If you notice,,,the Westminster Confession is always brought up.
Could you imagine speaking to a Catholic here and the use the CCC for support!
It would be unacceptable, but somehow we're expected to trust in the W.C.
This is a false equivalency. The R.C. believes in the authority of scripture, the infallibility of the church and tradition. Reformed theology teach Sola Scriptura. Reform theology places the WCF or London Confession, Nicene Creed, yahda, yahda as mere
fallible tools. The thoughts of many men in their best attempt to understand scripture (Proverbs 11:14, Proverbs 15:22). The scripture says God gives the gift of teaching to some. This implies that the thoughts of others are valuable; many coordinated others more valuable.
You yourself, are reliant upon the works of many, many others. Others have brought the books of the bible together, others have translated the Greek and Hebrew for you, others have defined many of uour best ideas/doctrines like the TRINITY for you. I don't 1 in 1000 could figure out the trinity of hypostatic union of Christ by reading the bible by themselves. (Even with their help I am somewhat confused)
To study the scriptures on your own without help is a daunting task (Acts 8:31). How could the weak of mind figure it out? How much time needed to accummulate so much knowledge and organize it? How does a single person contemplate so many items? I can't.
Most denominations statements of belief are minimal; their teachings scattered to and fro.
Granted, you should search scripture for yourself (2 Timothy 3:16). Granted, many are misguided by others. Yet, I find something like the WCF as a guide to scripture far superior to the single mindedness. To the extent that the WCF is wrong, it by definition is a bad thing. I question some stuff (Eschatology/church gov't) myself. On the other hand, your beliefs may be as incorrect also; possibly more so.
What seems wiser, the work of many, many theologians who believe in sola scriptura and come to decisions as to the meanings of the bible or ... individuals of limited skills (intelligence in some cases) determining the meaning? They both will 'screw it up' (am I allowed to say that in here?), but the wisdom of many is better than the few.
Men brainwash us....
we should ONLY read scripture and check everything just like the Baraens did, Acts 17.
Agreed, men brainwash us. A few brainwash us with the truth (or as close as man can get to it).
I like to think of myself as a Baraens, assume you are too. Yet, the Baraens did not decide to double check scriptures until Paul spoke to them and establish new ideas. Similarly, it might be wise to double check the scriptures according to what the WCF tell you. I checked out some Arminian writtings.
Aside: I always thought that there was
some merit to the Roman Catholic's idea that the dissemination of scripture should be controlled by the clergy so the commoners don't get it all wrong. I am glad they can't do this because the R.C. clergy got it wrong and I understand you see the WCF being of a similar elk.
Hey, maybe you understand this more accurately than I ... and maybe, with the counsel of many I got it more accurate than you. Hopefully, from the vantage point of the one of us that is not as close to truth as the other ... we will be rewarded for effort to understand and not the content of our understanding. The good news is we got enough of it right; in your case by your efforts to believe and in my case by the effort God made by giving my belief.
Aside: I like you guys, glad you tolerate me :yes