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Bible Study Is It Anything About The Sabbath That We Must Know?

Actually I am discerning that more and more foolish Christians are adapting old Jewish ways thinking they are more spiritual although becoming actually less. There’s a move to change away from designating years as “in the year of our Lord” to remove Jesus as the pivotal point in human history. You’ll be right in step with this Antichrist decision.
Matthew Seven:1-6

1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
Hello for_his_glory, have you considered what was the posts on page 1 #3, 4, and 5. because Jesus never changed from
doing His Father's will by what He was doing entering into the synagogue on the Sabbath Day Himself Luke 4:16, and aren't we supposed to follow His steps 1 Peter 2:21 keeping His commandments as He has said?

Love, Walter
I agree and will explain a little further.

In my post #3 I should have clarified that the Exodus was called a High Sabbath that is different from the seventh day sabbath that was made for man as a day of rest as God rested on the seventh day from all His work. I did correct this in post #90.

Jesus is Lord of the sabbath as in what we are talking about as being a day of rest, but also doing good on the sabbath day as we read in Luke 4.

Luke 4:16-19 Jesus did go into the synagogue on the sabbath day and stood up to read as this was the beginning of His ministry as being Lord of the sabbath and reading from scripture is a good thing. Jesus also healed a man who had an unclean spirit, which is also doing good. Reading the word of God and healing on the sabbath are doing good things on the seventh day.

When questioned about healing that man on the sabbath Jesus replied, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath days?” Jesus answered, “What man shall there be among you, that shall have one sheep, and if it falls into a pit on the Sabbath day, will he not lay hold on it, and lift it out? How much then is a man better than a sheep? Wherefore it is lawful to do well on the Sabbath days” (Matthew 12:10-12).

The Savior knew that in healing on the Sabbath He would be regarded as a transgressor, but He did not hesitate to break down the wall of traditional requirements that blocked the Sabbath, Mark 7:6-9. Jesus did many healing miracles on the Sabbath. The following are the references to these miracles:

The man with the withered hand (Mathew 12:9-13; Mark 3:1-6; Luke 6:6-11).
Peter’s mother-in-law, who had a fever (Mathew 8:14-15; Mark 1:29-31; Luke 4:38-39).
Casting an unclean spirit out of a man (Mark 1:21-28; Luke 4:31-37).
The crippled woman (Luke 13:10-17).
The man with dropsy (Luke 14:1-6).
The lame man by the pool of Bethesda (John 5:1-18).
The man born blind (John 9:1-7,14).

1Peter 2:21 we do need to be following His steps.

Hi wondering,

I'm not a Sabbath keeper, but I post what comes to mind at the time and many times it has come to mind that although we worship on Sunday, Saturday worship is part of the 10.
Yes, but therein lies the problem. You equate the word 'holy' as being some formal worship practice. That isn't what 'holy' means. Which was my point. The word 'holy' is used many times in the Scriptures and it rarely, if ever, is speaking of the people gathering to worship. So, your idea that we keep Sunday 'holy' by having our worship services on Sunday, just isn't at all what keeping something 'holy' to God intends.

The Sabbath law, as written in the 10 commandments mentions, nor infers, some formal worship service. It is merely a day in which man is to rest from his work and we are to keep that commandment as 'holy' unto God. When we don't work and someone asks us, "Well, why aren't you working?", our response should be, "Because God has established this day as a day of rest for me and I am refraining from work because this day is 'holy' unto God. So, I'm not working." It means nothing about, "Oh well, this day is the day that God has established for us to hold some formal worship service unto Him." No!!! That's not what the command says.

So, the idea that keeping the Sabbath means that such a day is the day on which we should keep our formal worship service just isn't in the Scriptures. Rest your body and do not do your regular work and keep that day of rest 'holy' unto God. Also do not require anything of others that requires that they work either. That's what the Sabbath is about. And it was made for man's rest. Not as a cudgel for God to beat man over the head with. God wants us to rest one day of the week because it is not good for man, not God, to work too much.

God bless,
Actually I am discerning that more and more foolish Christians are adapting old Jewish ways thinking they are more spiritual although becoming actually less. There’s a move to change away from designating years as “in the year of our Lord” to remove Jesus as the pivotal point in human history. You’ll be right in step with this Antichrist decision.
Why are you being so judgmental of what WalterandDebbie are saying. If you disagree just say you disagree and give your understanding instead of assuming they will be right in step with this antichrist decision in which they are not. Many of the old Jewish ways are that of what Christ has taught and that we should be following in. Even under the new covenant of God's grace many things of God still stays the same as for Jew and Gentile as the Gentiles are grafted into the branch of Israel as Jesus being the root of those branches as we are now all one in the Spirit of Christ.
I agree and will explain a little further.

In my post #3 I should have clarified that the Exodus was called a High Sabbath that is different from the seventh day sabbath that was made for man as a day of rest as God rested on the seventh day from all His work. I did correct this in post #90.

Jesus is Lord of the sabbath as in what we are talking about as being a day of rest, but also doing good on the sabbath day as we read in Luke 4.

Luke 4:16-19 Jesus did go into the synagogue on the sabbath day and stood up to read as this was the beginning of His ministry as being Lord of the sabbath and reading from scripture is a good thing. Jesus also healed a man who had an unclean spirit, which is also doing good. Reading the word of God and healing on the sabbath are doing good things on the seventh day.

When questioned about healing that man on the sabbath Jesus replied, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath days?” Jesus answered, “What man shall there be among you, that shall have one sheep, and if it falls into a pit on the Sabbath day, will he not lay hold on it, and lift it out? How much then is a man better than a sheep? Wherefore it is lawful to do well on the Sabbath days” (Matthew 12:10-12).

The Savior knew that in healing on the Sabbath He would be regarded as a transgressor, but He did not hesitate to break down the wall of traditional requirements that blocked the Sabbath, Mark 7:6-9. Jesus did many healing miracles on the Sabbath. The following are the references to these miracles:

The man with the withered hand (Mathew 12:9-13; Mark 3:1-6; Luke 6:6-11).
Peter’s mother-in-law, who had a fever (Mathew 8:14-15; Mark 1:29-31; Luke 4:38-39).
Casting an unclean spirit out of a man (Mark 1:21-28; Luke 4:31-37).
The crippled woman (Luke 13:10-17).
The man with dropsy (Luke 14:1-6).
The lame man by the pool of Bethesda (John 5:1-18).
The man born blind (John 9:1-7,14).

1Peter 2:21 we do need to be following His steps.

Amen! Thank you.
Love, Walter and Debbie
So, the idea that keeping the Sabbath means that such a day is the day on which we should keep our formal worship service just isn't in the Scriptures. Rest your body and do not do your regular work and keep that day of rest 'holy' unto God. Also do not require anything of others that requires that they work either. That's what the Sabbath is about. And it was made for man's rest. Not as a cudgel for God to beat man over the head with. God wants us to rest one day of the week because it is not good for man, not God, to work too much.
The highlighted part of what you said, are you accomplishing that? I think I will have trouble with not requiring work of others.

Is It Anything About The Sabbath That We Must Know?​

The Sabbath consisted of far more than just rest from labor but included specific sacrifices.

How are you on doing the specific sacrifices WalterandDebbie ?

Is It Anything About The Sabbath That We Must Know?​

The Sabbath consisted of far more than just rest from labor but included specific sacrifices.

How are you on doing the specific sacrifices WalterandDebbie ?
Hello hawkman, Good question, to be honest, if there is a temple, it would be in the line of The Priesthood duty, I would say.

Love, Walter and Debbie
Hello hawkman, Good question, to be honest, if there is a temple, it would be in the line of The Priesthood duty, I would say.

Love, Walter and Debbie
  • Note here that modern day Sabbatarians fail to realize that the Sabbath consisted of far more than just rest from labor, but included specific sacrifices. It is inconsistent to take one part of the Sabbath observance and discard the others.
Ezekiel Chapter 46 - Book of Revelation

Love, Walter and Debbie
  • Note here that modern day Sabbatarians fail to realize that the Sabbath consisted of far more than just rest from labor, but included specific sacrifices. It is inconsistent to take one part of the Sabbath observance and discard the others.
Ezekiel Chapter 46 - Book of Revelation

Love, Walter and Debbie
Ok , with that being the case we will all fall short in our sabbath observance in this age . But we are under the blood .
God rested on the seventh day. That the eighth day is also one of the seven.
That was visible to all when Jesus finished His work and was laid to rest on the Seventh day.
The highlighted part of what you said, are you accomplishing that? I think I will have trouble with not requiring work of others.
Hi hawkman,

Oh, absolutely not!!!! I never said or inferred that I was keeping the Lord's Sabbath command. But just because I don't keep it doesn't mean that I therefore don't understand it and what it says that I am to do. The command says: On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. I understand that to mean that no one was to work within the cities or towns of Israel on the Sabbath. I believe that's also how the Jews understood it, but then they started making a whole list of activities that were considered 'work'. I believe that what God wants us to do, and it's not for Him but, as Jesus said, the Sabbath was made for man, it's a day of rest from our daily work. We can walk however many steps we want to walk to go about visiting friends or relatives. We can do pretty much anything we want as far as enjoying time with others, but we just weren't supposed to work at whatever it was that we did the rest of the week for making a living and, for the women folk of the day, keeping and running the household. Everyone just sit back and relax and if you want to pull together a softball game, that's fine.

God bless,
Ok , with that being the case we will all fall short in our sabbath observance in this age . But we are under the blood .
My view is to ask God what he wants me to do or refrain from doing on the day of rest. I am not allowed, for example, to shop. This way I’m really under grace not law.
Hi wondering,

Yes, but therein lies the problem. You equate the word 'holy' as being some formal worship practice. That isn't what 'holy' means. Which was my point. The word 'holy' is used many times in the Scriptures and it rarely, if ever, is speaking of the people gathering to worship. So, your idea that we keep Sunday 'holy' by having our worship services on Sunday, just isn't at all what keeping something 'holy' to God intends.

The Sabbath law, as written in the 10 commandments mentions, nor infers, some formal worship service. It is merely a day in which man is to rest from his work and we are to keep that commandment as 'holy' unto God. When we don't work and someone asks us, "Well, why aren't you working?", our response should be, "Because God has established this day as a day of rest for me and I am refraining from work because this day is 'holy' unto God. So, I'm not working." It means nothing about, "Oh well, this day is the day that God has established for us to hold some formal worship service unto Him." No!!! That's not what the command says.

So, the idea that keeping the Sabbath means that such a day is the day on which we should keep our formal worship service just isn't in the Scriptures. Rest your body and do not do your regular work and keep that day of rest 'holy' unto God. Also do not require anything of others that requires that they work either. That's what the Sabbath is about. And it was made for man's rest. Not as a cudgel for God to beat man over the head with. God wants us to rest one day of the week because it is not good for man, not God, to work too much.

God bless,
Yes, I know what you mean.
I use worship to designate what day one worships.
But keeping the day holy is a totally different matter.
Holy means to be set the day one worships should be set apart for God.
Just like our being holy means we are set apart for God...for His work that He instructs us to do...
whatever it may be.

Hi hawkman,

Oh, absolutely not!!!! I never said or inferred that I was keeping the Lord's Sabbath command. But just because I don't keep it doesn't mean that I therefore don't understand it and what it says that I am to do. The command says: On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. I understand that to mean that no one was to work within the cities or towns of Israel on the Sabbath. I believe that's also how the Jews understood it, but then they started making a whole list of activities that were considered 'work'. I believe that what God wants us to do, and it's not for Him but, as Jesus said, the Sabbath was made for man, it's a day of rest from our daily work. We can walk however many steps we want to walk to go about visiting friends or relatives. We can do pretty much anything we want as far as enjoying time with others, but we just weren't supposed to work at whatever it was that we did the rest of the week for making a living and, for the women folk of the day, keeping and running the household. Everyone just sit back and relax and if you want to pull together a softball game, that's fine.

God bless,
I'd have to say that it's difficult to keep the Saturday day of rest in these days....
and even the Sunday day of rest.
Many even work on either of those two days.
I think God is bigger than all of our fumbling.
Actually I am discerning that more and more foolish Christians are adapting old Jewish ways thinking they are more spiritual although becoming actually less. There’s a move to change away from designating years as “in the year of our Lord” to remove Jesus as the pivotal point in human history. You’ll be right in step with this Antichrist decision.
I don’t appreciate your judgmental and condescending attitude.
Please check your harsh bias at the door.
Thank you.
Hi wondering,
I think God is bigger than all of our fumbling.
Absolutely!!! There's a reason that Jesus had to die..."For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."

So many people like to quote that verse and then point their fingers at someone else. I'm a sinner. I have broken God's law many times in my life. I have lied. I have stolen. I have born false witness. I have not loved God. I have not kept the Sabbath. By Jesus' definition of murder, I have murdered. I have coveted my neighbor's things and his wife. I'm a sinner and the Scripture that tells me that 'all' have sinned applies to me as much, and in many cases even more, than it does to someone else. That's why Jesus had to die and I am thankful and give praise and glory to God nearly every day for that truth. I give praise to Jesus for his perseverance and his testimony of the Father that he delivered unto us. I love Jesus for what he has done for me and I love God that He has seen my sin and yet given me the opportunity to be washed as white as snow and have eternal life with Him. But please, make no mistake...I am a sinner!!! And I still fall short and sin in many things that I do. But I strive to live as Jesus has asked, but the issue is 'truth'.

While I know that I am a sinner, I know and believe the truth of God and all that He has told me. A good friend of my son was married a couple of years ago and my son was best man at his wedding. Within a year the marriage was over and done with. My son asked his friend, who comes from a 'somewhat' practicing Catholic background, if he was ok with divorcing his wife and did he understand that God expected him to stick with it for the duration of his life on this earth. Probably not in those exact words, but I'm sure you get the point. The friend replied to my son that he had talked to God about it and that God was all onboard with what he was doing. WHAT?????

So, here's this young man who is quite obviously committing a grievous sin before God, but instead of accepting that he's a sinner and he wants to sin, he wants to convince himself that he's not a sinner and that God is 'onboard' with his decision to divorce his fairly new wife. That's not me. I believe the truth. I sin! I accept that I sin! I don't try to whitewash it and convince myself or others that some sin in my life isn't really sin because of some made up extenuating circumstance. I'm like Paul. The things that I want to do I do not always do and the things that I don't want to do I sometimes do.

But I understand that God is merciful to those who love Him and have trusted and love His Son. I can go to Him and seek His forgiveness, and according to the Scriptures, He is gracious to forgive us our sin. Jesus told Peter, when Peter asked him how many times he had to forgive his brother if he were to keep sinning against him. Jesus told him that if his brother came to him seeking his forgiveness that he should forgive him 77 times. Jesus also told us that we were going to be forgiven in the same manner that we forgive others.

So, two teachings I get from those words of the Lord. We should be quick to forgive and to forgive much and often. God is going to forgive us in that same way. God desires to forgive us and I believe that for those who love Him, his mercy is greater than His condemnation. It's much like how human nature is. We struggle to forgive those who are merely acquaintances or strangers that we perceive have sinned against us, but we are generally much more forgiving if the person who we perceive has sinned against us is one of our children.

As regards the Sabbath, the Jews held that it was Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. I'm not convinced that God's command really stipulates a particular day. Six days of a week we are to work, the seventh day we are to rest and to keep that day of rest as holy unto God. Of course that does beg the question, well, if we all have a different day of rest, how then can we enforce it among our manservant and maidservant and the foreigner living among us?

I suppose a fair question to research is: How did the Israelites decide, when God gave them the law of the Sabbath, what day was going to be the first day and what day was going to be the seventh. For the last 2,000 years it has been Friday evening to Saturday evening, but the law was given 1,500 years before that and there wasn't any Monday, Tuesday, etc., days of the week. I often wonder if this isn't what God's word is speaking of when it tells us not to hold one day special above another. Just take any six day period and put a day of rest in it.

God bless,
The sabbath is a day off, nothing more. God rested on the seventh day and so should we. BTW, there was no such thing as a "day off" for the ancient peoples, so the concept was astounding!

Of course, as Jesus showed, abstaining from everything, especially when there was a need to act, was not what God intended. Such things as healing and saving an animal were not sabbath violations.
I suppose a fair question to research is: How did the Israelites decide, when God gave them the law of the Sabbath, what day was going to be the first day and what day was going to be the seventh. For the last 2,000 years it has been Friday evening to Saturday evening, but the law was given 1,500 years before that and there wasn't any Monday, Tuesday, etc., days of the week.
Here is an interesting fact for you to research if you want.

The thing is we have to go by the calendar and the numbering of days God established with Moses and Aaron as those days and dates never change, Exodus 12:1-6. It was the Babylonians that gave names to the days of the week from Tuesday to Saturday after the five planetary bodies and after the sun and moon being Sunday and Monday. This custom was later adopted by the Romans.

Here is an interesting fact for you to research if you want.

The thing is we have to go by the calendar and the numbering of days God established with Moses and Aaron as those days and dates never change, Exodus 12:1-6. It was the Babylonians that gave names to the days of the week from Tuesday to Saturday after the five planetary bodies and after the sun and moon being Sunday and Monday. This custom was later adopted by the Romans.

In addition, post exile the Temple used the Babylonian calendar while the Essenes maintained the lunar calendar as used by Moses.

This accounts for many “discrepancies” in scripture including Jesus account of eating Passover, then being crucified on Passover. In short, he ate Passover on the Lunar calendar and was crucified on the Babylonian calendar.