Did you also study about how Jesus had to be both human and divine in order to have atoning power for the forgiveness of the sins of the world?
You think he was just a normal human till the third day?
I understand mankind’s need for a ransom came about through the rebellion in Eden. Adam sold himself to do evil for the selfish pleasure of keeping continued company with his wife, now a sinful transgressor, so he shared the same condemned standing with her before God. So he sold himself and his descendants into slavery to sin and to death, the price that God’s justice required. (Romans 5:12-19; compare Romans 7:14-25) Having possessed human perfection, Adam lost this valuable possession for himself and all his offspring.
Theological Dictionary of the New Testament notes that
kopher “always denotes an equivalent,” or correspondency. Thus, the cover (
kapporeth) of the ark of the covenant corresponded in shape to the ark itself. Likewise, in atoning for sin, or ransoming, divine justice demands ‘soul for soul, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.’ (Deuteronomy 19:21) At times, though, justice can be satisfied if an equivalent is offered in lieu of strict punishment. To illustrate: Exodus 21:28-32 speaks of a bull that gores a person to death. If the owner knew of the bull’s disposition but did not take proper precautions, he could be made to cover, or pay, for the life of the slain one with his own! Yet, what if the owner was only partially responsible? He would need a
kopher, something to cover his error. Appointed judges could impose upon him a ransom, or fine, as a redemption price.
The first Adam wasn't a God-man. He was created a perfect sinless human without a sinful nature who could make moral choices. Meaning he had the ability to choose to obey God or choose to disobey him. So after Adam sinned, for God to exact justice, he had to offer an equivalent of what was lost, so God sent his only begotten Son as an equivalent of what was lost, not a God-man, because that's not what was lost, what was lost was a perfect sinless human who had no sinful nature. So God's only begotten Son came as a perfect sinless human who had no sinful nature. I disagree Jesus was a God-man. That would mean that Jesus didn't come as the equivalent of the first Adam that was lost because the first Adam wasn't a God-man.
Also we have to understand that before the only begotten Son of God became flesh\human he was a spiritual being who had lived in heaven with God his father for a unknown billion upon billions of years. So the first Adam was from the earth the last Adam was from heaven. So I agree that Jesus came to the world of mankind as a perfect sinless human who had no sinful nature, but I wouldn't say he was like any other normal human, since no other human could say they were from heaven, that they had seen God.