Karl said this to me in another thread:
...so what I see you both saying, please don't get angry, is you are eternally secure, but maybe not others, so you personally believe in OSAS for yourselves, but not for others.
The reason I asked the question is because I was saved in a denomination that believed that after a person was born again they could lose their salvation, ...again, I don't want to debate doctrine, ...I want to talk about the results of that doctrine, as a young dumb and stupid baby child of God I made all of the common newbie mistakes, pastor worship, denomination worship, we were the only ones that had the truth, all during my two and a half years there, ...I never had any assurance of my salvation, I also was in charge of the youth and most of them were scared and without assurance of their salvation, ...why, because we knew and understood the undescribable horror and terror and finality of the Lake of Fire, we never had peace, we had occasional moments when we were distracted and didn't think about it, but no real peace like the Word promises,
...now I hope you understand the reason I asked my question and I also hope you understand my saying you don'tpersonally believe you can lose your salvation, so may I humbly and in the love of Christ ask you to please reconsider talking about a person losing their salvation if you don't believe it personally for yourselves, it can do great damage and destroy someone's faith.
Instead of salving people's conscience about the assurance of a salvation they may or may not really have, shouldn't we instead be teaching them what the Bible says on how to 'make your calling and election sure' to know if you are really saved or not?
Do you think teaching OSAS is how you comfort someone in a salvation they may or may not have? Or do you think we should teach people how to know they are really saved and have them find the comfort and assurance of their salvation that way?