??? I disagree, based on Paul addressing this very situation to those Corinthians within existing Jewish marriages. A Godly marriage is a Godly marriage, whether Jewish or Gentile (or blending there-of within the 1st Century). On the otherhand, an unGodly marriage has nothing to do with God. Whether same-sex or not. And yes, there is such a thing as a Lawful divorce (Jewish or Gentile). “Do not be mis-yoked”.
the vows they make before God is what are to be binding whether they be a believer or not a believer as a wedding is a covenant of promise that a man takes care of his wife and the wife being his helpmate as God intended it to be.
Unbelievers do NOT make oaths before God. Fundamentally, we disagree here. I think my view has more support.
No one is talking about a same sex marriage as we know that is not of God, so don't even go there.
It’s relevant because it’s an example of an unGodly ‘marriage’ (does not have a Godly oath involved), just as an unequally yoked marriage between an atheist unbeliever an a believer is another example of an unGodly ‘marriage’. Neither is in accordance with the Law of God. That’s my point. A Biblical marriage IS God joining together a husband with a wife taken from His creation. Anything else is NOT a Biblical marriage in the first place. It’s co-habitats.
Whether one is a believer or non believer makes no difference as we are not married according to the laws of the state,
That was my first question to you. Were you joined together to an unbeliever by God, yes or no? Or by a State (many of which now allow same-sex ‘marriage’ (as if that’s not a contradiction in terms). It matters, the answer.
It makes a huge difference, obviously. Paul is aware that being unequally yoked within a ‘marriage’ is contrary to God’s Law. Jesus said so, and Paul repeated it. So did Moses. Nothing in 1 Cor 7 contradicts this Law.
Do not be ones being mis-yoked to unbelievers. For what partnership is there for righteousness and lawlessness? Or what fellowship is there for light with darkness?
2 Corinthians 6:14 - Corinthians 6:14&version=DLNT
Notice the literal verb tense of this unchanged Law. It’s present-passive. If you were mis-yoked to an atheist unbeliever, you did NOT arrive in that situation within God’s marriage Law in the first place. Plain and simple. You might think you did, but there’s zero Biblical evidence for it.
On the otherhand, if a wife was previously yoked (by God in a Jewish marriage) to a God loving righteous Jewish man in the later 1st Century an this wife suddenly claimed Jesus Christ is Messiah and Lord (i.e. converted to Christianity from being Jewish), yet her husband did not convert, then Paul tells her to stay married to him if he agreed to remain in the marriage. Otherwise,her children would become unclean. And furthermore, if this woman re-married, she did so committing adultery. [But that has nothing to do with an unGodly marriage]
according to that of
1 Corinthians 7:9 that two unbelievers (male and female) should enter into marriage if they can not contain themselves.
1 Cor 7:9 says no such thing. It’s a very specific instruction to the unmarried females
within the church (whether they be widows or virgins). It’s NOT a teaching to non-church members.
The vows they take are that of a covenant they enter to not break that covenant as they are breaking the laws of God.
Unbelievers don’t make oaths to God and God doesn’t yoke unbelievers together.
Sorry, you are not going to convince me otherwise, unless you show me that in Scripture.
God hasn’t joined in marriage (ever in the billions of marriages throughout history) an unbeliever with a believer.
And yes, I am aware of 1 Cor 7. Which is specifically dealing with a Godly joined Jewish marriage where one spouse becomes a believing Christian within that peaceful marriage yet the other remains unconvinced of Jesus’s Messianic fulfilling.
It’s NOT the exact same situation as a atheist v Christian or an abusing atheist v Christian. Anymore than it is the same as a same-sex State sanction ‘marriage’. Not to mention, Paul’s reason for instructing the Christian spouse to remain married to her Jewish husband is so their children remain clean. My point is, he’s NOT instructing a Christian to remain with an atheist in this passage, obviously. Else, he’s contradicting Jesus and himself.
For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified by his wife. And the unbelieving wife has been sanctified by the brother. Otherwise then your children are unclean, but now they are holy.
1 Corinthians 7:14 - Corinthians 7:14&version=DLNT
The above is talking about a God loving Jewish spouse remaining with a Christ loving Christian spouse. Because they were married in accordance with God’s Law! It’s Not addressing a Christian remaining with an atheist.