Tra la la, it sure is! His love covers a multitude of sins! He knows man will continue to sin even after he is born of the spirit because of his fleshly nature. Hmm, that does sound sorta like a blank check! Nothing too big though, ok?
Oh wait, what does this say?
Galatians 6
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but
he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
9 And
let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not..../KJV
I must've missed that one before, Lol! These three verses totally destroy the premise given in the OP (and 2000 more after that Lol!). Do you know how angry God gets when somebody mocks Him? I don't but I fear the Lord more than that to mock Him! That sounnds dangerous and He gives us a warning not to do that. To the hearers but not doers of the word is the ones who Jesus will say, I never knew you. (that will be a terrrible day for Jesus to have to say that to these people).
But if you sit on your couch and say, tra la la I don't have to do anything at any time because Salavation is free so I don't have to do good works and Jesus will come one day and work His magic and make me perfect and take me to heaven...! Here's the problem with that (v8), ok zap you are born again and saved! Now we in our Family take equal responsibility towards the family and also,
those who the Family may want to adopt so are charged with the responsibility of chasing stray sheep for our Father, because He told us to. We are commanded to sow to our new spirit that has been given to us and to stop sowing to the flesh (and being cheap & lazy). If you continue to live for your fleshly self and not your spirit, then you are making your own decisions and have turned your back on God and said, I'm my own family. So you better start treating yourself and others to some of your good works that you can do for them. Is "Let me Help" not in your vocabulary?
That brings us to good works. (v9). Do you Love the Lord? Would you do a favor for Him if he needed it? Would you make Him pay you or say no? Of course not! The Lord told us, as our Father, we are to be good kids and love our neighbor like we are doing the favor for Him and not the homeless alcoholic guy. You don't want to help him because he'll probably spend it on alcohol anyway, right? But newsflash they are human beings and get hungry every day just like your own righteous self. You don't know if he will spend it on alcohol, that's an excuse! He probably IS hungry.
The Lord said why wouldn't you give me to eat? You said, when? When you didn't see me sitting in diguise as a homeless man...There is a scripture for that if you really want me to look it up, lol. But these 3 verses are enough to destroy the threads premise.