- Apr 22, 2011
- 30,705
- 16,341
What we are called of God to do in Matthew 28:19 is to preach the gospel of God's grace as we bring hope to a hurting world. We speak the words of God and not the words that come from man made denominations/non-denominations as God is not about organized religions, but is all about having fellowship with Him and having a personal relationship with His Son Christ Jesus. It is only those through the Spiritual rebirth Jesus was teaching Nicodemus in John 3:1-21 who can enter the kingdom of God as only Jesus is the way, the truth and the light no man comes unto the Father, but by Christ Jesus, John 14:6.Do you want me to write the truth about that verse? If you say yes, I will do it to prove you that I can answered all questions BIBLICAL.
No one nor does any religion have all the Biblical answers or holds all truths as no one could ever exhaust all the teachings that God gives us through His Holy Spirit that teaches us all truths as we are ever learning.