Ah, I see. You've graduated to proclaiming I don't even know what I believe. Gee, I'm really worried now. I sure hope I don't start doubting my own salvation. Hmmmmm.......
Let's go fishing, then, shall we? I contend it's your inability to accept a view that's contrary to yours. Now we've got some good finger-pointing going on, don't we? That's gotta be a step in the right direction. Should I start saying you believe men are no more than robots? Boy, that sounds like fun. ;)
So, let's go back to the subject you and some others don't want to address. The serpent on a pole. Remember, Christ, Himself, gave us this very illustration. Christ must be lifted up (by the preaching of the gospel), our choice comes in here........we can either place our trust in some other method, or we can look to Christ. Those who look shall live, and those who refuse to look will die. That's about as simple as it gets.
What does the looking mean, anyway? Why is it even in the Bible...some story about a bronze serpent on a pole? Just so we can ignore it and move on with our own preconceived notion (or man-made doctrine)?
It means man must respond to God's command to repent and believe....by looking at the serpent on the pole, by drinking from the river of life, by eating the bread of life, by coming. God wants us to voluntarily come to Him. He wants us to love Him and desire to do His will. It isn't really that difficult to comprehend since love, not freely given is not love at all. We repent because we are ashamed of how we've lived our life, and we love Him for giving His life to save our miserable souls.
I have never believed in a works based salvation. Of course, my definition of works is certainly not yours.
Believing isn't something we strive to do....it simply occurs because of the POWER of the gospel message, but we must choose to trust in Him when the offer to live is given. You can't address this verse, you'd prefer to ramble on with your own thoughts without presenting anything from the Word to back up what you say. So, explain it....
I know it's easier to ignore all the scripture verses that man has to make that choice, and just hang on like a pit bull to your doctrine. I can't help that. But for you to constantly be claiming I believe in a works-based salvation is as judgmental as it gets, and getting quite boring.
Now I've said it in as many ways as I can. I have not changed what I've said...I've believed the same way for over 40years so don't be claiming any such nonsense as this...."that sometimes you will come to the philosophical edge of admitting it, then you step back and occasionally step right over it".
But since you enjoy fishing so much, I don't mind tagging along. I kind of enjoy watching a braggart fisherman come home empty handed.