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Bible Study Is It Anything About The Sabbath That We Must Know?

3 days and three nights in the tomb.
Thursday 14 Nissan Crucifiction and put in tomb. Day 1
Thursday 15 Nissan Night 1
Friday 15 Nissan Day 2
Friday 16 Nissan Night 2
Saturday 16 Nissan Day 3
Saturday 17 Nissan Night 3
Sunday 17 Nissan Day 4

1 Corinthians 1:15:4 says Jesus rose on the third day. If Jesus was crucified on a Thursday, Sunday would be day 4. Day 3 would be Saturday. However, we loose Night 3 in this situation.

If you said Jesus was buried Friday and rose Sunday, you still have the issue of loosing that third night using the Jewish calendar.

However, as I mentioned earlier, the night of the 15th shares the day (combination of day and night) of the 14th so it would look like this.

Friday 14 day 1 and night 1 (shares the night of the 15th
Friday 15 night 2
Saturday 15 day 2
Saturday 16 night 3
Sunday 17 day 3
Hi Jeff, thank you for sharing, I'm saying that He was crucified on Nisan 14 Thursday, and Rose Nisan 17 Sunday according to those scriptures explained earlier.

Matthew 12:40

40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. › three-days-and-three-nightsThree Days and Three Nights: According to the Scriptures

Love, Walter and Debbie
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Hi for_his_glory

Thanks for that info. I had never really studied it, and even reading the supplied passages, I had never set the 3rd month and 3rd day against a Jewish calendar to see that those specified times wound up on what we now know as Saturday.

God bless,
I still have so much to sit down someday and study about all the different calendars as I didn't realize there were so many different ones.
The 14th can fall on any day of the week, however, the 15th is always a special Sabbath regardless if it falls on a Saturday or not because it’s the start of the Feast of Unleavened bread and is also the day Passover is eaten. (Leviticus 23)

You can search for a lunar calendar which shows the day Passover falls on each year. You’ll have to bounce that against the Babylonian calendar.
Post #131 is the only Lunar calendar I could find so far. I do not know what the year is for that one but it shows when the literal numbering of days were we can count the three nights and days. I think what we need to do is define the Saturday sabbath day of rest found in the ten commandments with that of the High Sabbath of Passover as they are different.
Wednesday the 12th Jesus was betrayed by Judas then arrested and brought before the Sanhedrin. Thursday the 13th very early in the morning Jesus was brought before Pilate who passed sentence on Jesus and according to Roman law He was scourged and nailed to the cross about the third hour (3:00 PM) and died at the ninth hour (6:00PM) the same day when the Passover lambs were killed, Exodus 12:1-6.

Jesus was laid in the borrowed tomb on Thursday the 13th in the evening before sunset making it the 1st day and the 1st night (14th) that He died. So we have Thursday being the first day and first night – Friday 2nd day and 2nd night – Saturday 3rd day 3rd night being raised sometime between Saturday after sunset and sunrise Sunday morning.

I'd like to put the full explanation of this in here, but it would take to long pages to read it all unless it would be alright with everyone.​
Wednesday the 12th Jesus was betrayed by Judas then arrested and brought before the Sanhedrin. Thursday the 13th very early in the morning Jesus was brought before Pilate who passed sentence on Jesus and according to Roman law He was scourged and nailed to the cross about the third hour (3:00 PM) and died at the ninth hour (6:00PM) the same day when the Passover lambs were killed, Exodus 12:1-6.

Jesus was laid in the borrowed tomb on Thursday the 13th in the evening before sunset making it the 1st day and the 1st night (14th) that He died. So we have Thursday being the first day and first night – Friday 2nd day and 2nd night – Saturday 3rd day 3rd night being raised sometime between Saturday after sunset and sunrise Sunday morning.

I'd like to put the full explanation of this in here, but it would take to long pages to read it all unless it would be alright with everyone.​
Hello for_his_glory, from our notes about Jesus Last Ten days, on Nisan 13 (Tuesday night, Wednesday)
Tuesday night Jesus eats last supper with His disciples, prays at Garden of Gethsemane, Betrayed by Judas, tried before Annas, Caiaphas, at night; tried next AM by Pilate at noon; given over to bestial Roman soldiers.

Matthew 26:20, Matthew 27:31, Mark 14:17-19, Luke 22:14, Luke 23:24, John13:1, John 19:15

Love, Walter
Hello for_his_glory, from our notes about Jesus Last Ten days, on Nisan 13 (Tuesday night, Wednesday)
Tuesday night Jesus eats last supper with His disciples, prays at Garden of Gethsemane, Betrayed by Judas, tried before Annas, Caiaphas, at night; tried next AM by Pilate at noon; given over to bestial Roman soldiers.

Matthew 26:20, Matthew 27:31, Mark 14:17-19, Luke 22:14, Luke 23:24, John13:1, John 19:15

Love, Walter
Where do you get that Jesus was tried at noon? Interesting.

By the dates on that calendar of the month of Nissan the original day of the 13 would have been Thursday even though it says April 18th. The numbers change every year, but not the days of the week. Originally on that day of the 13th it was Thursday afternoon around 3:00 when Jesus gave up the ghost.

I know no one owns a thread and nobody likes to read long post, but since you started this one do you mind if I post the full of this as it will no doubt be two pages long, but everyone can take their time reading it.
Where do you get that Jesus was tried at noon? Interesting.

By the dates on that calendar of the month of Nissan the original day of the 13 would have been Thursday even though it says April 18th. The numbers change every year, but not the days of the week. Originally on that day of the 13th it was Thursday afternoon around 3:00 when Jesus gave up the ghost.

I know no one owns a thread and nobody likes to read long post, but since you started this one do you mind if I post the full of this as it will no doubt be two pages long, but everyone can take their time reading it.
Hi for_his_glory, Pilate Tries Jesus: Mark 15:1-25

Post #131 is the only Lunar calendar I could find so far. I do not know what the year is for that one but it shows when the literal numbering of days were we can count the three nights and days. I think what we need to do is define the Saturday sabbath day of rest found in the ten commandments with that of the High Sabbath of Passover as they are different.
Here is a calendar showing the different days Passover would have fell on during Jesus ministry.
I’m unclear on how they view their days, but the options are either a Wednesday or Friday crucifixion. You can tell this chart prefers a Wednesday crucifixion which fell on 30 Ad. As you will read in the article I posted below, there are some historical challenges to picking 30 AD.

You can verify 14 Nissan falls on different days each year by searching

This article blurs Jewish days with our current days. There are other minor issues I could pick at, but what I want it to show is a Friday crucifixion based on Passover. You’ll note that AD 33 was picked as the year using scriptural references to biblical figures.
It looks like something I said earlier may have been incorrect.

I’ve stated many times that the Essenes used the Luner calendar while the Temple used the Babylonian calendar. I believe I was in error saying this.

According to this article, the Essenes used the solar calendar based off the book of Enoch and Jubilee.

To support WalterandDebbie , the article fixes Passover on Tuesday according to the solar calendar.

I’ll have to work this out with Jesus eating the Passover meal with his disciples using the solar calendar. That would put the crucification on a Wednesday which supports 30 AD.

Hebrew weekly Sabbath starts Friday night at sunset and ends Saturday night at sunset. This was a different Sabbath called a High Sabbath not like the weekly Sabbath. This High Sabbath began the first day at sunset through the last day at sunset during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Exodus 12:14, 15. Beginning the 14th at sunset making it Saturday the 15th to Friday the 21st at sunset. Passover is annual and not a weekly Sabbath as it is the High Sabbath that begins the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread and no one was to do any labor on that day as it was a day of holy assembling. Luke 23:52-54; John 19:31, 42; Leviticus 23:6-8.

Seeing that this was a High Sabbath that started at sunset on the 14th making it Saturday, the beginning day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread would have been prepared on Wednesday the 12th that Jesus ate supper with His disciples being the last supper, not the Passover Seder. On the 12th at sunset begins Thursday the 13th being the Fast of the Firstborn.

Wednesday the 12th after the disciples sat and ate with Jesus in the evening being the last supper Jesus would eat with them being in the very place in the upper room where they were told by Jesus to prepare the Passover meal. The disciples went with Him that evening, possibly after sunset making it Thursday the 13th (some call it Maundy Thursday) as He went to pray in the garden in Gethsemane.
(Note: this was not the Passover Seder, but only the last supper Jesus would eat with His disciples. Passover meal would not begin until after sunset on Friday the 14th when the 15th day begins at sunset at the end of the 14th)

Wednesday the 12th Jesus was betrayed by Judas then arrested and brought before the Sanhedrin. Thursday the 13th very early in the morning Jesus was brought before Pilate who passed sentence on Jesus and according to Roman law He was scourged and nailed to the cross about the third hour (3:00 PM) and died at the ninth hour (6:00PM) the same day when the Passover lambs were killed, Exodus 12:1-6.

Jesus was laid in the borrowed tomb on Thursday the 13th in the evening before sunset making it the 1st day and the 1st night (14th) that He died. So we have Thursday being the first day and first night – Friday 2nd day and 2nd night – Saturday 3rd day 3rd night being raised sometime between Saturday after sunset and sunrise Sunday morning.

According to Leviticus 23:5-8 The Passover feast is a different day then the Feast of Unleavened Bread as it was eaten in the evening of the 14th before the Lord passed over Egypt on the 15th.

Leviticus 23:5 In the fourteenth day of the first month at even is the LORD's passover. 6 And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread unto the LORD: seven days ye must eat unleavened bread. 7 In the first day ye shall have an holy convocation: ye shall do no servile work therein. 8 But ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD seven days: in the seventh day is an holy convocation: ye shall do no servile work therein.

The thing is we have to go by the calendar and the numbering of days God established with Moses and Aaron as those days and dates never change, Exodus 12:1-6. It was the Babylonians that gave names to the days of the week from Tuesday to Saturday after the five planetary bodies and after the sun and moon being Sunday and Monday. This custom was later adopted by the Romans.

The 10th day would have been a Monday that God established with Moses and Aaron as the day they were to take a lamb and keep it until the 14th being a Friday, even though the calendar changes year after year, but never God establishing the days or dates in the beginning with Moses and Aaron with the cycle of the moon's phases. It's like the Lunar Calendar I already posted as this would have been the one God established with the actual dates, but yet showing how those days and dates changed.

They shall keep their lambs until Friday the 14th and kill them in the evening as the lambs were sacrificed (prepared, day of preparation) on the 14th, but the Passover meal was not eaten until the 15th around midnight as God passed over Egypt. On the 14th in the even the lambs were slaughtered and they would have to let the blood drain out and collect it before they roasted them. It takes four to five hours to roast a lamb and since they were to eat this Passover meal around midnight before the Lord Passover this possibly started right before sunset and all finished before midnight being he 15th. This could be a reason why the Jews say the 14th ran into the 15th before midnight.

I can only assume it was right around sunset when they killed their lambs making it the early beginning of Saturday the 15th as this might be considered to be the 14th and 15th. Then they were instructed to spread the blood on the two side post and on the upper door post in preparation for God passing over Egypt (Passover at midnight on Saturday the 15th.

Being this was the Lord's Passover meal eaten with unleavened bread to be prepared and eaten that night with nothing left over before morning as they had to be prepared to flee in haste in the morning which would have made it sunrise on the 16th being a Sunday this was the memorial God said to keep throughout all the generations.

Go back to Matthew 26 beginning with vs. 17 as this is a reference to Exodus 12:6 which says the lamb's were killed in the evening of the 14th. This supper Jesus had with His disciples did not take place on the first night of passover being the 15th. Jesus was tried, killed and buried before the day of Passover that began after sunset making it Saturday the 15th before Passover began.​
It looks like something I said earlier may have been incorrect.

I’ve stated many times that the Essenes used the Luner calendar while the Temple used the Babylonian calendar. I believe I was in error saying this.

According to this article, the Essenes used the solar calendar based off the book of Enoch and Jubilee.

To support WalterandDebbie , the article fixes Passover on Tuesday according to the solar calendar.

I’ll have to work this out with Jesus eating the Passover meal with his disciples using the solar calendar. That would put the crucification on a Wednesday which supports 30 AD.

I saved that article to read in full later. In researching the calendars, or I should say beginning my research as I haven't had to much time yet, I never realized how many different calendars there are, Blows my mind, but yet is going to be a good study someday.
Hebrew weekly Sabbath starts Friday night at sunset and ends Saturday night at sunset. This was a different Sabbath called a High Sabbath not like the weekly Sabbath. This High Sabbath began the first day at sunset through the last day at sunset during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Exodus 12:14, 15. Beginning the 14th at sunset making it Saturday the 15th to Friday the 21st at sunset. Passover is annual and not a weekly Sabbath as it is the High Sabbath that begins the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread and no one was to do any labor on that day as it was a day of holy assembling. Luke 23:52-54; John 19:31, 42; Leviticus 23:6-8.

Seeing that this was a High Sabbath that started at sunset on the 14th making it Saturday, the beginning day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread would have been prepared on Wednesday the 12th that Jesus ate supper with His disciples being the last supper, not the Passover Seder. On the 12th at sunset begins Thursday the 13th being the Fast of the Firstborn.

Wednesday the 12th after the disciples sat and ate with Jesus in the evening being the last supper Jesus would eat with them being in the very place in the upper room where they were told by Jesus to prepare the Passover meal. The disciples went with Him that evening, possibly after sunset making it Thursday the 13th (some call it Maundy Thursday) as He went to pray in the garden in Gethsemane.
(Note: this was not the Passover Seder, but only the last supper Jesus would eat with His disciples. Passover meal would not begin until after sunset on Friday the 14th when the 15th day begins at sunset at the end of the 14th)

Wednesday the 12th Jesus was betrayed by Judas then arrested and brought before the Sanhedrin. Thursday the 13th very early in the morning Jesus was brought before Pilate who passed sentence on Jesus and according to Roman law He was scourged and nailed to the cross about the third hour (3:00 PM) and died at the ninth hour (6:00PM) the same day when the Passover lambs were killed, Exodus 12:1-6.

Jesus was laid in the borrowed tomb on Thursday the 13th in the evening before sunset making it the 1st day and the 1st night (14th) that He died. So we have Thursday being the first day and first night – Friday 2nd day and 2nd night – Saturday 3rd day 3rd night being raised sometime between Saturday after sunset and sunrise Sunday morning.

According to Leviticus 23:5-8 The Passover feast is a different day then the Feast of Unleavened Bread as it was eaten in the evening of the 14th before the Lord passed over Egypt on the 15th.

Leviticus 23:5 In the fourteenth day of the first month at even is the LORD's passover. 6 And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread unto the LORD: seven days ye must eat unleavened bread. 7 In the first day ye shall have an holy convocation: ye shall do no servile work therein. 8 But ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD seven days: in the seventh day is an holy convocation: ye shall do no servile work therein.

The thing is we have to go by the calendar and the numbering of days God established with Moses and Aaron as those days and dates never change, Exodus 12:1-6. It was the Babylonians that gave names to the days of the week from Tuesday to Saturday after the five planetary bodies and after the sun and moon being Sunday and Monday. This custom was later adopted by the Romans.

The 10th day would have been a Monday that God established with Moses and Aaron as the day they were to take a lamb and keep it until the 14th being a Friday, even though the calendar changes year after year, but never God establishing the days or dates in the beginning with Moses and Aaron with the cycle of the moon's phases. It's like the Lunar Calendar I already posted as this would have been the one God established with the actual dates, but yet showing how those days and dates changed.

They shall keep their lambs until Friday the 14th and kill them in the evening as the lambs were sacrificed (prepared, day of preparation) on the 14th, but the Passover meal was not eaten until the 15th around midnight as God passed over Egypt. On the 14th in the even the lambs were slaughtered and they would have to let the blood drain out and collect it before they roasted them. It takes four to five hours to roast a lamb and since they were to eat this Passover meal around midnight before the Lord Passover this possibly started right before sunset and all finished before midnight being he 15th. This could be a reason why the Jews say the 14th ran into the 15th before midnight.

I can only assume it was right around sunset when they killed their lambs making it the early beginning of Saturday the 15th as this might be considered to be the 14th and 15th. Then they were instructed to spread the blood on the two side post and on the upper door post in preparation for God passing over Egypt (Passover at midnight on Saturday the 15th.

Being this was the Lord's Passover meal eaten with unleavened bread to be prepared and eaten that night with nothing left over before morning as they had to be prepared to flee in haste in the morning which would have made it sunrise on the 16th being a Sunday this was the memorial God said to keep throughout all the generations.

Go back to Matthew 26 beginning with vs. 17 as this is a reference to Exodus 12:6 which says the lamb's were killed in the evening of the 14th. This supper Jesus had with His disciples did not take place on the first night of passover being the 15th. Jesus was tried, killed and buried before the day of Passover that began after sunset making it Saturday the 15th before Passover began.​
Hello for_his_glory, how are you all? great post, thank you for sharing.

Here is a calendar showing the different days Passover would have fell on during Jesus ministry.
I’m unclear on how they view their days, but the options are either a Wednesday or Friday crucifixion. You can tell this chart prefers a Wednesday crucifixion which fell on 30 Ad. As you will read in the article I posted below, there are some historical challenges to picking 30 AD.
View attachment 14565

You can verify 14 Nissan falls on different days each year by searching

This article blurs Jewish days with our current days. There are other minor issues I could pick at, but what I want it to show is a Friday crucifixion based on Passover. You’ll note that AD 33 was picked as the year using scriptural references to biblical figures.
I did check out chabad but could not find the calendar I was looking for like the one I posted. Haven't had a whole lot of time running Steve back and forth to doc appointments, but we are almost finally done now. Just a couple more next month. I'll be glad when he is allowed to drive again and go back to work. Been a ruff 6 months.
Hebrew weekly Sabbath starts Friday night at sunset and ends Saturday night at sunset. This was a different Sabbath called a High Sabbath not like the weekly Sabbath. This High Sabbath began the first day at sunset through the last day at sunset during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Exodus 12:14, 15. Beginning the 14th at sunset making it Saturday the 15th to Friday the 21st at sunset. Passover is annual and not a weekly Sabbath as it is the High Sabbath that begins the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread and no one was to do any labor on that day as it was a day of holy assembling. Luke 23:52-54; John 19:31, 42; Leviticus 23:6-8.

Seeing that this was a High Sabbath that started at sunset on the 14th making it Saturday, the beginning day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread would have been prepared on Wednesday the 12th that Jesus ate supper with His disciples being the last supper, not the Passover Seder. On the 12th at sunset begins Thursday the 13th being the Fast of the Firstborn.

Wednesday the 12th after the disciples sat and ate with Jesus in the evening being the last supper Jesus would eat with them being in the very place in the upper room where they were told by Jesus to prepare the Passover meal. The disciples went with Him that evening, possibly after sunset making it Thursday the 13th (some call it Maundy Thursday) as He went to pray in the garden in Gethsemane.
(Note: this was not the Passover Seder, but only the last supper Jesus would eat with His disciples. Passover meal would not begin until after sunset on Friday the 14th when the 15th day begins at sunset at the end of the 14th)

Wednesday the 12th Jesus was betrayed by Judas then arrested and brought before the Sanhedrin. Thursday the 13th very early in the morning Jesus was brought before Pilate who passed sentence on Jesus and according to Roman law He was scourged and nailed to the cross about the third hour (3:00 PM) and died at the ninth hour (6:00PM) the same day when the Passover lambs were killed, Exodus 12:1-6.

Jesus was laid in the borrowed tomb on Thursday the 13th in the evening before sunset making it the 1st day and the 1st night (14th) that He died. So we have Thursday being the first day and first night – Friday 2nd day and 2nd night – Saturday 3rd day 3rd night being raised sometime between Saturday after sunset and sunrise Sunday morning.

According to Leviticus 23:5-8 The Passover feast is a different day then the Feast of Unleavened Bread as it was eaten in the evening of the 14th before the Lord passed over Egypt on the 15th.

Leviticus 23:5 In the fourteenth day of the first month at even is the LORD's passover. 6 And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread unto the LORD: seven days ye must eat unleavened bread. 7 In the first day ye shall have an holy convocation: ye shall do no servile work therein. 8 But ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD seven days: in the seventh day is an holy convocation: ye shall do no servile work therein.

The thing is we have to go by the calendar and the numbering of days God established with Moses and Aaron as those days and dates never change, Exodus 12:1-6. It was the Babylonians that gave names to the days of the week from Tuesday to Saturday after the five planetary bodies and after the sun and moon being Sunday and Monday. This custom was later adopted by the Romans.

The 10th day would have been a Monday that God established with Moses and Aaron as the day they were to take a lamb and keep it until the 14th being a Friday, even though the calendar changes year after year, but never God establishing the days or dates in the beginning with Moses and Aaron with the cycle of the moon's phases. It's like the Lunar Calendar I already posted as this would have been the one God established with the actual dates, but yet showing how those days and dates changed.

They shall keep their lambs until Friday the 14th and kill them in the evening as the lambs were sacrificed (prepared, day of preparation) on the 14th, but the Passover meal was not eaten until the 15th around midnight as God passed over Egypt. On the 14th in the even the lambs were slaughtered and they would have to let the blood drain out and collect it before they roasted them. It takes four to five hours to roast a lamb and since they were to eat this Passover meal around midnight before the Lord Passover this possibly started right before sunset and all finished before midnight being he 15th. This could be a reason why the Jews say the 14th ran into the 15th before midnight.

I can only assume it was right around sunset when they killed their lambs making it the early beginning of Saturday the 15th as this might be considered to be the 14th and 15th. Then they were instructed to spread the blood on the two side post and on the upper door post in preparation for God passing over Egypt (Passover at midnight on Saturday the 15th.

Being this was the Lord's Passover meal eaten with unleavened bread to be prepared and eaten that night with nothing left over before morning as they had to be prepared to flee in haste in the morning which would have made it sunrise on the 16th being a Sunday this was the memorial God said to keep throughout all the generations.

Go back to Matthew 26 beginning with vs. 17 as this is a reference to Exodus 12:6 which says the lamb's were killed in the evening of the 14th. This supper Jesus had with His disciples did not take place on the first night of passover being the 15th. Jesus was tried, killed and buried before the day of Passover that began after sunset making it Saturday the 15th before Passover began.​
I didn't want to give a reply to every section of your reply, but I will be touching on many things which we all agree on and understand.
To set a base...
Passover always falls on the 14th of Nissan and is eaten on the 15th of Nissan.

Exodus 12:6-8 And ye shall keep it up until the fourteenth day of the same month: and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening. And they shall take of the blood, and strike it on the two side posts and on the upper door post of the houses, wherein they shall eat it. And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roast with fire, and unleavened bread; and with bitter herbs they shall eat it.

The 'evening' (also translated as twilight) is still the 14th. the 'night' is the 15th.
Leviticus 23:5 demarks the 14th and the slaughtering of the lamb at twighlight and Leviticus 23:6 demarks the 15th where the festival of unleavened bread starts.

In this article, you will also note how they call the 14th a 'Long Day'. In essence, as far as passover, 'that night' also belongs to the 14th
Leviticus 7:15 is also associated with the Passover commandments.

Exodus 12:8-10 And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roast with fire, and unleavened bread; and with bitter herbs they shall eat it. Eat not of it raw, nor sodden at all with water, but roast with fire; his head with his legs, and with the purtenance thereof. And ye shall let nothing of it remain until the morning; and that which remaineth of it until the morning ye shall burn with fire.

Leviticus 7:15 And the flesh of the sacrifice of his peace offerings for thanksgiving shall be eaten the same day that it is offered; he shall not leave any of it until the morning.

It is these two verses that primarily make up for the 'one long day' which means the night of the 15th is also the second night for the 14th because the second night of the 14th belongs to the day the lamb was slaughtered (Leviticus 7:15 - Exodus 12:8-10).

Now, concerning Passover days, they can fall on any given day of the week depending on the lunar cycle. here are the days for upcoming Passovers. We see that in 2023, 14 Nissan falls on a Wednesday.

Here is another lunar calendar that shows Nissan 14 from AD 22 - AD 36 and as the calendar shows, Passover falls on different days of the week each year. The two viable years for the crucifixion are AD 30 which fell on a Wednesday and AD 33 which fell on a Friday.
In addition, between AD 22 and AD36 Passover did not fall on a Thursday which pretty much eliminates Thursday as the day of Jesus Crucifixion.

How does the Sabbath play into all of this?
Let's say you opted for a Wednesday, 14 Nissan Crucifixion. The 15th would start the feast of unleavened bread which means Thursday would be a special sabbath (Leviticus 23:7)
Hi for_his_glory, Pilate Tries Jesus: Mark 15:1-25

I'm going to have to recalculate the third hour of the day as I think I stated Jesus was crucified at 3PM> This is what I found on

The hour has a special meaning in Jewish law. "The third hour of the day" doesn't mean 3:00 a.m., or three sixty-minute hours after sunrise. Rather, an hour in halacha is calculated by taking the total time of daylight of a particular day, from sunrise until sunset,1 and dividing it into twelve equal parts. A halachic hour is thus known as a sha'ah zemanit, or proportional hour, and varies by the season and even by the day.

For example, on a day when the sun rises at 5 a.m. and sets at 7:30 p.m., one sha'ah zemanit, or proportional hour, will be 72.5 minutes long. The third hour of the day will come to a close at 8:37:30 a.m.

This information is important because many observances in Jewish law are performed at specific times during the day. The calculation of these halachic times, known as zmanim ("times"), depends on the length of the daylight hours in that locale.

For more information regarding the various halachic times of the day, as well as some of their associated mitzvot, see About Zmanim.

To find out the halachic times for any location, see Zmanim-Halachic Times.

I'm going to have to recalculate the third hour of the day as I think I stated Jesus was crucified at 3PM> This is what I found on

The hour has a special meaning in Jewish law. "The third hour of the day" doesn't mean 3:00 a.m., or three sixty-minute hours after sunrise. Rather, an hour in halacha is calculated by taking the total time of daylight of a particular day, from sunrise until sunset,1 and dividing it into twelve equal parts. A halachic hour is thus known as a sha'ah zemanit, or proportional hour, and varies by the season and even by the day.

For example, on a day when the sun rises at 5 a.m. and sets at 7:30 p.m., one sha'ah zemanit, or proportional hour, will be 72.5 minutes long. The third hour of the day will come to a close at 8:37:30 a.m.

This information is important because many observances in Jewish law are performed at specific times during the day. The calculation of these halachic times, known as zmanim ("times"), depends on the length of the daylight hours in that locale.

For more information regarding the various halachic times of the day, as well as some of their associated mitzvot, see About Zmanim.

To find out the halachic times for any location, see Zmanim-Halachic Times.

Mark 15:24-25 Jesus is crucified at the third hour/9 AM from the below-linked calendar,


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Hello for_his_glory, how are you all? great post, thank you for sharing.

We are muddling through it all. Last doc appointment today until Oct. Will be a nice break from running most everyday. Steve will not be released back to work until he sees Neurology in Oct if he can ever work again we do not know yet. Working on his long term disability through his job and so many hold ups. It's hard, but God always has a way of taking us to the edge and then grabs us before we fall off. Just keep praying for us as it will all work out eventually.

Praying all is well with you :)