westtexas said:
Mysteryman said:
Hi Westtexas :
After everything I explained and asked of you, this is your reply ?
Here, let me try once more --- trinitarinas rewrite the phrase - "the Son of God" and twist it to say -- "God the Son". Yet, there is not one verse of scripture where this phrase is written in this manner. So how do you justify changing scripture in the manner that you do, and continue to hold onto this false phrase ?
We can deal with Hebrews 1:8, but you must realize, that verse 8 must harmonize with verse 9, and verse 9 must harmonize with verse 8 . If you believe that verse 8 is claiming to say, that God, his Father is calling Jesus a god, you are sadly mistaken, and this would totally contradict what it says in verse 9, and the Word of God would not harmonize.
Granted, the phrase "God the Son" is not in scripture. But you seem like an intelligent person so surely your theological approach does not hinge on fact that those 3 words, in that order, are not in scripture. Let me get your response to these questions. Jesus Christ is the Son, correct? If 2 Peter 1:1 is translated "Our God and Saviour Jesus Christ" Jesus Christ is addressed as God, thus the Son is addressed as God. The same in Hebrews 1 "Unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God" If the Son is addressed as God, you have the concept of, God the Son.
Hi Westtexas :
Thanks, but that was like pulling teeth without novacaine. True, there is no such phrase as --- God the Son. So why do people use such a phrase that is not within scripture ? We all know, that scripture clearly says --- The Son of God.
Now lets address the rest of your post.
God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him - Correct ?
Adam was a Father and Cain and Able and Seth were his sons, correct ?
Everyone in their right mind knows that a father and his son are not the same entity (being). The son comes from or preceeds from the father. Since God created man in his own image, there is no difference - correct ?
A son is your seed son, as the Father is the one who produces the seed. Abraham had two sons. One of promise - Isaac. The same holds true, that God promised a son, His only begotten Son. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son. Just as God asked the same of Abraham, when he was to offer up Isaac.
Consistency is one of the keys in understanding scripture. God is not the author of confusion.
II Peter 1:1 does not claim to call Jesus as a god. There are two entities 1. God and Jesus Christ, his Son.
Just before we look at Hebrews 1:8 , let us look at Hebrews 1:6 - "And again, when "he" (God) bringeth in the firstbegotten into this world, he (God) saith, And let all the angels of God whorship him" < This verse clearly shows us, that God sent his Son , his firstbegotten into this world.
Hebrews 1:8 states that God is talking to his Son, about himself. "Thy" ( is equal to "one's own") throne -God, is forever. A throne dictates a kingdom. The word God and King are titles, so God is using this word as a title to His throne. And in I Corinth. 15:27 and 28 we see Jesus handing over the kingdom to his God and his Father, and the son being subject unto God, his Father, that God may be all in all.
Hebrews 1:9 tells us clearly, that Jesus has a God, "therefore God, Thy (one's own) God, hath anointed thee with oil, this is why he is called the messiah, the anointed one.
All scripture must harmonize, and if read properly, they also will harmonize with John 20:17, as well as all of scripture.
There is only one God, and anyone having other gods is idoatry. And anyone who brings about confusion, we know is not of the one true God. I Corinth. 14:33. Confusion always does not bring about peace. The reason that within the church there is envy and strife, is because of confusion, and every evil work.
Making Jesus the Christ - God the Son, is confusion, and brings about envy and strife. Jesus the Christ
is the Son of the living God, just as Jesus asked Peter , who do you say that I am. Jesus said to Peter, that flesh and blood has not revealed this unto you, but my Father which is in heaven.
We as Christians rely upon God revealing unto us. These revealings are critical to understanding. This is why we both believe that Mary, a virgin, conceived by the Holy Spirit and brought forth a son. The Spirit of God, the seed of God, the promised Son, was in Christ. and Jesus the Christ came to do the will of his Father , and to reveal unto us his Father, and his God.
God Bless