Hmmm, those verse references don't go with the quotes.
I'm interested in locating Bible verses that tell us what exactly is meant by the word, "sanctification". This could be by defining it or by using the word in the context of what it means. Particularly, I am interested in seeing the word used in the context of learning, growing, and maturing spiritually. Of the three verses you referenced above, only the middle one contains the word. The context is as follows:
3 For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you should abstain from sexual immorality; 4 that each of you should know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor, 5 not in passion of lust, like the Gentiles who do not know God; 6 that no one should take advantage of and defraud his brother in this matter, because the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also forewarned you and testified. 7 For God did not call us to uncleanness, but in holiness. 8 Therefore he who rejects this does not reject man, but God, who has also given us His Holy Spirit. (1 Th 4:3–8)
Here, "sanctification" is not about learning, growing, or maturing spiritually. It is about the actions we must take to fulfill our calling to live godly lives (vs 7): We should abstain from sexual immorality (vs 3), we should take control over our own bodies (vs 4), we should not indulge the lusts of the flesh (vs 5), and we should not take avantage or cheat other people in this regard (vs 6).
You are not telling me things I don't already know. I learned these things in the 1980's at FBC Jacksonville then more technically at MABTS in Memphis. What I am alleging is that some of this stuff (in particular the notion that God's sanctification of us is progressive) is not Scriptural. However, if you were to make element 1 God's sanctification of us, and element 2 self-sanctification (i.e., learning to walk in the Spirit to deny the lusts of the flesh as 1 Th 4:3–8 says) then we would be on the same page.
My friend, the specific, literal word does not have to be in the Bible to make it acceptable as a doctrine.
There is a thing in theology called "Implied Truth".
That is exactly what is found in the Scriptures I posted for you.
Sanctification is God’s will for us 1 Thess 4:3. The word
sanctification is related to the word
saint; both words have to do with holiness. To “sanctify” something is to set it apart for special use; to “sanctify” a person is to make him holy.
In 1 Thes 4. where we read about the things that we are to put off all takes place in the Christians life so that those things will not keep him from serving God.
I have no idea what you were taught at FBC, but in Christian theology, sanctification is a state of separation unto God; all believers enter into this state when they are born of God: ...1 Corth. 1:30...“You are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption”.
As I stated, while we are
positionally holy (“set free from every sin” by the blood of Christ, we know that we still sin according to
1 John 1:10.
That’s why the Bible also refers to sanctification as a
practical experience of our separation unto God.
“Progressive” or “experiential” sanctification, as it is sometimes called, is the effect of obedience to the Word of God in one’s life as we read the Word and work to obey. It is the same as growing in the Lord or spiritual maturity.
God started the work of making us like Christ, when He convicted us of our sin and He is continuing it. That kind of activity, learning and growing is and can only be described as Progressive.
That type of sanctification is to be pursued by the believer earnestly when we pursue that goal it is Progressive.
Progressive sanctification is effected by the application of the Word of God. Progressive sanctification has in view the setting apart of believers for the purpose for which they are sent into the world:
John 17:18-19
“As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. For them I sanctify myself, that they too may be truly sanctified”.
The fact that Jesus set Himself apart for God’s purpose is both the basis and the condition of our being set apart. We are sanctified and sent because Jesus was. Our Lord’s sanctification is the pattern of and power for our own. The sending and the sanctifying are inseparable. On this account we are called “saints” (
hagioi in the Greek), or “sanctified ones.” Prior to salvation, our behavior bore witness to our standing in the world in separation from God, but now our behavior should bear witness to our standing before God in separation from the world. Little by little, every day, “those who are being sanctified” (
Hebrews 10:14, ESV) are becoming more like Christ.
I will sum this all up as best I can by saying that In your past, God granted you justification, a once-for-all, positional holiness in Christ when He called you and you accepted HIs call to be saved.
Then in your present, God guides you to maturity, growing you in grace and knowledge in a practical, progressive holiness.
In the future, God will glorify you in a permanent, eternal and ultimate position of holiness.
These three phases of sanctification separate the believer from the ......
1. penalty of sin (
2. the power of sin
(maturity/sanctification), and the
3. the presence of sin (glorification).