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Is Baptism necessary for Salvation?

You may want to read Peter's example again. He says it was the water that saved Noah.

The water in that illustration was God's judgment. As you can see, it's a very poor illustration of water baptism. But a perfect illustration of Spirit baptism.

Antitype: something that is represented by a symbol. That symbol is the Ark which is a type of Jesus. We are saved from God's judgment by being placed into Christ. See the picture being painted? We don't get dunked into Gods judgment to be saved.

Peter refers back to this "type" when he says there is now an "antitype" that saves. The antitype is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Not the removal of filth from the flesh. A baptism by faith. By Jesus, with the Holy Spirit, not water.
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The water in that illustration was God's judgment. As you can see, it's a very poor illustration of water baptism. But a perfect illustration of Spirit baptism.

Antitype: something that is represented by a symbol. That symbol is the Ark which is a type of Jesus. We are saved from God's judgment by being placed into Christ. See the picture being painted? We don't get dunked into Gods judgment to be saved.

Peter refers back to this "type" when he says there is now an "antitype" that saves. The antitype is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Not the removal of filth from the flesh. A baptism by faith. By Jesus, with the Holy Spirit, not water.
What is see is you changing Scripture. Peter said that Noah was saved through water. The water was the instrument that God used to save Noah. The antitype of that is baptism. As I said in another post, it couldn't be much clearer. And yet people still try to make it say something different.
Noah was saved by the Ark.

He was saved from the water (through), which was Gods judgment.
That's not what it says. We don't get to make it up. It says he was saved through water. It's instrumentally. The water is the instrument God used. Likewise the water of baptism is the instrument that God now uses.
That's not what it says. We don't get to make it up. It says he was saved through water. It's instrumentally. The water is the instrument God used. Likewise the water of baptism is the instrument that God now uses.

Not the removal of filth from the flesh.

You don't get to rewrite it.
Since we have the context we see taught that ..,
which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
John 3:6

You doctrine teaches that… which is born of the Spirit is flesh.
If you want to call the quickened by the Spirit skin and bones "flesh", you are welcome to.
I don't.
Your flesh was not born again.
Were that to be true, then Paul was wrong about the effects of baptism into Christ and into His death and burial, in Rom 6:6.
It is written..."Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin." (Rom 6:6)
Your doctrine of partial rebirth makes Paul a liar.
Your flesh will be resurrected when Jesus returns.
It isn't "my" skin and bones.
It is His now.
For now the instructions you have from the Spirit is… do not let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts.
It is written..."And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts." (Gal 5:24)
It is easy to keep sin out of this quickened by the Spirit mortal vessel, when all the former lusts have been destroyed.

Your false doctrine is an accommodation for continued sin.
The 'flesh' may be crucified, so to speak, in a way accurate with the Bible, but
the flesh is still unable to provide a way to the Kingdom. The flesh still "profits nothing".

Is immersion in Jesus Name necessary for healing ?

Is obedience required to be an example of a disciple of Jesus ?
The 'flesh' may be crucified, so to speak, in a way accurate with the Bible, but
the flesh is still unable to provide a way to the Kingdom. The flesh still "profits nothing".
Who cares about the old vessel ?
We get a new one at our resurrection to eternal life !
Is immersion in Jesus Name necessary for healing ?
If you are referring to the soul, then yes, water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of past sins is necessary for healing.
Is obedience required to be an example of a disciple of Jesus ?