I'm debating my faith because of the existence of hell if God was all seeing all powerful and all knowing why would he allow some people to never become Christians by that logic he knew they would go to hell but made them anyway and what about people who live in extreme poverty and never even hear about Christianity in their life do they also go to he'll forever this feels like a massive plot hole also im not looking to start a argument just a genuine question
I want to address this on an adult level, but at the same time don't wish to offend you.
I don't think this is uncommon with younger people. By their age alone, they are somewhat restricted by how long and how deeply they have been able to develop and consider their position/worldview and beliefs. This is especially so in these days of (post?) modern education.
Unfortunately, it will not erase the existence of God should you decide that you no longer have 'faith'
(I think you meant belief) in Him. Hell, by whatever guidelines you imagine it, will probably continue to exist without your approval as well.
If He exists then you have a logic problem in that an eternal all-aware God, who to some extent exists within you, is as evil/unworthy as you have judged Him to be.
If there is no God then you have a logic problem. Namely, how did absolute 'nothingness' explode into the modern day Bob47379 who doesn't believe in a spiritual world while he yet poses questions to the 'other' chemically existent individuals who surround him? I mean, either these individuals are spirit beings or they are just chemically induced illusions.
Is it possible that one or some of your current premises/propositions is not reasonable or rational? Just a question.
It would be nice to be updated on your progress if you get the time. I'll try to monitor this thread occasionally because I am curious about your journey.
Seek Truth Friend, it's the only thing that is reliable.
(and don't forget punctuation marks! sometimes it changes the sentences)