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Bible Study Is It Anything About The Sabbath That We Must Know?

In addition, post exile the Temple used the Babylonian calendar while the Essenes maintained the lunar calendar as used by Moses.

This accounts for many “discrepancies” in scripture including Jesus account of eating Passover, then being crucified on Passover. In short, he ate Passover on the Lunar calendar and was crucified on the Babylonian calendar.
I thought it was a Lunar Calendar from the time of Babylon that the Romans also used. Now I got something new to study, thank you.
Here is an interesting fact for you to research if you want.

The thing is we have to go by the calendar and the numbering of days God established with Moses and Aaron as those days and dates never change, Exodus 12:1-6. It was the Babylonians that gave names to the days of the week from Tuesday to Saturday after the five planetary bodies and after the sun and moon being Sunday and Monday. This custom was later adopted by the Romans.

Hi for_his_glory

Got that! But what day did Moses receive the law and on what day did the Jews start counting the first 6 days according to the Babylonian calendar. Was it Lunae when they got the law or was it Martis? Had they marched out into the wilderness and reached the mountain upon which God gave them the law on Mercurii or Jovis?

I mean the Scriptures tell us that Moses spent 40 days on the mountain. He then came down off the mountain and broke the first set of the commandments. So he then went back up the mountain and God made him another set which he then took down to the people and read to them. Did Moses come down from the mountain the second time exactly 7 days from he first journey down the mountain? What day of the week was it that Moses did that? Then, did the Israelites count the day in which Moses read them the law as the first day or did they assign some beginning point to start their counting of the first 6 days before their rest?

God bless,
Hi for_his_glory

Got that! But what day did Moses receive the law and on what day did the Jews start counting the first 6 days according to the Babylonian calendar. Was it Lunae when they got the law or was it Martis? Had they marched out into the wilderness and reached the mountain upon which God gave them the law on Mercurii or Jovis?

I mean the Scriptures tell us that Moses spent 40 days on the mountain. He then came down off the mountain and broke the first set of the commandments. So he then went back up the mountain and God made him another set which he then took down to the people and read to them. Did Moses come down from the mountain the second time exactly 7 days from he first journey down the mountain? What day of the week was it that Moses did that? Then, did the Israelites count the day in which Moses read them the law as the first day or did they assign some beginning point to start their counting of the first 6 days before their rest?

God bless,
How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
In addition, post exile the Temple used the Babylonian calendar while the Essenes maintained the lunar calendar as used by Moses.

This accounts for many “discrepancies” in scripture including Jesus account of eating Passover, then being crucified on Passover. In short, he ate Passover on the Lunar calendar and was crucified on the Babylonian calendar.
Hi Jeff, In our study we find that: On April 5, 30 A.D., Jesus Christ was crucified on the 14th of Nisan, the day of the Passover sacrifice. But several other events happened that year, recorded in history,

The below article may be interesting,

Hi Jeff, In our study we find that: On April 5, 30 A.D., Jesus Christ was crucified on the 14th of Nisan, the day of the Passover sacrifice. But several other events happened that year, recorded in history,

The below article may be interesting,

Nisan 14 Thursday Jesus Crucified at 9:am On Cross at "Sixth Hour" --Noon--NOON--darkness covers land Jesus at 3:pm as Passover lambs are being slaid.

Matthew 27:31-61, Mark 15:20-47, John 19:16-42, Jesus in the grave first partial day, Women buy and prepare spices,

Mark 16:1 Luke 23:56, Nisan 15 Friday Passover/UB Holy Day, Passover meal (seder) eaten in the previous evening,

Thursday; Jesus in the grave first night and second day, Guards stationed at tomb Matthew 27:62-66. to be continued to
Nisan 16 Sabbath and Nisan 17 Sunday.

Hi Jeff, In our study we find that: On April 5, 30 A.D., Jesus Christ was crucified on the 14th of Nisan, the day of the Passover sacrifice. But several other events happened that year, recorded in history,

The below article may be interesting,

Wow!!! And double Wow!

This sent chills down my spine.

. It means that the judgment made by the official Sanhedrin against Jesus within the Chamber of Hewn Stones, was THE LAST JUDGMENT ever given by the official Sanhedrin in their majestic chambers within the Temple! It would show that God the Father demonstrated by the earthquake at Christ’s death that the sentence of the Sanhedrin against Jesus would be the last judgment it would ever make in that authorized place!” – (p.231).

I studied the life of Hillel and how he came into the Sanhedrin. It’s noteworthy that on the religious issues raised to Jesus, he sides with Hillel on every instance outside of Divorce where he sides with Shemia.

That being said, when King Harod came into power, he killed any member of the Sanhedrin that opposed him, which was nearly all of the 70 which comprised the Sanhedrin. He then put “ yes” men in that position with no understanding of Torah. Keep in mind the Sanhedrin were similar to our Supreme Court.

This is where Hillel comes into the picture as he had been taught Torah by a very good and well known Rabbi and was able to assist the Sanhedrin.

Forward to Jesus crucifixion and what Josephus wrote, and I see that not only was it judgment against the Sanhedrin, but Harod as well.

Anyway, I’m going to finish the article. It is really, really good. Thank you for sharing.
Nisan 14 Thursday Jesus Crucified at 9:am On Cross at "Sixth Hour" --Noon--NOON--darkness covers land Jesus at 3:pm as Passover lambs are being slaid.

Matthew 27:31-61, Mark 15:20-47, John 19:16-42, Jesus in the grave first partial day, Women buy and prepare spices,

Mark 16:1 Luke 23:56, Nisan 15 Friday Passover/UB Holy Day, Passover meal (seder) eaten in the previous evening,

Thursday; Jesus in the grave first night and second day, Guards stationed at tomb Matthew 27:62-66. to be continued to
Nisan 16 Sabbath and Nisan 17 Sunday.

Jesus would have been crucified on a Friday and raised Sunday morning according to Jewish counting of days.

We know the day ends at dusk, and night begins a new “ day”.

There is one day that the day shares with the night, and that is Passover. Let me explain briefly.

The lamb was slaughtered at twilight, which would be the end of the 14th. Normally, night would bring in the 15th. However, Israel was commanded to eat the Passover the same “ day” it was slaughtered.

Reason this out for a second. You can’t slaughter, cook and eat a lamb all during twilight. Timed right, your slaughtering the lamb moments before the night ( the next day).

Do you see the delima? How do you keep the commandment to eat the lamb the same day?

Simple. The night of the 14th shared the same space with the day of the 15th.
Nisan 14 Thursday Jesus Crucified at 9:am On Cross at "Sixth Hour" --Noon--NOON--darkness covers land Jesus at 3:pm as Passover lambs are being slaid.

Matthew 27:31-61, Mark 15:20-47, John 19:16-42, Jesus in the grave first partial day, Women buy and prepare spices,

Mark 16:1 Luke 23:56, Nisan 15 Friday Passover/UB Holy Day, Passover meal (seder) eaten in the previous evening,

Thursday; Jesus in the grave first night and second day, Guards stationed at tomb Matthew 27:62-66. to be continued to
Nisan 16 Sabbath and Nisan 17 Sunday.

Nisan 16 Sabbath, Women rest the Sabbath Day, as per commandment, Second night and third day, Jesus was in the tomb, Matthew 12:40, Matthew 28:1, Luke 23:56, Nisan 17 Sunday Yeshua Rose From Dead!, Women visit tomb (when it was yet dark), discover that Jesus has already risen from the dead. To be continued.
Last edited:
Hi for_his_glory

Got that! But what day did Moses receive the law and on what day did the Jews start counting the first 6 days according to the Babylonian calendar. Was it Lunae when they got the law or was it Martis? Had they marched out into the wilderness and reached the mountain upon which God gave them the law on Mercurii or Jovis?

I mean the Scriptures tell us that Moses spent 40 days on the mountain. He then came down off the mountain and broke the first set of the commandments. So he then went back up the mountain and God made him another set which he then took down to the people and read to them. Did Moses come down from the mountain the second time exactly 7 days from he first journey down the mountain? What day of the week was it that Moses did that? Then, did the Israelites count the day in which Moses read them the law as the first day or did they assign some beginning point to start their counting of the first 6 days before their rest?

God bless,
Exo 19:1 In the third month, when the children of Israel were gone forth out of the land of Egypt, the same day came they into the wilderness of Sinai.

Exo 19:11 And be ready against the third day: for the third day the LORD will come down in the sight of all the people upon mount Sinai.
Exo 19:12 And thou shalt set bounds unto the people round about, saying, Take heed to yourselves, that ye go not up into the mount, or touch the border of it: whosoever toucheth the mount shall be surely put to death:

Nisan 16 Sabbath, Women rest the Sabbath Day, as per commandment, Second night and third day, Jesus was in the tomb, Matthew 12:40, Matthew 28:1, Luke 23:56, Nisan 17 Sunday Yeshua Rose From Dead!, Women visit tomb (when it was yet dark), discover that Jesus has already risen from the dead. To be continued.
Jesus meets Mary, and other women Jesus meets two disciples on way to Emmaus and meets with all disciples that evening. Matthew 28:2-10, Mark 16:1-14, Luke 24:1-49, John20:2, John 21:21.
Hi Jeff, In our study we find that: On April 5, 30 A.D., Jesus Christ was crucified on the 14th of Nisan, the day of the Passover sacrifice. But several other events happened that year, recorded in history,

The below article may be interesting,


Jesus instituted this New Testament ordinance on the eve of His death. It was the 14th Abib/Nisan, March/April Hebrew Lunar calendar. He was our Passover, sacrificed for us and He was sacrificed on the same exact day of the year that the Passover lambs always had been slain, Exodus 12:1-6. As the Old Testament Passover commemorated Israel’s deliverance from Egypt, a type of sin, so the New Testament Lord’s Supper is a continuation of the Passover with different emblems commemorates Jesus' death, and our deliverance from sin. Immediately after the last Supper, Jesus and His disciples went out to Gethsemane, where later that night, Judas Iscariot led the bloodthirsty mob who seized Jesus, and led him away to be crucified during the morning of the 14th day of the month of Abib. Matthew 26:1-5.​

The Passover is described in Exodus 12 being the 14th of the first month of the new year being Nisan (March April) according to the Jewish Lunar Solar Calendar. The Feast of Unleavened Bread is the 15th day of Nisan/April, Exodus 12:6, which begins Thursday after sundown and ends Friday at sundown. Nisan 15 being a Sabbath never changes even if current dates do not match up year after year.
Lunar calendar.jpg
Hi Jeff, In our study we find that: On April 5, 30 A.D., Jesus Christ was crucified on the 14th of Nisan, the day of the Passover sacrifice. But several other events happened that year, recorded in history,

The below article may be interesting,

I saved that and will read it when I get a chance. Was doing research on the calendars today and the day got away from me, lol.
Wow!!! And double Wow!

This sent chills down my spine.

. It means that the judgment made by the official Sanhedrin against Jesus within the Chamber of Hewn Stones, was THE LAST JUDGMENT ever given by the official Sanhedrin in their majestic chambers within the Temple! It would show that God the Father demonstrated by the earthquake at Christ’s death that the sentence of the Sanhedrin against Jesus would be the last judgment it would ever make in that authorized place!” – (p.231).

I studied the life of Hillel and how he came into the Sanhedrin. It’s noteworthy that on the religious issues raised to Jesus, he sides with Hillel on every instance outside of Divorce where he sides with Shemia.

That being said, when King Harod came into power, he killed any member of the Sanhedrin that opposed him, which was nearly all of the 70 which comprised the Sanhedrin. He then put “ yes” men in that position with no understanding of Torah. Keep in mind the Sanhedrin were similar to our Supreme Court.

This is where Hillel comes into the picture as he had been taught Torah by a very good and well known Rabbi and was able to assist the Sanhedrin.

Forward to Jesus crucifixion and what Josephus wrote, and I see that not only was it judgment against the Sanhedrin, but Harod as well.

Anyway, I’m going to finish the article. It is really, really good. Thank you for sharing.
You are giving me some new stuff to study, thanks stovebolts
3 days and three nights in the tomb.
Thursday 14 Nissan Crucifiction and put in tomb. Day 1
Thursday 15 Nissan Night 1
Friday 15 Nissan Day 2
Friday 16 Nissan Night 2
Saturday 16 Nissan Day 3
Saturday 17 Nissan Night 3
Sunday 17 Nissan Day 4

1 Corinthians 1:15:4 says Jesus rose on the third day. If Jesus was crucified on a Thursday, Sunday would be day 4. Day 3 would be Saturday. However, we loose Night 3 in this situation.

If you said Jesus was buried Friday and rose Sunday, you still have the issue of loosing that third night using the Jewish calendar.

However, as I mentioned earlier, the night of the 15th shares the day (combination of day and night) of the 14th so it would look like this.

Friday 14 day 1 and night 1 (shares the night of the 15th
Friday 15 night 2
Saturday 15 day 2
Saturday 16 night 3
Sunday 17 day 3
Hi for_his_glory

Thanks for that info. I had never really studied it, and even reading the supplied passages, I had never set the 3rd month and 3rd day against a Jewish calendar to see that those specified times wound up on what we now know as Saturday.

God bless,
How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
Hi jaybo,

I expect the correct answer to that would be zero. If angels, like humans, have any physical dimension, the description given of any one that we find in the Scriptures, wouldn't fit on the head of a pin.

So, I'm pretty sure that there is an answer to your question, just as for_his_glory has provided some documentary evidence to explain why the Sabbath wound up being Saturday. There are answers to most questions concerning reality.

God bless,
The Feast of Unleavened Bread is the 15th day of Nisan/April, Exodus 12:6, which begins Thursday after sundown and ends Friday at sundown. Nisan 15 being a Sabbath never changes even if current dates do not match up year after year.
The 14th can fall on any day of the week, however, the 15th is always a special Sabbath regardless if it falls on a Saturday or not because it’s the start of the Feast of Unleavened bread and is also the day Passover is eaten. (Leviticus 23)

You can search for a lunar calendar which shows the day Passover falls on each year. You’ll have to bounce that against the Babylonian calendar.