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- #21
DivineNames said:Heidi said:The irrefutable proof is that no one can yet explain how the first cell came into being, the infinity of the universe, how all the molecules, atoms, quarks, cells, neurons were arranged to create animals, humans, plnts, etc.
Heidi, your argument seems to be that, "we don't understand how it could be", so it must have been done by God. I assure you that this is fallacious reasoning.
If you want to talk about "theistic proofs", I recommend that you try and learn a little about basic logic.
I agree with you that it is fallacious reasoning. However I myself while not a Christian see such things as evidence for a creator. What these things do NOT prove however is who that creator is, i.e. even if the theistic proofs are valid they do not prove that Christianity is true as numerous ideologies can point to these same things as proof for the existence of their god. What Christians have to do is show how Christianity is undeniably true. I think the only attempts I've seen at this are the argument for the ressurection of Christ and fulfilled bible prophecies. Both of which I feel are very weak arguments. Simply "proving" that God exists does not prove that Christianity is the one true religion. Interestingly enough Christians often point to the standard theistic proofs, i.e. the argument from design or the first cause argument to back up their beliefs while ignoring the scientific data that contradicts the bible such evidence for the age of the earth, the origins of man, etc.