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"I and the Father are One."


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And even though you have a long track record of simply ignoring arguments, I will, ever hopeful, ask that you respond to my argument about Jesus' use of the "mother hen" image in reference to Himself, an image that is predicated of God in the Old Testament.
Drew said:
Mysteryman said:
Here Drew, let me help you out.

Exodus 8:1 - "Let my people go, that they may serve me"
You have this habit of presenting verses and not making an argument.

How does this statement rule out the possibility that Jesus can be both "prophet" and "God in the flesh"?

You have a bad habit of not admitting when you have been proven wrong. Your analogy was just been proven as being in error.

If you can not see this, then you will not see anything I expose from your erroneous comments.

Have a nice day.
Drew said:
Mysteryman said:
Jesus Christ is divine = god like, not God ! But so are Christians divine = god like - II Peter 1:3 and 4

The word - "divine" is the greek word - "theios", which means = god like

Jesus the Christ is 1. the son of man --- 2. The Son of the living God

This verse John 14:24 refers to Jesus the Christ as a Prophet of God.
I was worried you would do this.

Forget that I ever used the word "divine".

I see no actual case from you that the assertion that Jesus was a prophet (and we agree on this) means that He cannot be of the same "God-essence" as the God the Father.

In short, you have made no case that Jesus cannot be both a prophet and part of the Trinity.

Hi Drew

You have made absolutely no case that Jesus can be both a prophet and a part of the trinity. < This is your responsibility, not mine !
Mysteryman said:
You have a bad habit of not admitting when you have been proven wrong.
I do not think you have ever found a problem with my arguments.

In fact, you do not even engage them.

Mysteryman said:
Your analogy was just been proven as being in error.

If you can not see this, then you will not see anything I expose from your erroneous comments.

Have a nice day.
This is patent evasion.

I made an argument - please actually deal with it.
Consider this statement from Jesus, made clearly in reference to Himself:

"Have you not even read this Scripture:

What is Jesus saying? He is saying that He - Jesus - is the new temple!

And what is the temple, if the Old Testament is taken seriously? It is the place where God's presence dwells. I can bury you in Old Testaments texts that make this point - go on, "make my day" and ask for them.......

Clearly, Jesus is making the shocking and seemingly blasphemous claim that He (Jesus) is the place where "the presence of God" dwells.

Now if MM is to be believed Jesus has blundered into making an unintended implication that He, Jesus, is place where the presence of God dwells.

This is not rocket science: The temple is the place where the very presence of God abides. Jesus says He (Jesus) is the new temple.

What does that make Jesus? It makes Him "God". Has Jesus forgotten that the temple was the place where the presence of God dwelt? Or has Jesus simply never read the Old Testament?

Now MM, I will listen to the eerie silence as this argument is yet again ignored by you.
Mysteryman said:
You have made absolutely no case that Jesus can be both a prophet and a part of the trinity. < This is your responsibility, not mine !
Not relevant. I never made any claim to the effect that categorical considerations require these categories to overlap.

Let's remember the history: Who was it that claimed that a prophet cannot also be part of a Trinity, based on categorical considerations? It was none other than you, MM. It is therefore your responsibility to actually support this claim with an actual argument. It is not up to me to demonstrate that one can be both. One can, indeed, be both, as I and others have already shown, but that's not the point.

You are the one who claimed that one cannot be both a prophet and "God in the flesh".

Now, make the case please.
Mysteryman said:
No Drew, you are in error. What I said in my post is supported not only by scripture, but by the Spirit of a sound mind. One can not be a Prophet of God and also God, that is totally illogical and is not supported by scripture, nor sound mind !
MM's implied argument is based on a false logic.
Could a false prophet also be a false God? Of course.
Could the True God also be the True Prophet? Of course.
Hi Oats :

Your saying that what is said within scripture does not matter ? Oh my ! :confused

You don't decide if I'm wrong or right...the scripture does. Just because you use and abbreviated portion of scripture doesn't mean I'd become a heretic.

Jesus is Lord....And just like my name Elijah(Eliyahu) or My God Is Lord
Oats said:
Hi Oats :

Your saying that what is said within scripture does not matter ? Oh my ! :confused

You don't decide if I'm wrong or right...the scripture does. Just because you use and abbreviated portion of scripture doesn't mean I'd become a heretic.

Jesus is Lord....And just like my name Elijah(Eliyahu) or My God Is Lord

Mysteryman said:
Oats said:
Hi Oats :

Your saying that what is said within scripture does not matter ? Oh my ! :confused

You don't decide if I'm wrong or right...the scripture does. Just because you use and abbreviated portion of scripture doesn't mean I'd become a heretic.

Jesus is Lord....And just like my name Elijah(Eliyahu) or My God Is Lord


Now you're acting dumbfounded


YAH CAN MEAN (and in this case does mean) LORD

And if Jesus is Lord...then he is God as well...
If Jesus Christ is the "Lord of lords" does that not make Him God? I mean common sense would dictate it does.

God is Lord, we know that, and if you don't I suggest you go read the Old Testament. God is the Lord above all others. If the statement is made that Jesus is the "Lord of lords" is that not saying He is God?
Quote Drew : "Let's remember the history: Who was it that claimed that a prophet cannot also be part of a Trinity, based on categorical considerations? It was none other than you, MM."


Sometimes Drew, you are your own worst enemy. :yes

I never made no such statement ! I did say, that a Prophet brings forth a message "for/from God", and that if Jesus Christ is God, then by shear logic, Jesus Christ can not be a Prophet for God, because he would be God ,thus speaking for himself. A Prophet is a go between. A go between the one the message is given to, and the one who is to receive the message. There is one mediator between God and man, the Man Christ Jesus. You do know what a mediator is, do you not ?
Pard said:
If Jesus Christ is the "Lord of lords" does that not make Him God? I mean common sense would dictate it does.

God is Lord, we know that, and if you don't I suggest you go read the Old Testament. God is the Lord above all others. If the statement is made that Jesus is the "Lord of lords" is that not saying He is God?

Hi Pard

Private interpretation will always lead you and someone else into the ditch. Jesus is not the Lord of Lords , nor is he the King of Kings. God his Father is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Have you recently read Revelation 1:5 and 6 ? Do you know what Prophecy from the Lord God Almighty is ? Do you know what a messenger is ? Who was talking directly unto John here in chapter one of Rev. ? Before you answer any of these questions, read verse one first !

I was in the Army for three years during the 60's, during the Vietnam period of time. On my uniform was stitched - "U S Army". Does this mean that I myself was the United States Army ?
Mysteryman said:
Pard said:
If Jesus Christ is the "Lord of lords" does that not make Him God? I mean common sense would dictate it does.

God is Lord, we know that, and if you don't I suggest you go read the Old Testament. God is the Lord above all others. If the statement is made that Jesus is the "Lord of lords" is that not saying He is God?

Hi Pard

Private interpretation will always lead you and someone else into the ditch. Jesus is not the Lord of Lords , nor is he the King of Kings. God his Father is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Have you recently read Revelation 1:5 and 6 ? Do you know what Prophecy from the Lord God Almighty is ? Do you know what a messenger is ? Who was talking directly unto John here in chapter one of Rev. ? Before you answer any of these questions, read verse one first !

I was in the Army for three years during the 60's, during the Vietnam period of time. On my uniform was stitched - "U S Army". Does this mean that I myself was the United States Army ?
:confused ...
Mysteryman said:
Rev. 19:16 - "And he had on his vesture and on his thigh a name written , King of Kings, and Lord of Lords"


Aren't you s'possed to be defending your point, which you tried to make before (the one Oats and I didn't get)?

Revelations 19:16 supports my idea, that Jesus is God because He is the Lord of lords.
Pard said:
Mysteryman said:
Rev. 19:16 - "And he had on his vesture and on his thigh a name written , King of Kings, and Lord of Lords"


Aren't you s'possed to be defending your point, which you tried to make before (the one Oats and I didn't get)?

Revelations 19:16 supports my idea, that Jesus is God because He is the Lord of lords.

If that was true, then I am the US Army, because of what was stitched on my old army uniform.
Mysteryman said:
Private interpretation will always lead you and someone else into the ditch. Jesus is not the Lord of Lords , nor is he the King of Kings. God his Father is Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
So you believe there are two King's of kings and Lord's of lords? Is it not simpler just to state that as a title used of God alone, that since it is applied to Jesus that it means he is also God?
Mysteryman said:
Pard said:
Mysteryman said:
Rev. 19:16 - "And he had on his vesture and on his thigh a name written , King of Kings, and Lord of Lords"


Aren't you s'possed to be defending your point, which you tried to make before (the one Oats and I didn't get)?

Revelations 19:16 supports my idea, that Jesus is God because He is the Lord of lords.

If that was true, then I am the US Army, because of what was stitched on my old army uniform.
What else is on an army uniform? Rank? Name? Do you think Jesus is in the King of kings and Lord of lords (to use your army analogy)? Is he merely one of the kings or lords under the King of kings and Lord of lords? How else do you explain 1) the titles applied to Christ and 2) the titles being written on his robe and on his thigh?

Merely using your army analogy is insufficient as a rebuttal to what is being said; you need to explain why it is the case that you think it constitutes a rebuttal.


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