Dorothy Mae
So who is it up to if not man? Why are WE and not the other responsible party told to believe?No, it was definitely NOT to show an injustice with God, it was to show the incorrectness in a belief
where it is up to man, of themselves, to acquire the faith necessary to invoke salvation.
Who do you think those people are? Who is unable to believe in your eyes?If faith is a
requirement for salvation and yet there are those who are unable to satisfy that requirement due to an accident of birth or of life (so to speak), then that wouldn't/couldn't be fair nor a salvation worthy of God.
Do you know the ways of God?Okay, so there is more than one plan of salvation, with the second not being of Jesus as Saviour, is that correct?
This is loading down the whole thing with untrue premise, one after another.I've never read of such a salvation in the Bible. If there is one, then those under it are in a lot of trouble, indeed, because they would never be able to define the works necessary to achieve it, nor of how many of them are required, nor when they've achieved them. Further, and again, if someone doesn't know they are under those criteria
because they don't even know any such criteria exist because they don't have a Bible nor informed of such, then once again, it would be unfair and unworthy of God.
What if they never sinned? Babies never sin.So, tell me, with specifics, not generalities, provide references where that doctrine is defined in the Bible, and the requirements that will satisfy them.
If someone is not covered by the offering of Christ, then their sin must remain: there is no alternative to Christ.